What is Archaeology?
Archaeology is a discipline that is closely associated with Science
Archaeology is a discipline that is closely associated with Geography
Archaeology is a discipline that is closely associated with History
Archaeologists are primarily concerned with uncovering written evidence.
What type of people are in an a group of archaeologists?
Archaeologists look for most of the material fossil and DNA( material, fossil and DNA ) evidence and historians look for most of the written evidence
What is Mohenjo - Daro
It is the largest most complex city in India
It is the smallest most complex city in Africa
It is the largest most complex city in Asia
Is Mohenjo - Daro an ancient city?
How large was Mohenjo - Daro
250 hexteds
680 hexteds
350 hexteds
Archaeologists face many difficulties?
The two types of dating are dating and dating
Archaeology is ❌ concerned.
Varves are rare ice sheets found in deserts.
When was ancient Troy evacuated?
In how many stages were Troy evacuated in?
7 stages
13 stages
4 stages
3 stages
5 stages
Dating helps form a chronology.
What is relative dating?
A close examination of an object
A close examination of a weapon
A close examination of an artefact
What are the 3 types of relative dating?
Absolute dating is a more ancient way of material evidence
Some examples of absolute dating are, analysis of an calendar and scientific analysis of .
mohenjo - daro was dated in 1800 - 2600
Why do they use materials to see if it is worth evacuating?
It is easier
It is too expensive
It is a more scientific option