What does CPU stand for?
What is the CPU?
Which cycle best describes the CPU?
In the CPU, What does FETCH mean?
In the CPU, What does DECODE mean?
What is the Control Unit?
What is ALU?
What are registers in the CPU and what are they used for?
What are Buses and what are they used for within the CPU process.
What is Clock Speed?
What is Clock Speed Measured In?
Increasing the speed of the CPU is called Overclocking, it being faster is an advantage, but what are the disadvantages?
Why do Fans or Heat Scores Need to be connected to the CPU?
What is a Clock Chip?
If a computer is Duel-Core what does this mean?
What is the Cache Memory?
What are the 4 types of Cache Memory?
What does ROM stand for?
What does RAM stand for?
Properties of RAM
Properties of ROM
What does more RAM mean?
(In terms of performance)
RAM is Volatile, What does this mean?
ROM is non-volatile, What does this mean?
If 1 is inputted what is Outputted?