Created by scott.james.smit
over 11 years ago
IRC v Broadway Cottages
Re Benjamin
McPhail v Doulton
mere power of T (fiduciary power)
Re Hay's Settlement Trusts
Re Gestner Settlement
IRC v Broadway Cottages
Re Gulbenkian's Settlement Trusts
Re Baden No.2
personal power
Administrative unworkability
Paul v Constance
R v District Auditors ex parte West Yorkshire CC
Trust Document Solutions to problems of uncertainty
what is a bare trust
what is a fixed trust
How to create a simple trust
what is a discretionary trust?
power of appointment
what is the difference between a discretionary trust and a power of appointment?
Rule in
Saunders v Vautier
Paul v Paul
what does constituting the trust mean?
LPA 1925 s53(1)(b)
Milroy v Lord
Re Rose
Knight v Knight