Created by Jonathan Bugeya Miller
almost 9 years ago
Which group survived the longest?
Homo Erectus
Homo Sapiens
What is the oldest species of humans?
What are the 7 Criteria of a civilization?
Examples of Merchants and Trade?
Examples of specialization?
Examples of Central Government?
Examples of State Religion?
Examples of Class Structure?
Examples of Agricultural Intensification?
Examples of Science + Writing?
Define Paleolithic?
Define Neolithic?
Define Megalith?
Define Ziggurats?
What are the four main original civilizations in Mesopotamia?
Put them in order from first to last
What surrounds Mesopotamia?
What do the rivers that surround Mesopotamia provide?
What is Mesopotamia now?
Who is Hammurabi?
What is the Great Leap forward?
What does specialization require to happen and what are some jobs that came with it?