Created by Morgan Morgan
about 11 years ago
Characteristics of the nervous system?
2 parts of the nervous system?
Nervous tissue contains ......and .......cells.
A neuron contains a
Central nervous system operates the ......and......
The peripheral nervous system consists of
Two types of nerve axon?
The axons responsible for transmitting action potentials from body parts (periphery) to the CNS are called?
The axons responsible for transmitting action potentials from the CNS to body parts (periphery)?
Types of sensory information analysed by the brain?
Not all skin areas have the same number of sensory receptors. The area of skin supplied by a single sensory neuron is called a
The ability to localise a particular sensation depends on?
Not all sensations stay constant over a period of time. e.g. touch, smell and temperature. If the sensation is not harmful, the number of action potentials in the sensory nerve decrease with time. This is called
To produce.......movement action potentials are sent....the spinal cord from the brain.
Sensory.......transmit AP's from specialised nerve endings to the spinal......
....then travel up the spinal cord to the brain for analysis.
How many pairs of spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord?
In what order do the regions of the spinal cord occur?
The spinal cord contains a .....core and a .......perimeter.
The gray matter contains....
The white matter contains
Certain kinds of input, in addition to being sent to the brain, can trigger an automatic response from the spinal cord. This is called a
Examples of reflexes
A reflex is made up of 3 parts?
An input is an ?
A relay is ?
Output is the
5 Steps in a stretch reflex?
What would be the normal latency of the knee jerk reflex?
Two major descending or motor pathways exist. These are?
The ...........pathway is important for precise control of movement.
The.........pathways are for control of posture and movement of whole limbs.
The ........hand side of the brain controls movements and interprets sensory information from the.....side of the body.
............. of the nerve axons must occur
Before sensory information can be identified, e.g pain or touch, ........must be transmitted to the brain. The route followed depends on the type of input. ...neurons are involved and .......over occurs
Two major ascending sensory pathways exist which are?
Dorsal columns deal with what senses?
Spinothalamic pathway deals with which senses?
Photorecptors respond to?
Mechanoreceptors respond to?
Thermoreceptors respond to ?
Nociceptors respond to ?
Chemoreceptors respond to?
Cutaneous receptors respond to?
Examples of cutaneous receptors?
Meissner corpuscle is.......adapting. It responds to ..........and.......touch.
A ruffini ending is enclosed in a ....filled capsule. It responds to ..........touch and is ......adapting.
Pacinian corpuscle has ....filled layers. Has structure. Responds to....... and adapts.......
Free nerve ending has.....ends of dendtrites, senses.....and..........Is......adapting.
Krause corpuscle - similar to .......corpuscles........adapting.
Hair follicle - dendrites wrapped around hair. Senses movement in.......Adapts.......
Merkle's discs are .........disk like epithelial cells. Respond to .......touch. Are........adapting.
There are....pairs of cervical spinal nerves
There are ......pairs of thoracic spinal nerves.
There are ...pairs of lumbar spinal nerves.
There are ....pairs of sacral spinal nerves.
There is...pair of coccygeal spinal nerves.