Created by Morgan Morgan
about 11 years ago
2 basic types of muscle?
2 types of striated muscle are?
The organisation of muscle is
A muscle cell is called a
Myofibril is composed of what two types of filaments?
The thick filament is composed of
The thin filament is composed of
The myosin binding site is covered by
A sarcomere is a basic unit of
In a contracted muscle the .......shortens
The shortening has occurred by the ....and....sliding past each other.
How does this sliding occur?
The interation is due to the ........heads.
The cross bridge cycle is when the ?
Which steps of the cross bridge cycle require ATP?
In rigor mortis there is no....available.
The crossbridge cycle causes actin and myosin to slide past each other. This is known as the ......................of muscle contraction
Which two proteins regulate the sliding filament processes?
In order to regulate the sliding filament processes, these proteins require the presence of ?
Calcium ions are released from the intracellular stores within the?
Muscle contraction is regulated by ?
What type of tubules run from the muscle fibre surface to the deeper portions of the muscle fibre?
A single contraction is known as a
A muscle twitch lasts about
Tetanic contractions?
The length of the muscle fibres is also important. This is known as the .....
Two much overlap of the sarcomeres results in .....force generated.
Optimum overlap of the sarcomeres results in .....force generation.
Less overlap of the sarcomeres results in .....force generation.
Which type of muscle is multinucleated?
Which type of muscle has irregular, branched shaped muscle cells?
Which type of muscle cell is non-striated?
Which type of muscle cells contract under voluntary control?
Which types of muscle contract under involuntary control?
Which muscle cells are autorhythmic?
Which muscle cells are found in the walls of hollow organs?
Which muscle cells are elongated, cylindrical cells?
Which muscle type has adjacent cells which are joined by intercalated discs?
The functional unit of contraction is called the
Muscle contraction steps.