Created by Morgan Morgan
about 11 years ago
Action potentials are produced when
Positive feedback is switched off when the membrane voltage reaches what level?
Only when the stimulus strength is at a certain level is an action potential generated. This level is called the?
The threshold voltage is
Once APs are generated they are always of the same size, even though the stimulus strength might increase. This is...
Action potentials can code?
Information is coded by sequences or trains of APs. Information can be coded in the ....
Only when two stimuli are separated by a sufficient time interval will a.....AP be generated after the first.
The time interval is about
This period is known as the
Action potentials move from one end of the nerve axon to the other. This is called....
In some nerves the axon is surrounded by a sheath of fatty material called...
Myelin is produced by
Myelin acts as an
The myelin sheath is interrupted by gaps called the ....
Action potentials are therefore ONLY generated at the ......in a myelinated nerve.
Aps appear to jump from one node to the next. This is known as
The larger the diameter of the nerve axon....
The fastest nerves are
The slowest nerves are
What happens when the AP reaches the axon terminals?
Examples of neurotransmitters?
A nerve junction is called a
A muscle junction is called a
Absolute refractory period
Relative refractory period