Created by Morgan Morgan
about 11 years ago
If energy intake = energy expenditure subject is in
If energy intake is greater than energy expenditure the subject is
If energy intake is less than energy expenditure, the is subject is
Energy is available from 4 sources?
The gross energy value of food is measured by a
You need an excess of around 8000kcal to gain
An average 25 year old female needs to consume how many calories per day?
An average 25 year old male needs to consume how many calories per day?
3 components of total energy expenditure?
Basal metabolic rate accounts for what percentage of TEE?
Minimal energy to survive is called the ?
Physical activity accounts for what percentage of TEE?
Thermic effect of food accounts for what percentage of TEE?
Thermic effect of food means?
Factors affecting the basal metabolic rate?
Direct Calorimetry means?
Indirect Calorimetry
95% of all metabolic reactions require ?
What percentage of CHO, FAT and protein should be in your diet?
3 types of carbohydrates?
What is the storage from of CHO (carbohydrate) in animals?
Where is glycogen stored?
Liver glycogen helps to maintain what between meals?
3 classes of lipids (fats)?
Triglycerides are stored in the body in what type of tissue?
Triglycerides are composed of what?
Phospholipids are composed of a?
What are steroids composed of?
Examples of steroids?
Proteins are a source of
Proteins are only used once fat and carbs have been used up?
Proteins are made up from combinations of how many amino acids?
Primary structure of protein?
Secondary structure of protein?
Tertiary structure of protein?
Quaternary structure?
Most enzymes are what type of protein?
Most enzymes stabalise at which temperature?
Enzyme denatures at around which temperature?
Factors affecting enzyme activity?
Enzymes only function within a.............PH range
ATP stands for ?
ATP production is known as
Only a small amount of ATP can be stored in the body (..g), but the body may use ...g per hour.
Anaerobic activities are what type of activities?
Aerobic activities are
When oxygen supply meets oxygen demand this is known as a
How many ATP are produced from 1 molecule of glucose?
3 stages of ATP production?
Where does glycolysis take place?
Where does the Kreb's cycle take place?
Where does the electron transport chain take place?
If no oxygen is present, pyruvic acid is converted to ....
Kreb's cycle
Electron transport chain
A douglas bag is used in .......
For every litre of oxygen used, the body uses.... or ....kj of energy.
The percentage of oxygen in inspired air is....
Measuring metabolic rate calculation.