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Test mit den letzten 14 multiple choice fragen

Created by ludwig.alwin over 8 years ago

Netzwerke 2ter Test 14 Fragen 4 (nur multiple choice)

Question 1 of 14


What is the meaning of an acknowledgement number N in the TCP header? Check all that apply:

Select one or more of the following:

  • The number of correctly received TCP segments

  • All TCP segments up to number N-1 are received correctly

  • All bytes up to number N-1 are received correctly

  • The size of the available receive buffer in bytes

  • The sequence number of the first byte in the next expected segment


Question 2 of 14


Over which portions is the checksum within the TCP header calculated?

Select one or more of the following:

  • TCP header + TCP data

  • IP header + TCP header + TCP data

  • Pseudo IP header + TCP header

  • Pseudo IP header + TCP header + TCP data

  • Ethernet header + Pseudo IP header + TCP header + TCP data

  • Ethernet header + Pseudo IP header + TCP header


Question 3 of 14


Which standard applications use TCP? Check all that applies:

Select one or more of the following:

  • TFTP

  • FTP

  • LDAP

  • HTTP


  • Email (SMTP, POP, IMAP)

  • ARP


Question 4 of 14


How is the application process addressed? Check all that applies:

Select one or more of the following:

  • UDP segment number

  • IP identification number

  • Process identification number, ports number and sockets


Question 5 of 14


List at least 3 internet applications and their corresponding port numbers
HTTP - 80
Telnet - 23
SMTP - 25
SSH - 22
DNS - 53
IMAP - 220

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 6 of 14


Which statements on port numbers are correct? Check all that applies:

Select one or more of the following:

  • TCP/IP port numbers are 32 bit numbers

  • TCP/IP port numbers are 2 byte numbers

  • A HTTP-client uses port number 80

  • A HTTP-client may use port number 8000

  • A HTTP-client may use port number 80 000

  • The default HTTP server port number is 80


Question 7 of 14


Which statements on well-known and ephemeral ports are correct? Check all that applies:

Select one or more of the following:

  • 80 is a well-known port number

  • 1000 is an ephemeral port number

  • Well-known ports are uniquely assigned by IANA to certain application layer services at servers

  • Registered port numbers can be used by internet clients

  • Client processes must use well-known ports


Question 8 of 14


Which statements on sockets are correct? Check all that applies:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Each side of a TCP connection has a socket which can be identified by the following triple
    < TCP, TCP segment number, IP address >

  • Each side of a TCP connection has a socket which can be identified by the following triple
    < Port number, TCP segment number, IP address >

  • Each side of a TCP connection has a socket which can be identified by the following triple
    < TCP, IP address, port number >

  • A logical TCP connection between a server and client is identified by
    < TCP segment number, local IP address, local port, ACK number, remote IP address >

  • A logical TCP connection between a server and client is identified by
    < TCP, local IP address, local port, remote IP address, remote port >


Question 9 of 14


Of what functions consists a UDP API?
Creation of new receive ports
Receive operation that returns
Data Bytes
Source Port
Source IP Address
Send operation that returns
A pointer to the data bytes
The destination port
The destination IP address

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 10 of 14


List at least 4 TCP socket API function calls:
Open (establishes TCP connection)
Send (sends data from buffer via TCP connection)
Receive (copies incoming TCP data to a user buffer)
Close (closes the TCP connection)
Status (dependable, return information, such as: local socket, foreign socket, window size, TCP connection state, ….)
Abort (causes all pending send and receive operations to be aborted).

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 11 of 14


What are the 5 basic processes in a TCP socket implementation?
Open a socket.
Open an input stream and output stream to the socket.
Read from and write to the stream according to the server's protocol.
Close the streams.
Close the socket

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 12 of 14


Which are no generic TLDs? Check all that apply:

Select one or more of the following:

  • .com


  • .at

  • .austria

  • .gov

  • .edu

  • .fhtw

  • .cc


Question 13 of 14


What is contained within a resource record? Check all that apply:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Domain name

  • Domain name registry

  • Either UDP or TCP protocol

  • Type

  • Time-to-live

  • Range of IP addresses

  • Rdata (e.g., IPv4 address)


Question 14 of 14


If a local DNS server starts an iterative query, what is the correct order of inquired name servers? Check the correct answer.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Authoritative name server – TLD server – root server

  • Authoritative name server only, it performs further enquiries

  • TLD name server

  • TLD server – root server

  • Root server – TLD server – authoritative name server

  • Root server only, it performs further enquiries
