How many member states?
What is a political system? (And thereby EU)
What is Europeanization?
What has the impact of Europeanization been?
What is a theory?
Mention international trade advantages (which are enbaled because of fx. the EU)
Explain FDI and OLI
Integration theory
- Neofunctionalism
Integration theory
- Intergovernmentalism
Integration theory
- Liberal intergovernmentalism
Integration theory
- Supranational governance
Integration theory
- Federalism
Mention the two types of integration
Whar are the Copenhagen and general criterias to join the EU?
Who joined the EU in 2004?
Latest country to join the EU? And when?
Name candidate/potential candidate countries
Treaty of Brussels
Schumann declaration
European Steel and Coal Community
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Rome
EFTA (European Free Trade Area)
Merger Treaty
When did UK, Ireland and DK join?
Single European Act
Treaty of Maastricht
Treaty of Amsterdam
Treaty of Nice
Treaty of Lisbon
The European Commission
The European Parliament
The Council
(Council of the European Union)
European Council
(Det Europæiske Råd)
The European Court of Justice
The EU-decision making processes
- Regulation
The EU-decision making processes
- Directive
The EU-decision making processes
- Decision
The EU-decision making processes
- Reccomendation
The EU-decision making processes
- Opinion
The EU-decision making processes
- Joint action
The EU-decision making processes
- Framework decision
Consultation procedure
Assent procedure
(Most common after Lisbon Treaty)
- First reading
- Second reading by EP
- Second reading by the Council
- Conciliation procedure
How to define culture?
Mention Hofstede's cultural dimensions
Marketing Strategies
(Marketing: Provision of goods and services to meet consumers needs)
What is lobbying?
What is the easiest way to lobby in the EU?
Mention the different routes of lobbying
Theory of lobbying
Current matters in the EU
What were the proposed renewable targets and what did they end up being?
Institutional theory
Resource dependence
Organisational responses
How did neo-pluralism emerge?
Why does neo-pluralism view the states as a deformed polyarchy?
What is the EU ETS?
What are the downsides of EU ETS?
What organisational responses did Shell use?
Organisational responses
- Acquiescence
Organisational responses
- Compromise
Organisational responses
- Avoidance
Organisational responses
- Defiance
Organisational responses
- Manipulation
Organisational responses
- Reshaping
Organisational responses
- Pre-emptying
Organisational responses
- Time-shifting
Organisational responses
- Safeguarding
Which organisational responses are negative (dissuasive)?
Which organisational responses are reactive (risk minimising)?
Which organisational responses are proactive (constructive)?