Created by ashiana121
about 9 years ago
Interpretivists focus on the __________ of suicide for those involved
Who's theory is
"The social meanings of suicide"
Douglas is interested in the way _______ label deaths as suicides
On how many grounds does Douglas criticise Durkheims study of suicide?
What are these grounds?
How does Douglas criticise Durkheims use of suicide statistics?
Douglas argues that intergration does not prevent suicide, it merely affects the ________ of a death being ______ and ________ as a suicide, rather than it actually being a suicide.
For Douglas, suicide verdicts and the statistics based on them are the product of __________ and _________ between those involved (friends, coroner, relative, doctors, police, social worker)
Douglas also criticises actors meanings and qualitative data. What does this mean?
Douglas notes that meanings of suicide can _____ ________ _______
Motives and meanings must be understood within their own...
How, according to Douglas, must be classify each death according to its actual meaning?
What does Douglas suggest the meaning for suicides in Western societies include?
For Douglas, using qualitative data also overcomes the problems caused by _______ _______
Douglas argues that official statistics are what?
What is a criticism of Durkheims classification of suicides based on meanings?
Douglas is _____________
Who's theory is "ethnomethodology and suicide?"
What does ethnomethodology mean?
Ethnomethodology argues that social reality is....
We create reality used ___________ knowledge
Atkinson accepts Douglas' point that official statistics are merely the constructs or labels coroners give to death. What point does he reject?
Why does Atkinson argue we can never know the real rate of suicide?
Atkinson argues the only thing we can study is...
What does Atkinson then focus on?
What methods did he use to do so?
What did Atkinson conclude from this research?
What does this include?
What are coroners more likely to do if a death fits their commonsense theory?
Atkinson argues that coroners commonsense theories lead them to see the following types of evidence as relevant:
What is meant by the life history?
What does Atkinson conclude?
Why does this cause problems for Durkheims theory?
Give the name of one person who criticises Atkinsons ethnomethodology theory
What does Barry Hindess call Atkinsons theory?
Why does he say this?
However, most ethnomethodologists accept this, unlike who?
Who takes a realist approach went explaining and studying suicide?
What does he say about suicide statistics?
What did Taylor study?
What did he find out?
Taylor found that coroners saw factors such as what to increase the likelihood of a suicide verdict?
How is Taylor's realist approach similar to the positivist approach?
How does Taylor's approach differ from the positivist approach?
What does his realist approach aim to do?
What does he use to discover the underlying structures of meaning that cause suicide?
What does Taylor note about people who attempt suicide?
What does Taylor argue we need to study to adopt a broader definition of suicide?
What is an example of this definition?
In which situations does Taylor suggest a person is most likely to attempt suicide?
How many types of suicide does Taylor identify?
What are the names of these 4 types?
What does ectopic mean?
Which, of the 4 types of suicide identified by Taylor, are ectopic?
Submissive suicides, where the person is...
Thanatation suicides, where the person is..
What does symphysic mean?
Sacrifice suicide, where the person is...
Appeal suicide, where the person is...
Taylors theory is based on ___________ of the actors meanings
Why may individual cases be difficult to categorise?
The London tube train study may be argued to be what?
Unlike Durkheim, Taylor has not connected the 4 types of suicide to ____ _____ _______
What are some similarities between the two (positivist Durkheim and interpretivist Taylor) theories of suicide?