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Review of Exam Questions

Created by cassie.sikes almost 11 years ago

Bible Exam 1

Question 1 of 42


List the four factors described in the handout and discussed in class as helping to create the propserity of the Roman Empire and creating fertile ground for the spread of Christianity.

Select one of the following:

  • Security, Law, Freedom, Infrastructure

  • Security, Language, Infrastructure, Authority

  • Law, Language, Religion, Cultural War


Question 2 of 42


What language was shared by educated people throughout the Eastern half of the Roman Empire?

Select one of the following:

  • Greek

  • Aramaic

  • Hebrew

  • Latin


Question 3 of 42


What king of the Jews in the first century before Christ was not a Jew?

Select one of the following:

  • Herod the Great

  • Pilate

  • Herod Antipas

  • Achaeus


Question 4 of 42


These were the two principal religious political parties of the Jews in the time of Christ.

Select one of the following:

  • Scribes and Pharisees

  • Ottomans and Maccabees

  • Sadducees and Pharisees

  • Jews and Gentiles


Question 5 of 42


In addition to the prophecy, five divine announcements were made of the birth of either Jesus or John the Baptist, three of them by voice, one by dream and one by sight, Describe any three of the five.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Mary was visited by Gabriel and told she had conceived a son through the Holy Spirit

  • Joseph was told by an Angel of the Lord in a dream

  • Zacharius was in the Holy Place, and an Angle of the Lord told him Elizabeth was to have a son in her old age

  • John the Baptist preached to the wise men of Jesus' birth.


Question 6 of 42


When the baby Jesus is presented in the temple, what two people recognize him as the Messiah?

Select one of the following:

  • Mary and Joseph

  • Simeon and Anna the prophetess of Phanuel

  • The High Priest and Mary

  • A man who was healed and Simeon


Question 7 of 42


What sacrificial gift indicates the poverty of Joseph and Mary?

Select one of the following:

  • The five shekels of silver

  • The young goat

  • The two doves

  • Nothing


Question 8 of 42


Who did Jesus describe as the greatest person "born of women"

Select one of the following:

  • John the Baptist

  • Mary

  • Peter

  • Jesus


Question 9 of 42


Why did Herod imprison John the Baptist?

Select one of the following:

  • For preaching the gospel

  • He had committed treason

  • For rebuking him

  • For steal Herod's wife


Question 10 of 42


What was the immediate cause of Herod killing John

Select one of the following:

  • Herod became enraged with John and threw a spear at him

  • Herod was asked for John's head on a platter after Herodias danced for him

  • John had been sentenced to execution

  • John said "you cannot kill he who was sent by the Lord"


Question 11 of 42


What dietary difference does Jesus describe between him and John?

Select one of the following:

  • John only ate meat

  • Jesus could not eat vegetables

  • John did not drink wine or eat bread

  • Jesus did not drink wine or eat bread


Question 12 of 42


How does Jesus say the dietary difference between John the Baptist and himself affected their critics

Select one of the following:

  • They believed John was drunk and wouldn't listen

  • They believed John was demon-posessed and that Jesus was a drunkard and glutton

  • They wanted to follow John's diet rather than Jesus/


Question 13 of 42


What reason does Jesus give that he should be baptized?

Select one of the following:

  • To inherit salvation

  • To fulfill all righteousness

  • Because it was tradition

  • Everyone else was doing it


Question 14 of 42


Describe the three temptations of Jesus

Select one or more of the following:

  • He was tempted in the wild to turn the rock into bread

  • He was tempted to make water come out of the rock

  • He was tempted to jump down from the temple and call angels to help him

  • He was tempted on the mountain to bow down to Satan

  • He was tempted on the mountain to destroy the evil that was mankind


Question 15 of 42


Name at least ten of the original apostles and their occupations of five of them

Select one or more of the following:

  • Peter

  • Andrew

  • James

  • John

  • Simon

  • Nathaniel

  • Judas Iscariot

  • Luke

  • Matthew

  • Phillip


Question 16 of 42


Jesus came not to ______ but to ________ the law and the prophets

Select one of the following:

  • Destroy, fulfill

  • Fulfill, destroy

  • Change, add to


Question 17 of 42


What did Jesus say about divorce?

Select one of the following:

  • Divorce is ok now

  • Divorce is irrelevant

  • Divorce is adultery


Question 18 of 42


What did Jesus say about oaths?

Select one of the following:

  • Let your yes be yes and your no be no

  • Make oaths to the Lord

  • Always make oaths to each other

  • Oaths are acceptable


Question 19 of 42


According to Jesus, what is wrong with having treasures on earth?

Select one of the following:

  • It is sinful to own any possessions

  • They have not been given to man by God

  • Moth and rust will destroy them

  • None of these


Question 20 of 42


What are the actual physical resources that the text mentions as available to feed the 5,000?

Select one of the following:

  • Five fish and two loaves of bread

  • 7 loaves of bread

  • Five loaves of bread and two fish

  • 12 baskets full of fish


Question 21 of 42


What action does Jesus take that drives home the fact that additional food has been miraculously supplied?

Select one of the following:

  • He blessed the food, broke it, and distributed it to the people

  • He tells them it was from God

  • He has the disciples sell the remaining bread, and they received 200 denari

  • He had the disciples collect the remaining bread and there were 12 baskets left


Question 22 of 42


How did Jesus stage the walking on water for maximum effect on the apostles?

Select one of the following:

  • He put them in danger of death

  • The wind was raging, and they really had to have faith to believe it was He who was walking on water.

  • He made himself a ghost so they would be frightened.

  • He told them it was the coming of the King


Question 23 of 42


What phrase does Jesus use to describe both the apostles after he stills the storm and Peter and he sinks on the waves?

Select one of the following:

  • How do you not see?

  • You were lost but now are found

  • Oh ye of little faith!

  • You cannot understand what you will not believe


Question 24 of 42


Before Jesus stills the storm, what is he doing?

Select one of the following:

  • Sleeping in the boat

  • Walking on water

  • Helping fish

  • Sitting on deck


Question 25 of 42


When the apostles see Jesus walking on the water, they think he is a what?

Select one of the following:

  • Sinking man

  • Jesus

  • Ghost

  • Peter


Question 26 of 42


Before Jesus was tempted, he had done what for 40 days?

Select one of the following:

  • Preached the gospel

  • Hungered and thirsted

  • Healed many

  • Wandered through Jeruesalem


Question 27 of 42


When Jesus was baptized, how did the Holy Spirit and God the Father demonstrate their approval of his action?

Select one of the following:

  • His spirit descended on Jesus like a dove

  • They brought out the sun, because it had been dark

  • Angels were sent to sing and proclaim salvation

  • They showed themselves to all who were standing there


Question 28 of 42


According to John's account, Jesus went up on the mountain alone after feeding the 5,000 because he knew the people wanted to what?

Select one of the following:

  • Kill him

  • Hear him preach

  • Make him their king

  • Eat more food


Question 29 of 42


How did the blind man in John 9 come to be blind?

Select one of the following:

  • He was sick as a child

  • He was born that way to show God's glory

  • He sinned

  • His parents sinned


Question 30 of 42


The healed man tells the Pharisees that he knows that ____ does not hear _________.

Select one of the following:

  • Jesus, sinners

  • God, the sick

  • he, sound

  • God, sinners


Question 31 of 42


What office does Jairus hold in the Jewish religion?

Select one of the following:

  • Centurion

  • Ruler of the synagogue

  • High priest

  • Pharisee


Question 32 of 42


What does the woman suffering from chronic blood loss think will heal her?

Select one of the following:

  • Just touching Jesus's cloak

  • A strong medicine

  • An animal sacrifice

  • The blessing of the high priest


Question 33 of 42


What question does Jesus ask that Peter apparently thinks makes no sense?

Select one of the following:

  • Why do you follow me?

  • How does one become blind?

  • Who touched me?

  • When do you see the Son?


Question 34 of 42


Name any three of the 5 people who accompany Jesus into the room where the dead girl lives

Select one or more of the following:

  • Mary

  • John

  • The girl's father

  • Andrew

  • Peter

  • James

  • The girls mother


Question 35 of 42


What does Jesus tell the crowd of mourners?

Select one of the following:

  • She cannot be saved

  • She is not dead, but asleep

  • Do not be sad, rejoice

  • Go to your homes


Question 36 of 42


How do the mourners react?

Select one of the following:

  • The go on mourning

  • The yell at Jesus

  • They laugh

  • They are astonished


Question 37 of 42


Lazarus has two sisters. What are there names?

Select one of the following:

  • Mary and Martha

  • Martha and Ruth

  • Anna and Mary

  • Ruth and Anna


Question 38 of 42


Which sister greets Jesus first

Select one of the following:

  • Mary

  • Martha


Question 39 of 42


When Jesus comes to the tomb, he __________, and people in the crowd remark how he __________ Lazarus.

Select one of the following:

  • screamed, missed

  • spits, hated

  • cries, knew

  • weeps, loved


Question 40 of 42


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses the metaphor of what to describe the role of his followers to influence society.

Select one of the following:

  • Vine and branches

  • Salt and light

  • Goats and sheep

  • Wineskin and candle


Question 41 of 42


Jesus extends the command to love your neighbor to include who?

Select one of the following:

  • Gentiles

  • Jews

  • Enemies

  • Those who didn't live near you


Question 42 of 42


Jesus insists we must be "Perfect as _______ is perfect"

Select one of the following:

  • God

  • Jesus

  • The law

  • Heaven
