Created by Molly Macgregor
about 9 years ago
What are the two types of long term memory?
E = Tulving 1972
I = Cohen & Squire 1980
What is episodic memory and which part of long term memory is it associated with?
What is semantic memory and which part of long term memory is it associated with?
What is procedural memory and what part of long term memory is it associated with?
Are episodic and semantic memories entirely separate?
Which study shows the distinction between semantic and episodic memory?
Give evidence for distinction between declarative and procedural memory...
What is autobiographical memory?
What is the lifespan retrieval curve?
What is repression?
Evaluate the idea of repression...
What is the reminiscence bump?
What is reconstructive memory?
What are flash bulb memories?
Supporting evidence for flash bulb memories?
Evidence that flash bulb memories may be constructed in first few days of event (rather than immediately)?
What was the study by McCloskey et al 1988 into flash bulb memories?
Are flashbulb memories real?
The working memory model by Baddeley and Hitch (1974) claim STM is composed of 4 components...what are they?
What is the phonological store and where is it found?
(Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
What is the phonological loop and what is it comprised of?
(Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
What is the articulatory control process and where is it found?
(Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
What is the visuo-spatial sketch pad?
(Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
What is the central executive?
(Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
What is the episodic buffer?
Baddeley 2000
Supporting evidence for working memory model by Baddeley and hitch (1974)?
(interference task)
Supporting evidence for working memory model by Baddeley and hitch (1974)?
(Dual task)
Supporting evidence for working memory model by Baddeley and hitch (1974)?
(case study)
What are the strengths of the Working Memory Model?
What are the weaknesses of the Working Memory Model?
What criticism from the Multi store model of memory does the levels of processing model address?
Who proposed the Levels of Processing Model and what is the general idea?
What does the strength of the trace depend on in the levels of processing model?
What are the 3 types of processing in the Levels of processing model?
Research support for the levels of processing model?
Strengths of Levels of processing model?
Weaknesses of Levels of Processing model?
Name 4 revision techniques and 4 ways you can help recall...
What are the 3 stages of memory?
At what stage can memory fail?
Outline the duration, capacity and type of info encoded of the stores in the MSM...
Who proposed the MSM and in what year?
How is info lost from the STM?
Evidence for separate memory stores? ( Multi-store model of memory)
Further evidence for seperate stores in MSM from case studies?
Weaknesses of Multistore Model of memory by Atkinson & Shiffrin 1968
Define the terms availability and accessibility
Define decay and displacement
Evidence for decay?
Evidence for displacement?
What are the three ways of forgetting in the LTM?
Evidence for decay in LTM?
Contradictory evidence for trace decay in LTM?
What are the two types of interference in LTM?
Evidence for Retroactive interference?
What are the two types of Cues in Cue dependent forgetting?
Evidence for Context dependent ( External) cues?
Evidence for state dependent (internal) cues?
What are the recommendations for increasing accuracy in EWT?
Outline the Loftus & Palmer study 1974 and their findings...
Supporting research into the effect of leading questions on EWT?
What is the effect of stress and anxiety on EWT ( Research ) ?
Research that stress may help recall in EWT?
What is the Yerkes-Dodson curve?
What is the weapon focus effect by Loftus 1979?
What are the 4 stages of the Cognitive Interview Technique by Geiselman 1992