Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Closely examine the principles of genetic inheritance and the theory of evolution Use theoretical models to explain behaviour

Created by gayatrid over 8 years ago

Evolution, genetics and behaviour

Question 1 of 43


Who is the father of principles of genetic inheritance in 19th century

Select one of the following:

  • Gregor Modana

  • George Mandel

  • Gregor Mendel

  • Georger Mandal


Question 2 of 43


How does the genetic inheritance process works in terms of Genes?

Select one of the following:

  • Genes is made of RNA> DNA> Protein> influences genotype

  • Genes is made of DNA> Protein > influences phenotype

  • Genes is made of DNA> Protein> RNA> influences phenotype

  • Genes is made of DNA> RNA> Protein> influences genotype


Question 3 of 43


Genotype influences outward manifestation (physical appearances, behaviour)

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 4 of 43


Phenotype is responsible for outward manifestation such as genetic blueprint

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 5 of 43


Can same genes have different types of alleles?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 6 of 43


Genes come in pairs. When pairs are different (different alleles), what are they called?

Select one of the following:

  • Heterozygous

  • Monozygous

  • Homozygous

  • Diffzygous


Question 7 of 43


Genes comes in pairs. What are same pairs (same alleles) called?

Select one of the following:

  • Heterozygous

  • Monozygous

  • Homozygous

  • Similarzygous


Question 8 of 43


Genes can be either dominant or recessive. What does dominant genes show?

Select one of the following:

  • Dominant genes show its effect on phenotype only in the monozygyous conditions

  • Dominant genes show its strong effect on phenotype only in homozygous conditions

  • Dominant condition shows its strong effect on phenotype in either homozygous or monozygous conditions.

  • Dominant condition shows its strong effect on phenotype in either homozygous or heterozygous conditions.


Question 9 of 43


Genes can be dominant or recessive. What does Recessive gene effect?

Select one of the following:

  • Recessive gene shows its effects only in heterozygous conditions

  • Recessive gene shows its effect only in homozygous conditions

  • Recessive genes only shows its effect in monozygous conditoions

  • Recessive gene shows its effect regardless of its alleles condition


Question 10 of 43


For example: Food aversion= genes ability to taste PTC (phenylthiocarbamide). Which two of the following statement is true for ability to taste PTC.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Medium sensitivity of tasting PTC requires mixture of genes.

  • Low sensitivity of tasting PTC requires dominant genes.

  • High sensitivity of tasting PTC requires dominant genes.

  • High sensitivity of tasting PTC requires recessive genes.

  • Medium sensitivity of tasting PTC requires dominant and recessive genes.

  • Low sensitivity of tasting PTC requires recessive genes.


Question 11 of 43


Parents with Tt and Tt allele leads to :
- 25% chances of Homozygous TT
-50% chances of recessive genes-tt
- 25% chances of heterozygous - Tt

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 12 of 43


Suppose a boy and his father have a high sensibility to taste PTC. What can we predict about the boy's mother?

Select one of the following:

  • She has a higher sensitivity to taste PTC

  • She must be a heterozygous taster

  • It is not possible to predict any of the above


Question 13 of 43


Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, including 2 pairs of sex chromosomes. There are 2 types of sex chromosomes: X & Y.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 14 of 43


Sex-limited gene is present in both sexes. But in what chromosome is it generally active in one sex.

Select one of the following:

  • Sex-linked

  • Autosomal


Question 15 of 43


What does strong resemblance between monozygotic (identical) than dizygotic (non identical) twins suggest:

Select one of the following:

  • genetics contribution

  • environmental contribution

  • They are better than non-identical twins

  • combination of heredity and environmental


Question 16 of 43


What kind of evidence do researchers rely on to determine the contribution of heredity and environment.

Select one of the following:

  • Comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins

  • Comparing children with parents

  • Comparing siblings

  • Comparing distant cousins with subject


Question 17 of 43


When assessing studies on adopted children, what does any tendency for adopted children to resemble their biological parents suggest:

Select one of the following:

  • Heredity influence

  • Environmental influence

  • Parental influence

  • Pre-natal influence


Question 18 of 43


Suppose a boy and his father cannot taste PTC. What can we predict about the boy's mother?

Select one of the following:

  • No prediction possible

  • She has high sensitivity to taste PTC

  • She is either a heterozygous PTC taster or a Nontaster

  • She has low sensitivity to taste PTC


Question 19 of 43


What is false?

Select one of the following:

  • Sex-linked genes are X-linked

  • Genes come in pairs

  • There are 23 genes

  • None of the above


Question 20 of 43


What is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Humans evolved from monkeys

  • Humans are the end product of primate evolution

  • Analogy refers to common ancestry

  • None of the above


Question 21 of 43


What is analogy?

Select one of the following:

  • Similarities in function that evolved independently

  • Difference in function that evolved independently

  • Similarities that evolved over time.

  • Species descendent from the same origin


Question 22 of 43


Pre-natal influences may seem to show________ effects

Select one of the following:

  • genetic

  • environmental

  • parental

  • condtional

  • Combination of genetic and environment


Question 23 of 43


What type of methods now make it possible for psychologist to identify specific genes linked to a disorder. For example certain genes tend to be more than averagely found in people with depression.

Select one of the following:

  • Biochemical methods

  • Pre-genetical methods

  • Genetical methods

  • Heredity scanning methods


Question 24 of 43


It is a trait that confers higher fitness to individuals than other existing alternatives within the population. It has (or will) spread through the population as a result of natural selection. Which term is here referred to?

Select one of the following:

  • Adaptation

  • Evolution

  • Phylogeny

  • None of the above


Question 25 of 43


Natural selection is the process that occurs when individuals differ in their traits and the differences are correlated with differences in reproductive success.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 26 of 43


Why is it difficult to control people's heredity or environment or even estimate heredity influence causing an error when assessing adopted studies?

Select one of the following:

  • Difficult to distinguish between heredity and prenatal influences

  • Individuals may hide their true intentions when being examined

  • You cannot control peoples life experiences such as the friends they choose to associate with

  • Parents may have different style of parenting, compared to their biological parents.


Question 27 of 43


If identical twins are raised in different families and behave the same must this indicate a genetic influence?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 28 of 43


Evolution is a change over generations in the frequencies of various genes in a population.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 29 of 43


According to Charles Darwin (1859) natural selection occurs when certain traits are more successful than other traits. Because of that particular trait, causes higher fitness in individuals making them more adaptable. Correctly identify 4 of these traits that contributes to higher fitness

Select one or more of the following:

  • Finding food

  • Being attractive

  • Escaping enemies

  • Strong

  • Protecting offspring

  • Producing many offsprings

  • Having financial resources

  • Adapted to environment


Question 30 of 43


Mutations of genes occasionally introduce new heritable variations that can harm an individuals chances of:

Select two answers

Select one or more of the following:

  • Survival

  • Reproduction

  • Attractiveness

  • Financial resources

  • Health


Question 31 of 43


Select four answers that show evidence of existence of evolution.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Fossil record

  • Similarities of related life forms

  • Documented evidence from ancestors

  • Rapid population changes in organisms

  • Geographic distribution

  • Language and communication has evolved e.g. cave drawings

  • Anatomy has evolved with skull size increasing

  • Changes in climate reflect the evolution

  • Philosophical leaders have often described this in their work


Question 32 of 43


Where is sex-linked genes located?

Select one of the following:

  • Sex chromosomes

  • autosomal chromosomes

  • Chromosomes

  • in every gene


Question 33 of 43


What are autosomal chromosomes?

Select one of the following:

  • All other gene except sex-linked genes are found there

  • Every gene is found in autosomal chromosome

  • Automatically renewal genes are found there

  • None of the above


Question 34 of 43


We know that the size Y-chromosome is small. With only limited genes to produce ___ proteins of fewer. Whats the magic number?

Select one of the following:

  • 21

  • 32

  • 27

  • 26


Question 35 of 43


According to Arnold (2004), X-chromosome has genes that can produce ____ approximately proteins. Whats the magic number?

Select one of the following:

  • 1,000

  • 1,350

  • 1,500

  • 1,750


Question 36 of 43


Why are Sex-linked chromosomes located on the X chromosomes?


Select one of the following:

  • X Chromosomes consists of special genetical make-up

  • Y chromosome is considered weak therefore biologically X chromosome appears to be more compatible

  • X Chromosome has the capacity to make more protein than Y.

  • Y chromosomes very small therefore less likely to carry genetic information


Question 37 of 43


Real-application: X-linked gene is recessive for _______ colour vision deficiency.

Select one of the following:

  • blue-green

  • red-green

  • red-yellow

  • yellow-green


Question 38 of 43


Issue with X-linked gene producing red-green colour vision deficiency affects more men than women. Why?

Select one of the following:

  • Because women's genes are able to compensate for the deficiency

  • Because men are not able to compensate for the deficiency, due to a lack of X chromosome

  • Because men are highly affected by it due to their increased chances of inheriting recessive genes

  • Women do experience this too, although are too scared to report it


Question 39 of 43


Functional explanation for the behaviour of language and laughter is simply that it strengthens bond among the society, thus improving their fitness.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 40 of 43


What functions does the phylogenetic continuity serve? (Select two)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Testing for the evolutionary roots of human behaviours

  • Testing for the evolutionary roots of organism behaviours

  • Examining gradual changes within traits

  • Examining the similarities and differences among common ancestors


Question 41 of 43


Why are animals used in research?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Learn about human evolution

  • Learn about mechanism of behaviour in animals and humans

  • improve animal welfare and conservation management

  • Learn more about our common ancestors

  • Learn more about similarities and differences between organism

  • Animals can help us understand how to function efficiently in habitat


Question 42 of 43


Why do primates play a special role in psychology?

Select one of the following:

  • Phylogenetic closeness

  • Functional closeness

  • Ontogenetic closeness

  • Primates are our ancestors


Question 43 of 43


What three social behaviours of primates are psychologist interested in?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Social groups

  • Benefits and costs of group living

  • Communication

  • Survival

  • Food hunting

  • Gender roles
