Created by Anna mph
about 9 years ago
What are the two most common injectable General anaesthetics?
How is propofol introduced to the system?
What are its benefits?
What are the 2 cons of propofol?
What is propofol usually used for?
Through which receptors does propofol work?
What class of drugs is Thiopental?
Where/how does thiopental act?
What is the lipid solubility of thiopental and what does this mean in terms of plasma concentration?
What are the four main sites of action of barbiturates and in what order are the most rapidly distributed?
Explain these graphs
Explain the 'hangover' effect of drugs such as thiopental
How can thiopental cause death?
What are 'dissociative' anaesthetics?
Give an example of dissociative anaesthetic
What are the advantages of dissociative anaesthetics? (4)
What are the disadvantages of dissociative anaesthetics? (2)
Which part of the population is ketamine most used in as an anaesthetic?
What flows in through an NMDA receptor and what flows out?
How does ketamine affect the NMDA receptor? What class of anatgonist is it?
Where does Etomidiate act and what is it's main side effect?
What type of drug is Midazolam? What is it used for?
What type of drug is Alfaxalone? Where does it act and what is it used for?
What are the advantages of injectable anaesthetics? (2)
What are the three disadvantages of injectable anaesthetics?
What are the two subtypes of inhalation anaesthetics?
Give an example of a gas and volatile liquid anaesthetic
What is the route inhalation anaesthetics take to reach the brain?
Why is induction slower than with injectable anaesthetics?
What are the four things which determine the induction rate of an inhalation anaesthetic?
What does the blood:gas partition coefficient determine?
What is and what does the oil:gas partition coefficient determine?
What does the alveolar ventilation rate determine?
Why are the factor that govern the induction rate the same as those which govern the recovery rate for inhalation anaesthetics?
Which 3 factors govern only the speed of induction?
What is more desirable: A high blood:gas coefficient (rapid absorption) or a low blood:gas coefficient? Why?
What are the blood:gas coefficients of:
Nitrous Oxide
Do you want the oil:gas coefficient to be low or high?
Which anaesthetic has the best relationship between oil:gas partition coefficient and blood:gas coefficient?
What would you use for...
rapid induction? (2)
Maintenence of anaesthetia? (3)
Analgesic supplement?
Muscle relaxant
Muscarinic antagonist
Antiemetic (anti-nausea)