Mary Roth
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Practice test for A&P 227 Exam 6 - North Idaho College

Mary Roth
Created by Mary Roth over 8 years ago

227 A&P Exam 6

Question 1 of 50


__________ brace and anchor neurons to capillaries

Select one of the following:

  • microglia

  • astrocytes

  • ependymal

  • schwann

  • satellite


Question 2 of 50


Choose the correct phrase

Select one of the following:

  • nerves are found in the PNS

  • tracts are almost entirely in the PNS

  • cranial nerves are found within the brain

  • gray matter is only in the cerebral cortex

  • white matter is only found in the brain


Question 3 of 50


Choose the correct phrase about sensory neurons

Select one of the following:

  • the action potential of the central process flows toward the cell body

  • the peripheral process is closest to the CNS

  • the receptive endings are found on the peripheral process

  • most sensory neurons are bipolar

  • the cell body is wrapped by Schwann cells


Question 4 of 50


Scenario: a neuron is being measured at -20mV and the voltage is increasing. Which is true?

Select one of the following:

  • potassium gates must be closed

  • it now requires a larger than normal graded potential to cause an action potential

  • a state of hyperpolarization exists

  • the cell would fire an action potential less easily

  • opening the potassium gates would depolarize the cell


Question 5 of 50


Which is an all-or-none events?

Select one of the following:

  • receptor potentials

  • excitatory postsynaptic potentials

  • inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

  • action potentials

  • all but one of these is graded


Question 6 of 50


Which is true?

Select one of the following:

  • sodium gates open at +30 mV

  • potassium gates close at +30 mV

  • 100 mV is required to open axonal calcium gates

  • opening sodium gates hyperpolarizes a neuron

  • potassium gates close to hyperpolarize a neuron


Question 7 of 50


Which of the following is a positive feedback process?

Select one of the following:

  • receptor potential

  • EPSP

  • IPSP

  • action potential

  • all of these are positive feedback


Question 8 of 50


Choose the correct phrase

Select one of the following:

  • the conduction velocity of axons is 100 meters per second

  • unmyelinated axons are faster because the myelin is obstructive

  • the action potential is smaller in shorter axons

  • absolute refractory occurs after relative refractory

  • saltatory conduction occurs in unmyelinated axons


Question 9 of 50


What would happen if we blocked presynaptic calcium gates from opening?

Select one of the following:

  • presynaptic action potentials would never occur

  • presynaptic chemically sensitive gates would never open

  • postsynaptic potentials would not occur

  • the postsynaptic axon hillock would experience 5 mV stimulus

  • AChEase would not be able to keep up with the excess ACh


Question 10 of 50


Choose the correct phrase about REM

Select one of the following:

  • also called slow wave sleep

  • occurs after slow wave sleep has been achieved

  • most nightmares occur during this phase of sleep

  • oxygen consumption is slightly less than in NREM

  • occurs between stages 2 and 3 of NREM


Question 11 of 50


Parkinsonism is the result of a problem in the

Select one of the following:

  • medulla

  • cerebellum

  • diencephalon

  • midbrain

  • spinal cord


Question 12 of 50


Important control centers for cardiac, respiration and blood pressure function are located in the

Select one of the following:

  • medulla oblongata

  • thalamus

  • pons

  • cerebellum

  • midbrain


Question 13 of 50


Where do we find the superior colliculi?

Select one of the following:

  • brain stem

  • medulla

  • pons

  • diencephalon

  • thalamus


Question 14 of 50


The limbic system is associated with

Select one of the following:

  • controlling heart rate

  • emotions

  • precise motor activity

  • maintaining consciousness

  • relaying sensory impulses to the sensory map


Question 15 of 50


Which structure controls sleep/wake cycles?

Select one of the following:

  • epithalamus

  • brain stem

  • hypothalamus

  • pituitary gland

  • substantia nigra


Question 16 of 50


The axonal connections between gyri of opposite hemispheres are called

Select one of the following:

  • commissural

  • interventricular

  • projection

  • association

  • ascending and descending


Question 17 of 50


Scenario: a person had a stroke affecting the left prefrontal cortex. As a result

Select one of the following:

  • sensations will not be felt on the left side of the body

  • sensations will not be felt on the right side of the body

  • problems moving left side effectors will occur

  • the person cannot hear from their right ear or see to their left

  • there may be problem with complex learning and intellect


Question 18 of 50


Which is true about Broca's area?

Select one of the following:

  • is the main motor relay center

  • controls the substantia nigra

  • relays auditory reflexes

  • is also called the language area

  • controls some neck muscles


Question 19 of 50


Choose the correct phrase

Select one of the following:

  • motor impulses are ascending

  • sensory impulses are efferent

  • association neurons typically possess central and peripheral processes

  • sensory cell bodies are located in the CNS

  • some motor cell bodies are located in CNS nuclei


Question 20 of 50


What happens to pressure in the ventricular system if the cerebral aqueduct is blocked?

Select one of the following:

  • pressure falls in the 3rd ventricle

  • pressure rises in the 4th ventricle

  • no change in pressure

  • pressure rises in the 3rd, but falls in the laterals

  • pressure rises in the laterals


Question 21 of 50


Which of the following is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • ACh is a neurotransmitter found only in the peripheral nervous system

  • ACh is only classified by structure or function, but not by both

  • biogenic amines are found in most PNS circuits

  • metabotropic neurotransmitters use intracellular second messengers

  • more than one of these is correct


Question 22 of 50


A __________ is a cluster of cell bodies in the PNS

Select one of the following:

  • nerve

  • pyramidal cell

  • ganglion

  • nucleus

  • tract


Question 23 of 50


Which of the following is correct about a resting neuron?

Select one of the following:

  • the sodium/potassium pumps are always running

  • potassium constantly leaks into the cell

  • sodium is always leaking out of the cell

  • the calcium pump maintains resting ion levels

  • calcium is found in the SR


Question 24 of 50


__________ waves are seen when concentrating

Select one of the following:

  • alpha

  • beta

  • theta

  • delta

  • gamma


Question 25 of 50


Which is a way the numerical value of the resting membrane potential can be expressed?

Select one of the following:

  • the inside of the fiber is 70mV

  • the outside of the fiber is -70mV

  • the inside of the fiber is 70mV more positive than the outside

  • the outside of the fiber is 70mV more positive than the inside

  • none of these conditions is correct


Question 26 of 50


Which one of the following is true about memory?

Select one of the following:

  • almost unlimited data can be stored in STM

  • Na+ channel blockers helps memory

  • LTM neurons have different mRNA

  • LTM is limited to 7-8 bits of information

  • slight parasympathetic dominance helps memory processes


Question 27 of 50


The membrane potential of a resting neuron is maintained by

Select one of the following:

  • Na+ gates

  • an active process

  • diffusion

  • passive forces

  • osmosis


Question 28 of 50


A neurotransmitter that increases postsynaptic permeability to potassium results in

Select one of the following:

  • an EPSP

  • an IPSP

  • stabilization of sodium and potassium levels

  • a refractory period that lasts up to 2 seconds

  • breakdown of the all-or-none principle


Question 29 of 50


During the absolute refractory period a second action potential can be produced

Select one of the following:

  • when the second stimulus is larger than the threshold

  • when the second stimulus is less than the 20mV

  • if multiple stimuli are given in a short duration

  • under no circumstances

  • if the cell is hyperpolarized


Question 30 of 50


Which best defines the concept: summation?

Select one of the following:

  • neurotransmitter combines with a receptor on a postsynaptic neuron

  • several IPSPs have just reached threshold level

  • the effect of graded potentials are added together

  • the presynaptic neuron summates all of its vesicles

  • adding the total number of neurons in a specific circuit


Question 31 of 50


What eventually happens when action potentials reach the axon terminals of an EPSP neuron?

Select one of the following:

  • calcium gates will open in the terminals

  • summation will always result

  • an action potential occurs in the postsynaptic dendrite

  • a single IPSP will always result

  • calcium exocytosis will cause neurotransmitter release


Question 32 of 50


__________are small oval shaped phagocytes

Select one of the following:

  • astrocytes

  • microglial

  • ependymal

  • satellite cells

  • oligodendrocytes


Question 33 of 50


Which of the following is most correct?

Select one of the following:

  • the magnitude or size of the action potential is +30 mV

  • all axons send graded potentials to their terminals

  • action potentials must reach the axon hillock in order to start an action potential

  • 20 mV must reach the axon hillock in order to start an action potential

  • it takes 20 mV to cause an action potential in a hyperpolarized cell


Question 34 of 50


Select the correct statement

Select one of the following:

  • diverging circuits are amplifying circuits

  • converging circuits are common in sensory and motor pathways

  • parallel after discharge circuits are involved in problem solving skills

  • reverbrating circuits are circular pathways

  • all of these are true


Question 35 of 50


Select the correct statement

Select one of the following:

  • a single neuron can release all types of neurotransmitters

  • gray matter is considered to be a tract

  • unmyelinated neurons are insulated from one another

  • a receptor potential is exactly like an action potential

  • Schwann cells build the endoneurium


Question 36 of 50


Which is true about presynaptic inhibition?

Select one of the following:

  • increases the graded potential delivered to the postsynaptic cell

  • will reduce the graded potential experienced by the postsynaptic cell

  • increases parasympathetic neurotransmitter release

  • affects the amount of AChEase released

  • works just like a generator potential


Question 37 of 50


Which is the best way to repolarize a neuron?

Select one of the following:

  • open sodium gates

  • use a sodium/potassium pump

  • open potassium gates

  • open both sodium and potassium gates at the same time

  • open chemically sensitive potassium gates


Question 38 of 50


Select the correct statement

Select one of the following:

  • chemically sensitive gates are found in synapses

  • chemically sensitive sodium gates are found in axon membrane

  • due to diffusion, sodium wants to flow out of a normal neuron

  • chemically sensitive potassium gates are found in the axonal endings

  • calcium gates are mostly found in the postsynaptic dendrite


Question 39 of 50


What happens if we reverse the wires on a meter that is measuring resting potential in a neuron?

Select one of the following:

  • the meter remains at -70 mV

  • the meter now reads +70 mV

  • the meter reads zero mV

  • the meter would jump to +30 mV

  • the meter indicates a hyperpolarized state


Question 40 of 50


Which is true about graded potentials?

Select one of the following:

  • occur on axons and dendrites

  • are sometimes 100 mV in magnitude

  • they are considered all-or-none

  • their magnitude is typically -50 mV

  • could be 15 mV in magnitude


Question 41 of 50


Choose the correct phrase

Select one of the following:

  • motor impulses are considered ascending

  • association circuits are exclusively in the spinal cord

  • activating glands is an afferent function

  • somatic pathways activate cardiac muscle

  • autonomic impulses control smooth muscle


Question 42 of 50


Which cell is associated with multiple sclerosis?

Select one of the following:

  • ependymal cells

  • Schwann cells

  • satellite cells

  • astrocytes

  • oligodendrocytes


Question 43 of 50


Schwann cell membrane tightly wrapped around axons is called __________

Select one of the following:

  • neurilemma

  • node of Ranvier

  • myelin

  • endoneurium

  • perineurium


Question 44 of 50


Which is true?

Select one of the following:

  • the transverse fissure separates frontal from parietal lobes

  • the central sulcus separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum

  • we discussed only two fissures in the human brain

  • the lateral sulcus divides the cerebrum into two hemispheres

  • there are only two sulci


Question 45 of 50


Which is true?

Select one of the following:

  • the dominant hemisphere is considered language dominant

  • the left hemisphere is always dominate

  • a person that is right dominant is always ambidexterous

  • art and music appreciation are attributed to the dominant hemisphere

  • logic, math, reasoning skills are associated with the non-dominant hemisphere


Question 46 of 50


Scenario: a presynaptic neuron summates three 5 mV EPSPs. What happens?

Select one of the following:

  • a 105 mV potential will travel down it's axon

  • axon hillock will send 20 mV to the dendrites

  • 100 mV will reach it's axonal endings

  • the postsynaptic cell will not receive neurotransmitter from it

  • postsynaptic dendrites will propagate an action potential


Question 47 of 50


Which connects the cerebellum to the brain stem?

Select one of the following:

  • cerebellar peduncles

  • superior colliculi

  • the pons

  • cerebral peduncles

  • medulla oblongata


Question 48 of 50


Which is true?

Select one of the following:

  • anterograde amnesia is the loss of past memories

  • absence seizures are the most severe form

  • eyes rapidly moving during NREM

  • "consciousness" is the best understood of all neurophysiology

  • tonic-clonic seizures were formerly called grand mal


Question 49 of 50


Which is the "sensory map" of the body?

Select one of the following:

  • Broca's area

  • primary somatosensory cortex

  • somatosensory association cortex

  • prefrontal cortex

  • the general interpretation area


Question 50 of 50


What would happen to a cell if you destroyed it's Nissl bodies?

Select one of the following:

  • it's function would be improved

  • protein production would be affected

  • ion gate function would immediately cease

  • ATP level would increase

  • mitochondria would increase activity to make more protein
