Christine Baticados
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on AP World History Test 1-3, created by Christine Baticados on 13/12/2015.

Christine Baticados
Created by Christine Baticados almost 9 years ago

AP World History Test 1-3

Question 1 of 29


What is not meant by culture?

Select one of the following:

  • shared religious beliefs

  • similar values

  • shared biological characteristics

  • material objects such as dwellings, clothing and tools

  • learned patterns of expression and action


Question 2 of 29


The NEOLITHIC era is associated with which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • the start of a bilateral trade system

  • the rise of agriculture

  • an architectural hallmark when people lived in buildings instead of caves

  • making large rock formations like Stonehenge for religious purposes

  • making tools out of materials including metal


Question 3 of 29


One of the most important breakthroughs which ushered in agriculture in Mesopotamia was...

Select one of the following:

  • construction of canals to bring water to distant fields

  • the region's high annual rainfall

  • the introduction of wheat crops

  • large numbers of animals for fertilizer

  • a highly motivated work force


Question 4 of 29


Mesopotamian gods were anthropomorphic; that is, they...

Select one of the following:

  • took form as the elements of nature

  • were imagined to be humanlike in form and conduct

  • appeared in the bodies of kings on earth

  • were divine and perfect beings

  • were omniscient


Question 5 of 29


The abundance of amulets in Mesopotamia suggests...

Select one of the following:

  • that the society was extremely materialistic

  • the large quantity of semiprecious stones available

  • that Mesopotamian artisans were very skilled

  • widespread belief in the value of magic

  • the egalitarian nature of Mesopotamian religion


Question 6 of 29


The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because of...

Select one of the following:

  • Egypt's interaction with other civilizations

  • Egypt's natural isolation and essential self-sufficiency

  • Egyptian dominance in metalworking

  • Egypt's surplus agricultural production and trade

  • Egypt's large population


Question 7 of 29


Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley civilizations were all

Select one of the following:

  • based on fertile floodplains and river valleys

  • made possible by large agricultural surpluses

  • derived from an earlier, as yet undiscovered, "watershed" civilization

  • based on beer brewing and female labor

  • wiped out by a huge drought


Question 8 of 29


Which of the following was probably NOT one of the components of the "systems failure" that brought down the Indus Valley cities?

Select one of the following:

  • That the Hakra River system dried up

  • that invaders from the north and east drove out the inhabitants

  • Massive flooding

  • salinization of farmland

  • increased erosion


Question 9 of 29


In order to discover more specific information about the social structure of Indus Valley civilizations, what needs to be done?

Select one of the following:

  • shared knowledge with other archeologists and historians

  • the writing of the civilization must be deciphered

  • carbon dating of artifacts

  • analysis of exhumed bodies

  • all of these.


Question 10 of 29


The Hyksos were able to conquer Egypt because they had...

Select one of the following:

  • horse-drawn chariots carrying archers with composite bows

  • iron weapons

  • control of the Nile Delta region, so they could restrict irrigation to Egyptian agriculture

  • massive armed forces from a consolidated army of the Near East

  • superior administrative organization


Question 11 of 29


The epic poem of Homer, The Iliad, related the story of a war between the Greeks and the Hittites, based on the ten year siege and eventual destruction of the city of:

Select one of the following:

  • Athens

  • Lydia

  • Hattusha

  • Catal Huyuk

  • Troy


Question 12 of 29


Which of the following is not one of the reasons that the Assyrians were able to conquer vast territories?

Select one of the following:

  • they had a large army of half a million men

  • they used iron weapons

  • they created a corps of professional soldiers

  • they had engineers who developed machines to besiege fortified towns

  • they had accomplished and wily diplomats


Question 13 of 29


Which of the following poses a problem for interpreting the history of the early Israelites from the Bible?

Select one of the following:

  • hey were pastoralists who did not write down their history for nearly 1000 years

  • the Bible was written for religious, not historical, purposes

  • the Hebrew Bible was written in several phases by different people

  • Hebrew civilization was interrupted by conquest several times

  • These are all problematic


Question 14 of 29


The Phoenicians developed a system of writing based on consonants, and the vowel sounds added by this group resulted in a complete alphabet writing system

Select one of the following:

  • Chinese

  • Egyptians

  • Greeks

  • Babylonians

  • Turks


Question 15 of 29


The foreign policy of the Carthaginian state...

Select one of the following:

  • was neglected by the Phoenecian Empire

  • was restricted by its more powerful neighbors

  • reflected an interest in protecting the sea trade

  • was constantly overturned by Greek powers

  • was based on Assyrian models


Question 16 of 29


During the Shang period, ancestor worship became important because...

Select one of the following:

  • ancestors had special influence with the gods

  • it was a way of spreading Chinese rule to other East Asian societies

  • ancestors were necessary to ensure the birth of male children

  • matrilineal descent was important for fertility

  • it allowed people to cliam specific inheritance of property


Question 17 of 29


The Mandate of Heaven meant that the ruler retained the right to rule as long as...

Select one of the following:

  • he remained the strongest in the kingdom

  • he remained a wise and principled guardian of his people

  • he performed the correct ritual sacrifices

  • he produced a male heir

  • he kept the loyalty of the military


Question 18 of 29


To Confucius, the fundamental element of society was the...

Select one of the following:

  • king

  • city

  • maintenance of tradition

  • characteristic of respect

  • family


Question 19 of 29


The greatest rival of Confucianism was:

Select one of the following:

  • Daoism

  • Confucianism

  • Legalism

  • Moism

  • Rationalism


Question 20 of 29


Which of the following is not one of the ways that Confucian philosophy attempts to create societal harmony?

Select one of the following:

  • By emphasizing the idea that the country is parallel to the famil

  • by expanding the traditional feelings of benevolence toward family so that they apply to all of humanity

  • by avoiding violence and promoting justice, loyalty, and dignity

  • by emphasizing the goodness of human nature and seeking to promote it through education, particularly of public officials

  • By emphasizing individual freedoms


Question 21 of 29


Confucius' writings were handed down orally for several generations before it as compiled in written form as:

Select one of the following:

  • "Book of Documents"

  • "Book of Songs"

  • "Book of Changes"

  • "Analects"


Question 22 of 29


The later Eastern Zhou period is characterized by

Select one of the following:

  • warfare and fragmentation of central order

  • invasion from the north

  • extension of trade via the Silk Road

  • a conservative government under a Legalist system

  • ren, or "humaneness," of the government toward its citizens


Question 23 of 29


The fundamental idea of Daoism can be summarized as..

Select one of the following:

  • accepting the world as you find it, avoiding useless struggles, and adhering to the "path" of nature

  • unquestioning obedience to authority and reverence for structure brings success

  • emphasizing aggressive action and radical change

  • emphasizing communal action to promote the betterment of society

  • technological and social progress can solve all social skills


Question 24 of 29


The concept of yin and yang represented the complementary nature of...

Select one of the following:

  • religion and the state in Chinese society

  • good and evil in Chinese morality

  • male and female roles in the natural order

  • the wisdom of age and the strength of youth

  • warrior and emperor in times of trouble


Question 25 of 29


How did Nubia become a "corridor" for long-distance trade before 3000 BCE?

Select one of the following:

  • Government policies carefully regulated and promoted trade

  • Egypt built a river highway for the passage of gods

  • Nubia had no natural resources of its own and so needed to import them

  • It connected sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa

  • Actually, Nubia never did participate in the African trade networks, preferring isolationism


Question 26 of 29


Which of the following is true of Egyptian cultural influence on Nuba?

Select one of the following:

  • Nubian child hostages learned the Egyptian culture, religion and language

  • Nubians served as archers in the Egyptian armed forces and so learned Egyptian culture

  • Nubians traded for Egyptian goods

  • Nubians built Egyptian-style towns and temples to Egyptian gods and goddesses

  • All of the above


Question 27 of 29


Druids were...

Select one of the following:

  • Celtic priests in Gaul and Britain

  • keepers of henges

  • the warrior elite of Germanic lands

  • spell-casters who ate human hearts

  • we don't know


Question 28 of 29


Celtic women...

Select one of the following:

  • never contributed property to a marriage

  • had no freedom in their secual relations

  • could inherit their husbands' estates

  • were regular combatants on the battlefield

  • were considered more "royal" than men


Question 29 of 29


Unlike other ancient cultures in Europe and western Asia, Celts believed in...

Select one of the following:

  • the belief in afterlife for everyone, rather than just for the elite

  • human sacrifice

  • more than 400 nature-based gods and goddesses

  • fertility cults with an emphasis on feminine religious poer

  • the belief in reincarnation
