Created by 19eh94
about 11 years ago
What is petroleum Oil (crude oil)?
How is Oil mined/Extracted in Oil Sands?
What are the oil sands?
What are the names of Alberta's Oil Sands?
What are some impacts to the environment that Oil Sands hold?
What are some Causes of Oil Spills?
What happened at the Exxon Valdez spill?
What happened at the Prudhoe Bay spill?
What are was of Oil dispersion?
How does the cycle work for once oil hits the water?
What does degradation include?
What speeds up biodegradation process?
What are the three most toxic Hydrocarbons of Oil?
How are oil hyrdocarbons toxic?
What are some containment and recovery equipment?
What are a couple mechanical methods of clean up?
What are some Chemical/Biological Methods of clean up?
What effects do oil spills have on Wildlife?
What are some Statistics from the Exxon Valdez spill?