Created by jennabarnes12387
about 11 years ago
Consider sonnets structure. Is the sonnet "What lips my lips have kiss and Where and Why" by Edna St. Vincent Millay a Shakespearean sonnet or a petrarchan sonnet?
What can be deduced about the speaker in "What lips my lips have kiss"? How does this speakers voice compare to the voice of the first person in Shakespeare sonnet 17
Does "What lips my lips have kissed" cover the same subject matter as sonnet 17?
does the speaker in "What lips my lips have kissed" use similar imagery as Shakespeare such as ideas from the natural world?
What do you think the poet of "What lips my lips have kissed" is trying to say?
What is shakespeare trying to say in the last 6 lines of sonnet 17?
Why does Shakespeare talk about summer in this poem? what is the purpose?
What is the importance of the comparison of the sun to an eye in line 5?
what can we say about the descriptive langage in this poem compared to that of first poem for you?