Andrew Wismer
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


Andrew Wismer
Created by Andrew Wismer over 8 years ago

HSAD 740

Question 1 of 70


1. The Donabedian Model includes all of the following except

Select one of the following:

  • a. Outcomes

  • b. Cost

  • c. Structure

  • d. Process


Question 2 of 70


2. Fill in the missing step in the quality improvement journey: 1) Establish an aim; 2) link specific measures with the aim; 3) Establish operation definitions; 4)____________; 5) Analyze the data and sources of variation; 6) Turn the data into a strategy for actions

Select one of the following:

  • a. Data collection

  • b. Gather volunteers to participate

  • c. Implement an EMR

  • d. Make sure the aim will improve quality


Question 3 of 70


3. Historically, why have payers limited choice of provider?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Control access

  • b. Control cost

  • c. Control quality

  • d. Make friends


Question 4 of 70


4. One of the 6 attributes of an ideal health care delivery system is for providers (including nurses and other members of care teams) both within and across settings to have accountability to each other including reliable delivery of high-quality care. The attribute defined is

Select one of the following:

  • a. Easy access to appropriate care

  • b. Continuous innovations

  • c. Information continuity

  • d. Peer review and teamwork for high value care


Question 5 of 70


5. P4P intent is

Select one of the following:

  • a. Rewards quality

  • b. Promote use of EMR

  • c. Promote evidence based medicine

  • d. All of the above.


Question 6 of 70


6. Performance measures will vary because

Select one of the following:

  • a. Inputs to health care system vary

  • b. Patients are unique, different form others

  • c. Environments are different

  • d. All of the above.


Question 7 of 70


7. The phenomenon called 'moral hazard' results directly from

Select one of the following:

  • a. health insurance coverage

  • b. inadequate payment to providers

  • c. managed care enrollment

  • d. the uninsured status of a segment of the U.S. population


Question 8 of 70


8. Physicians and hospitals in the U.S. began consolidating and integrating mainly in response to

Select one of the following:

  • a. Increased government regulation

  • b. Pressures to contain costs

  • c. The growth of managed care

  • d. The demand for higher quality


Question 9 of 70


9. Physicians are trained in ____________culture and hospitals exercise ________culture

Select one of the following:

  • a. Collective; expert

  • b. Expert; collective

  • c. Holistic; Scientific

  • d. Scientific; Holistic


Question 10 of 70


10. Porter and Teisburg (2007) argue that competition in the U.S. healthcare system is not working because

Select one of the following:

  • a. Healthcare organizations are competing on levels that do not add value from the perspective of the consumer

  • b. Large healthcare organizations have a competitive advantage over small healthcare organizations.

  • c. Some healthcare organizations are for-profit and some are not-for profit

  • d. Third party payment distorts any chance to have a market driven system


Question 11 of 70


11. A service is cost-efficient when:

Select one of the following:

  • a. The desired health outcome is achieved

  • b. The patient’s insurance plan saves money

  • c. The benefit received is greater than the cost incurred to provide the service

  • d. None of the above


Question 12 of 70


12. Spending 16% of the GDP on healthcare is bad because

Select one of the following:

  • a. It is throwing the country into an economic recession

  • b. The value justifying the cost is not clear or known for all services provided

  • c. Total GDP is decreasing because of healthcare spending

  • d. All of the above


Question 13 of 70


13. In technology assessment what role do clinical trials play?

Select one of the following:

  • a. They are used for experimentation with potentially useful drugs

  • b. They are used for establishing the rights of participants

  • c. They are used for determine cost-effectiveness

  • d. They are used for evaluating efficacy and safety


Question 14 of 70


14. The U.S. healthcare system is

Select one of the following:

  • a. Fragmented

  • b. Disorganized

  • c. Inefficient

  • d. All of the above


Question 15 of 70


15. What is a PRO?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Price Rationing Organization

  • b. Political Review of Outcome

  • c. Peer Review Organization

  • d. President’s Review of Organizations


Question 16 of 70


16. What was the main conclusion of the Rand Health Insurance Experiment

Select one of the following:

  • a. Cost sharing lowered health care utilization without any significant health consequences

  • b. Cost sharing lowered health care utilization but there were significant health consequences

  • c. Cost sharing did not affect health care utilization

  • d. Cost sharing increased health care utilization


Question 17 of 70


17. What is the main function of the National Institutes of Health?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Conduct and support research on health care quality, cost, and access

  • b. Establish medical subspecialties in US medical schools

  • c. Provide specialized training for medical specialists

  • d. Conduct and support biomedical research


Question 18 of 70


18. What main purpose do Clinical Practice Guidelines serve?

Select one of the following:

  • a. They ensure that services delivered are cost effective

  • b. They coordinate the delivery of health care between different practitioners

  • c. They assist practitioners in adopting a best practice approach

  • d. They provide incentives for using standard protocols


Question 19 of 70


19. What is meant by the term “healthcare costs”?

Select one of the following:

  • a. The price of health care

  • b. How much a nation spends on health care

  • c. Cost of producing health care

  • d. All of the above


Question 20 of 70


20. What was the purpose of certificate of need (CON) laws

Select one of the following:

  • a. Monitor the diffusion of new technology

  • b. Control flow of federal funds for private projects

  • c. Control new health service programs

  • d. Control new construction and modernization projects.


Question 21 of 70


21. Which central agency manages the healthcare delivery system in the United States?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • b. Department of Health and Human Services

  • c. Department of Commerce

  • d. None


Question 22 of 70


22. Which of the following defines and acute healthcare model

Select one of the following:

  • a. Behavior Modification

  • b. Diagnose and treat

  • c. Health Risk Appraisal

  • d. Prevent Disease and Optimize well-being


Question 23 of 70


23. Which of the following is a macro level factor influencing the patient/physician encounter rather than a micro level factor

Select one of the following:

  • a. Medical history

  • b. Patient’s insurance

  • c. Practitioner’s training and knowledge

  • d. Reimbursement structures.


Question 24 of 70


24. Which of the following is not one of the 6 attributes of an Ideal Health Care Delivery System

Select one of the following:

  • a. Continuous innovation

  • b. Easy access to appropriate care

  • c. Peer review and teamwork for high-value care

  • d. Prepayment reimbursement methodology


Question 25 of 70


25. Which of the following statements is true

Select one of the following:

  • a. The term e-health applies only to the electronic delivery of health care by qualified health care professionals.

  • b. The United States controls the diffusion of medical technology through central planning.

  • c. Evidence from other industrialized nations shows that limitations on the adoption and use of technology do not necessarily correlate with negative health status of a population.

  • d. The cost of acquiring technology has a greater impact on total health care expenditures than utilization of technology.


Question 26 of 70


26. Which statement is false

Select one of the following:

  • a. According to polls, most Americans are satisfied with the quality of health care.

  • b. As healthcare delivery system developed in the U.S. it emphasized specialization over primary care.

  • c. Most Americans favor a government provided healthcare system

  • d. The number one concern about healthcare for Americans is the high cost


Question 27 of 70


27. According to U.S. law, a non-profit organization

Select one of the following:

  • a. Can make only a limited amount of profit

  • b. Is tax-exempt

  • c. Cannot have a governing body

  • d. Must pay taxes only if they are profitable.


Question 28 of 70


28. Advantages of for-profit organizations the followed except

Select one of the following:

  • a. Guaranteed an annual operating profit

  • b. Not subject to public fund restrictions

  • c. Profits may be distributed to shareholders

  • d. Value of investment may increase over time


Question 29 of 70


29. Advantages of government ownership of facilities include all of the following but

Select one of the following:

  • a. Eligible to receive tax-deductible donations

  • b. Exempt for income taxes and property taxes

  • c. Financed through bonds rather than debt

  • d. Lesser amounts of oversight


Question 30 of 70


30. All healthcare organizations are

Select one of the following:

  • a. Corporations

  • b. Exempt from anti-trust laws

  • c. Heavily regulated

  • d. Non profit


Question 31 of 70


31. At a fundamental level, medical technology deals with

Select one of the following:

  • a. production of new equipment to provide more advanced health care.

  • b. the application of knowledge produced by biomedical research.

  • c. using discoveries made in basic sciences to improve health care.

  • d. new drugs and devices.


Question 32 of 70


32. CPOE stands for

Select one of the following:

  • a. Clinical Provider Outcome Exception

  • b. Comparable Patient Outcome Effectiveness

  • c. Complementary Positive Outcome Effect

  • d. Computer Physician Order Entry


Question 33 of 70


33. Current challenges against not-for-profit healthcare facilities include all but

Select one of the following:

  • a. Collection practices

  • b. Dumping of emergency patients

  • c. Low levels of charity care

  • d. Use of charitable assets


Question 34 of 70


34. Determination of goals and objectives

Select one of the following:

  • a. Controlling

  • b. Coordinating

  • c. Organizing

  • d. Planning


Question 35 of 70


35. Which of the following is a similarity rather than a difference between a private for profit and a private not for profit

Select one of the following:

  • a. Employees are private instead of public employees

  • b. Funding is through debt market rather than bond market

  • c. Solicitation of charitable contributions

  • d. None of the above


Question 36 of 70


36. Directors and officers of private facilities

Select one of the following:

  • a. Appoint Management

  • b. Are personally liable for facility debt

  • c. Have fiduciary duties only if investor owned

  • d. Must be employees of the private facility


Question 37 of 70


37. In the U.S. the ratio of primary care physicians (broadly defined) to specialty physicians

Select one of the following:

  • a. 50/50

  • b. 90/10

  • c. 10/90

  • d. 40/60


Question 38 of 70


38. Institutional theory predicts that

Select one of the following:

  • a. For-profit and non-profit organizations with imitate each other when faced with similar regulatory and legal constraints

  • b. As an enterprise increases in size, its unit overhead costs will decrease

  • c. As a hospital increases in size, its economies of scale dissipate

  • d. In competitive markets, both for-profit and non-profit organizations would deliver certain essential community benefits.


Question 39 of 70


39. Investor owned hospitals

Select one of the following:

  • a. Do not have non owners on the board of directors

  • b. Do not offer tax incentives for charitable donations

  • c. Do not pay taxes

  • d. Do not provide charity care


Question 40 of 70


40. Joint ventures between for profit and not for profit healthcare organizations

Select one of the following:

  • a. Are a means for allowing individual or private ownership of all or part of the not for profit.

  • b. Illegal

  • c. Legal if the assets of the not for profit do not benefit the for-profit partner

  • d. Violate the charitable purpose of the not for profit organization


Question 41 of 70


41. Legislation that offer payments to healthcare organizations for meaningful use of an electronic medical record system

Select one of the following:

  • a. ERISA

  • b. HIPAA

  • c. HITECH

  • d. PPACA


Question 42 of 70


42. Most home health organizations in the United States are

Select one of the following:

  • a. Private for profit

  • b. Private not-for-profit

  • c. Public for profit

  • d. Public not-for-profit


Question 43 of 70


43. Most physician practices in the U.S. are

Select one of the following:

  • a. Private for profit

  • b. Private not-for-profit

  • c. Public for profit

  • d. Public not-for-profit


Question 44 of 70


44. Non physician practitioners (NPPS) include

Select one of the following:

  • a. Osteopaths

  • b. Dentists

  • c. Physician Assistants

  • d. None of the above


Question 45 of 70


45. Not for profit healthcare facility means

Select one of the following:

  • a. The facility does not make a profit

  • b. The facility does not pay taxes

  • c. The facility is a public facility

  • d. All of the above


Question 46 of 70


46. Not for profit organizations are exempt from income tax because

Select one of the following:

  • a. They appoint community members as board members

  • b. They have a 501(c)3 designation from the IRS

  • c. They have a not-for-profit license from the state

  • d. They receive less in charitable donations than they make from operating revenues


Question 47 of 70


47. States challenged the legality of the PPACA on the basis of

Select one of the following:

  • a. Fear businesses will move to other states because of lower healthcare costs for employees.

  • b. Feel HIPAA already covers the provisions offered in PPACA

  • c. Infringement of state powers

  • d. All of the above


Question 48 of 70


48. The aging of the American Baby-boomer population

Select one of the following:

  • a. Is expected to create more volume than the healthcare system can handle

  • b. Is expected to create a shortage of available healthcare workers

  • c. Is expected to shift more funding dollars into the private sector

  • d. All of the above


Question 49 of 70


49. Principle board functions do not include

Select one of the following:

  • a. Approving strategic direction

  • b. Approving capital budgets

  • c. Hiring and firing the CEO

  • d. Hiring and firing nursing staff.


Question 50 of 70


50. Private healthcare facilities cannot be

Select one of the following:

  • a. Charitable or religious owned

  • b. For Profit

  • c. Government Owned

  • d. Not for Profit


Question 51 of 70


51. Process organizations use to make important decisions, such as about mission, goals, capital financing, mergers, and quality improvement.

Select one of the following:

  • a. Accountability

  • b. EBMgmt

  • c. Governance

  • d. Management


Question 52 of 70


52. RVUs reflect

Select one of the following:

  • a. Units of services delivered

  • b. Resource inputs

  • c. The dollar value of services

  • d. Coding of physician services


Question 53 of 70


53. The difference in electronic record concept reflected in the terms EMR and EHR is

Select one of the following:

  • a. An electronic record reflecting baseline health readings (blood pressure, weight, etc) and an electronic record reflecting healthcare encounters (visits, procedures, etc).

  • b. An electronic record reflecting medical records within a single health delivery organization and an electronic record reflecting medical records inclusive of all providers and all locations.

  • c. An electronic record reflecting health records from ambulatory settings and an electronic record reflecting health from inpatient settings

  • d. An electronic record maintained by the patient and an electronic record maintained by the patient’s healthcare provider.


Question 54 of 70


54. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act requires

Select one of the following:

  • a. large health care organizations to switch to electronic health records.

  • b. protection of personal medical information.

  • c. nondisclosure of personal health information.

  • d. nontransmittal of individual health information over the Internet.


Question 55 of 70


55. The number of healthcare jobs in the U.S. is estimated at about

Select one of the following:

  • a. 4 Million

  • b. 14 Million

  • c. 24 Million

  • d. 40 Million


Question 56 of 70


56. The transfer and use of assets towards a charitable purpose is required

Select one of the following:

  • a. For operation of a for profit healthcare organization

  • b. For operation of a not for profit healthcare organization

  • c. For changing the status of a for profit healthcare organization to a not for profit healthcare organization

  • d. For changing the status of a not for profit healthcare organization to a for profit healthcare organization


Question 57 of 70


57. There are approximately how many physicians practicing in the United States

Select one of the following:

  • a. 100,000

  • b. 180,000

  • c. 800,000

  • d. 8,000,000


Question 58 of 70


58. VA Hospitals are an example of

Select one of the following:

  • a. Investor owned hospitals.

  • b. Private for profit hospitals

  • c. Private not for profit hospitals

  • d. Public hospitals


Question 59 of 70


59. Verifying the identity of people who attempt to access information for an EMR

Select one of the following:

  • a. Authentication

  • b. Authorization

  • c. Encryption

  • d. All of the above.


Question 60 of 70


60. Violating the rules of a 501(c)3 designation results in

Select one of the following:

  • a. Assessment of additional taxes on individuals receiving benefits from a not for profit organization

  • b. Assessment of additional taxes on the organization

  • c. Loss of 501(c)3 status

  • d. No penalty


Question 61 of 70


61. What does ‘MUA’ stand for?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Metropolitan Utilization Area

  • b. Medically Underserved Area

  • c. Metropolitan Underserved Area

  • d. Medical Utilization Area


Question 62 of 70


62. What financial benefit does a small rural hospital reap by qualifying for the designation ‘Critical Access Hospital’?

Select one of the following:

  • a. It can receive specific federal grants for serving vulnerable populations

  • b. It can use its beds for either acute care or long-term care as needed

  • c. It can increase its profitability by receiving special payments for emergency services

  • d. It can receive cost-plus reimbursement under Medicare Part A


Question 63 of 70


63. Which of the following statements is true

Select one of the following:

  • a. Compared to other wealthy countries, the U.S. has too many physicians

  • b. Compared to other wealthy countries, the U.S. has too many specialists

  • c. Compared to other wealthy countries, the U.S. has too many hospital beds

  • d. Compared to other wealthy countries, the U.S. has a higher quality healthcare system.


Question 64 of 70


64. Which of the following is not a basic managerial function

Select one of the following:

  • a. Controlling

  • b. Governing

  • c. Organizing

  • d. Planning


Question 65 of 70


65. Which of the following sentences is false?

Select one of the following:

  • a. There is an imbalance between primary and specialty care services in the U.S. healthcare delivery system

  • b. Since 1980 there has been a decreasing number of international medical graduates

  • c. Specialists provide more complex services resulting in higher reimbursement

  • d. As the health care delivery system developed in the U.S. it emphasized specialization over primary care.


Question 66 of 70


66. Which of the following statements is false?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Half of a healthcare organization’s costs are usually labor costs

  • b. Registered nurses undergo the same training as licensed practical nurses

  • c. An EMR system may eliminate the need for some healthcare support positions.

  • d. The number of nurses trained but not working would cover the current nursing shortage.


Question 67 of 70


67. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) 1974

Select one of the following:

  • a. Exempts self-insured plans from certain mandatory benefits

  • b. Mandates that employers provide comprehensive health coverage benefits

  • c. Requires that low-income individuals be charged a lower premium

  • d. Outlawed discrimination in health insurance and retirement benefits.


Question 68 of 70


68. Which of the following statements is true about midlevel providers?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Midlevel providers fill physician shortages in rural areas

  • b. Midlevel providers can bill at the same level as Hospitalists

  • c. Midlevel providers complete as much medical training as primary care physicians.

  • d. Midlevel providers must have a nursing background.


Question 69 of 70


69. Which ownership type constitutes the largest group of hospitals and hospital beds in the United States?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Private for-profit

  • b. Federal government

  • c. Private non-profit

  • d. State and local government


Question 70 of 70


70. Which type of health care facility employs the most healthcare workers?

Select one of the following:

  • a. Physician offices and clinics

  • b. Hospitals

  • c. Nursing and personal care facilities

  • d. None of the above.
