How does a Psychologist become registered for work?
6 years
5 years
9 years
The purpose of an Abstract in an ERA is to briefly summarize all the key elements included in your ERA.
The Definition of Psychology The study of the and its , especially those affecting in a given context.
A Psychiatrist is different to a Psychologist because....
They can officially prescribe medicine.
They work with mentally ill patients
They are a Doctor.
Withdrawal Rights The experimenter doesn't have to inform the participants of the NATURE of the study [ie. what it is about, what it is tes1ng, etc.]
What you're interested in studying, studying similar/same studies done previously.
At this stage of the experiment, the data is referred to as RAW DATA. That means, it has not yet been interpreted or summarised. It just the original results recorded during the experiment.
The research method chosen will depend on the participants, and the data being collected.
The hypothesis is what exactly happens in your experiment
The Aim of the experiment is ...
to find the hypothesis
What you are planning to test, and your reason for testing it.
proving your theory is right.
Detailed description of the background of the research, the way the experiment was done, the findings, and any problem that occurred during the experiment.
Interpreting the data Working out the data Interconnecting data( Interpreting the data, Working out the data, Interconnecting data ) Now work out what the data means, is your hypothesis supported or not? Generalizations can be made.
Analysing the data Analysing the Hypothesis Finishing Data Analysing finished experiment( Analysing the data, Analysing the Hypothesis, Finishing Data, Analysing finished experiment ) Don’t interpret what the received data actually means, just state in a super simple form.
Educated and thoughtful GUESS about what the result of experiment may be.
There are 7 ethical guidelines
The ethical guidelines are..
Deception, Informed Consent, Voluntary Participate, Withdrawal rights, Experimental test and Skill test.
Confidentially, Voluntary Participate, Withdrawal Rights, Informed Consent, Deception and Debriefing
Confidentially, Experimental test, Withdrawal Rights, Informed Consent, Deception and Debriefing
Confidentially, Voluntary Participate, Withdrawal Rights, Skill test, Deception and Debriefing