Created by Emily Deragon
5 months ago
What makes an accusatory instrument "sufficient on its face"?
What happens if the court finds that an accusatory instrument is not sufficient on its face?
CPL 100.05
how is a criminal action commenced?
if more than one instrument is filed in the course of a criminal action, when does the action commence?
CPL 100.05
the only way in which a criminal action can be commenced in a superior court is (other than a criminal action against a juvenile offender or adolescent offender) is by filing therewith by a grand jury of a what?
if an indictment isn't filed, what is another way an criminal action can be commenced?
what are the 5 LCC accusatory instruments
what are the two superior court instruments?
define information
Define simplified traffic information
define simplified parks information
a prosecutors information is a written accusation by a district attorney filed with LCC in what 4 manners?
true or false?
prosecutors information serves as the basis for prosecution, only commences a criminal action at the direction of the grand jury to LCC. It can not charge felonies!
Define misdemeanor complaint: filed by who?
Define misdemeanor complaint: filed where
Define misdemeanor complaint: charges what
Define misdemeanor complaint: does it serve as a basis for prosecution?
true or false?
you always prosecute by some kind of information because it contains the information needed to do so. Complaints are just a person complaining, but without information behind it
felony complaint: filed by who?
felony complaint: filed where?
felony complaint: what does it charge?
felony complaint: does it sere as the basis for commencement of criminal action
CPL 100.15
what 3 things must an information, misdemeanor complaint and felony complaint specify?
CPL 100.15
what are the requirements for a complainant filing a complaint?
CPL 100.20
define supporting deposition
when a person is charged by a simplified information, the appearance ticket must state "notice: you are entitled to receive supporting disposition further explaining the charges provided you request such supporting deposition within __ days from the date you are directed to appear in court as set forth on this appearance ticket. do you request a supporting deposition?"
CPL 100.30
information, misdemeanor complaint, felony complaint, supporting deposition and proof of service of supporting deposition may be verified (sworn) in any of what 5 ways
CPL 100.50
if a superseding indictment is filed and it doesn't contain a charge filed in the original indictment, is that charge suspended?
CPL 100.55
the place which the offense was committed controls, so if an offense was committed in a village, where is an accusatory instrument filed?
CPL 100.55
any youth part of the superior court accusatory instrument may be filed where?
CPL 100.25
supporting deposition must be furnished __ days within the request or at least __ days before trial
what are the two parts of an accusatory instrument
true or false?
a criminal action can be commenced by the filing of an accusatory instrument in the youth part of the superior court when a juvenile offender is charged with violation or traffic infraction