Created by Emily Deragon
2 months ago
CPL 10
what are the two superior courts?
CPL 10.10
what are the 7 criminal courts?
CPL 10.20
Superior courts have trial jurisdiction over what offenses?
cpl 20.20
true or false?
superior courts have concurrent jurisdiction of all offenses, but they exercise jurisdiction through their grand juries
CPL 10.20
superior courts may sit as a local criminal courts for what 3 things?
CPL 10.30
local criminal courts have trial jurisdiction of all offenses other than ___
CPL 10.30
LCC have exclusive trial jurisdiction of petty offenses with what exception?
What trial jurisdiction do local criminal courts have over misdemeanors?
LCC have __ jurisdiction of all offenses subject to divestiture in any case by superior courts and their grand juries