Created by Reeth G
8 months ago
why is motion important?
what does motion imply about objects?
what are the functions of motion?
movement attracts our..
the movement of an object relatuve to the observer provides us..
what does the random dot kinetogram suggest
what's the name for this problem? define it
what are the 5 ways to make light move/types of motion?
what is real motion
when is it perceived? (in terms of our eyes/)
what does the movement of an image across the retina elicit again?
what particular part of a stimulus/light's movement is when the receptors respond best?
how can we change the tune for speed in the receptors in the motion-detection systems?
whats the aperture problem?
whats the solution/result of this?
where does this occur?
which animals were these experiments conducted on? middle temporal area receptors
what did they find?
what was further evidence for this?
what are the thresholds for detecting real movement?
what is the perception of velocity affected by?
what are some parts of motoin detection that were difficult to explain?
which theory helped address this?
what is the idea of the theory?
whats an example?
state the evidence that supported helmholtz's theory
what is apparent motion
whats another name for this movement/effect?
table of movements/ speeds and their effects
what is the beta & phi phenomenon?
slow apparent movement can be...
as distance of lights in apparent motion increases, what must we do to maintain same perception of movement?
what is induced movement?
autokinetic movement
what famous study was autokinetic motion seen in?
what are motion after-effects