Created by Reeth G
8 months ago
Roughly how many ganglion cells do we have in proportion to photoreceptors? (ratio)
what is the function of ganglion cells?
how do ganglion cells carry out this function? (in terms of detecting stimulus)
what objective measure/experiment has helped us learn all this about retinal ganglion cells?
what approach is this from
who was the first test experiment for this process SCR?
explain the process of single cell recording
what units does it record
if a neuron is active - does it increase in voltage or frequency?
how is the single cell recording experiment initially started off?
what has been found to be recorded with this?
what is this known as?
what are other words to describe baseline activity?
what is the point of the single cell recording experiments?
what stimulus is used for retinal ganglion cells' being recorded?
What is the receptive field?
how many regions does it have? what are they?
what happens if a brighter spot of light is shone on the excitatory region?
what about in the inhibitory regions?
what is the effect of shining light on inhibitory regions on the baseline activity of ganglion cells?
why are ganglion cells only influenced by a certain area on the retina?
why does this convergence create two types of response regions
what is lateral inhibition
what is the term used to describe the organisation of receptive field regions for the retinal ganglion cells
what are the 2 types of this organisation?
why do we have such an organisation?
what does it not detect, however?
why is it important for ganglion cells to recognise this change in pattern of light & dark?
Each photoreceptor is...
resulting in an overlap of...
what does this mean overall? (a statement)