Created by Reeth G
8 months ago
What is the goal of sensation & perception? (general, not the course)
What is sensation? How do we feel it?
What are our senses sensitive to?
What is perception?
How is perception described as a process?
What are our 5 senses?
Why is it useful to study perception?
Perception underlies...
What does perception allow for/aid with?
all perceptual systems follow the...
name the components of the perceptual process
what is the distal stimulus?
what is a proximal stimulus?
give examples of physical environmental energies
what occurs during the receptor processes?
what is this process known as?
what occurs during neural processing?
what processes are considered the end-goal of perception?
define perception & recognition in technical terms (we know you understand the process)
what is a good way where we are able to observe & differentiate the perception & recognition processes?
what does action concern?
when is the perceptual process considered to have completed/reached its end-point?
why do P, R, & A have bidirectional arrows?
how is knowledge defined in S&P?
what are the two types of processing?
what processing does perception involve?
why is top-down processing important?
what are the two approaches to studying perception?
what are some of the ways physiological measures are.. well, measured?
what are the thresholds measured i psychophysics?