Created by adamharries
about 11 years ago
There are several pieces of legislation that control the supply and use of hazardous
substances in the UK. These are (6)
REACH is designed to: (7)
Under REACH, each producer and importer of chemicals in volumes of 1 tonne or
more per year and will have to register each chemical with the EU Chemicals
Agency (the ECHA), submitting information on: (3)
Use-specific authorisation will be required for chemicals that cause: 4
Classification is the process of: 2
If a dangerous chemical is supplied in a package, the package must be labelled.
The aim of the label is to: 2
CoSHH defines a ‘substance hazardous to health’ as one which: 5
A summary of the CoSHH duties 8
Under COSHH, there is
mandatory monitoring for:2
Under COSHH, Health surveillance of employees should be carried out where: 4
Information, instruction and training (Regulation 12)
This regulation demands that all employees are liable to be exposed to hazardous
substances, they are provided with suitable and sufficient information, instruction
and training, including: 6
Accidents, incidents and emergencies (Regulation 13)
Regulation 13 requires that employers prepare for possible accidents, incidents and
emergencies involving hazardous substances by: 3