Jose Antonio Vazquez
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Tema 1 TACT-T23 Quiz on 1.TACT PREGUNTAS, created by Jose Antonio Vazquez on 09/07/2023.

Jose Antonio Vazquez
Created by Jose Antonio Vazquez about 1 year ago


Question 1 of 20


1.What is the recommended bank angle for visual arrivals?

Select one of the following:

  • Between 30º and 60º.

  • Between 30º and 45º

  • 30º

  • Between 20º and 60º


Question 2 of 20


2.In a Fighter Area of Responsibility (FAOR) there are two ways to protect the area of the slowmover: A detached escort and a close escort, true or false?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 3 of 20


3.What of the next is not a reaction principle:

Select one of the following:

  • DENY





Question 4 of 20


4.Is it compulsory for a crewmember at the cargo bay to wear a helmet while in the RVD?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, always

  • Yes, while moving around

  • No, it is only compulsory for cockpit

  • No


Question 5 of 20


5.What is the most vulnerable phase against a MANPAD?

Select one of the following:

  • The en-route

  • The descend

  • Departure and initial climb

  • Approach


Question 6 of 20


6.What is the most common threat that you find?

Select one of the following:


  • AAA

  • RPGS

  • SAM


Question 7 of 20


7.In order to plan the MSA we will pick an indicated altitude of 500ft above the highest obstruction to flight, or 400ft plus one chart contour interval above the highest depicted terrain contour interval above the highest depicted terrain contour, whichever is highest, within 5NM of route centreline to include the aircraft turn radius over each turning point. ¿True or False?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 8 of 20


8.Which one of the following statements about planning en-route operations is true?

Select one of the following:

  • Some of the disadvantages are the reduced exposure to certain Air Defence threats, operate below weather or the crew fatigue.

  • Some of the disadvantages are the fuel consumption, better internet connection or being an element of surprise.

  • Some of the advantages are the proximity to the ground, fuel consumption or being an element of surprise.

  • Some of the advantages are the reduced exposure to certain Air Defence threats, operate below weather or being an element of surprise.


Question 9 of 20


9.How can we define Composite air operations (COMAO):

Select one of the following:

  • Operations which include assets of the same kind to achieve a common objective.

  • One single operation where assets with the same role under the control of various commanders achieve a common objective.

  • Operations interrelated and limited in space, where assets differing in role under various commanders achive different tasks.

  • Operations interrelated and limited in both time and space, where assets differing in type and/or role are put under the control of a single commander to achieve a common, specific objective.


Question 10 of 20


10.Some of the techniques available for timing control are the followings:

Select one of the following:

  • All of the above are true

  • "60 in 1", S-turns and timing triangles

  • 20 % rule, "60 in 1" and orbit

  • 20% rule, orbit and incremental method


Question 11 of 20


11.Regarding the Communication plan...

Select one of the following:

  • a) Each formation should have its own interplane frequency

  • b) Each formation should be able to contact the package leadear, AWACS, escort, DZ, LZ...

  • c) The formation i sable to delegate in the leader the contact with the AWACS

  • d) a and b are correct


Question 12 of 20


12. The crewmember whit visual contact with the threat should announce it and advise the pilot of the proper maneuverings.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 13 of 20


13. What is the meaning, in order, of the 4T's:

Select one of the following:

  • Tactics / Target / Troubleshoot / Think

  • Task / Target / Threat / Troubleshoot

  • Threat / Think / Tactic / Take-Off

  • Task / Target / Threat / Tactics


Question 14 of 20


How can we define a Combat Entry Point or a Combat Exit Point?

Select one of the following:

  • A heavy line crossing parallel to the course, locating the earliest or latest point at which the threat can detect or intercept the aircraft or prior entering the área of operations when no air or ground threat is present

  • A heavy line crossing with 45 degrees to the course, locating the earliest or latest point at which the threat can detect or intercept the aircraft or prior entering the área of operations when no air or ground threat is present

  • A heavy line crossing perpendicular to the course, locating the earliest or latest point at which the threat can detect or intercept the aircraft or prior entering the área of operations when all air or ground threat is present

  • A heavy line crossing perpendicular to the course, locating the earliest or latest point at which the threat can detect or intercept the aircraft or prior entering the área of operations when no air or ground threat is present


Question 15 of 20


15. To properly assess the security of specific airfields, an aircrew member can use the "BEST" tool to focus the planner's research. From that research, the aircrew can then apply risk analysis to plan the appropriate arrival and departure. What does "BEST" stand for?

Select one of the following:

  • Boundary, Enemy, Security Forces, Topography.

  • Boundary, Enemy, Synchronisation and Type of Runway.

  • Bounty, Elevation, Security Forces, Topography.

  • Boundary, Elevation, Security Forces and Topography.


Question 16 of 20


16. Where can we find the ARL (Acceptable Risk Level)?

Select one of the following:

  • given in te SPINS

  • given in te ACO

  • given in te ATO

  • given by the planning section chief


Question 17 of 20


17.Which of the following is not a type of visual low level ingress:

Select one of the following:

  • Random Steep

  • Straight-in

  • Teardrop

  • Abeam


Question 18 of 20


18.The use of expendables is the most effective tactical against AAA

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 19 of 20


19.When the controller use BRAA format, what do you expect to hear?

Select one of the following:

  • 250/ 15, heading north (a friendly aircraft)

  • 330/35, east track (an enemy aircraft)

  • 090/60, block one, hostile (a friendly aircraft)

  • 290/45, 23000, tracking west (a friendly aircraft)


Question 20 of 20


20.When fighters speak about WEZ, what do they mean?

Select one of the following:

  • When deciding whether a target aircraft is in range or not for a particular type of weapon

  • When extracting the ACO information, for a specific zone, where the weapon engagement is authorized

  • When planning a mission, the weather expected in a specific zone

  • When deciding about aircraft configuration for a specific mission and weapons
