CHRP Diagnostic Exam - Employee and Labour Relations

Question 1 of 18


The relationship between a bargaining agent and an employer is described as:

Select one of the following:

  • Stakeholder relations

  • Employee relations

  • Industrial relations

  • Labour relations


Question 2 of 18


Which of the following is false about the Employment Standards Act?

Select one of the following:

  • Terms that are lower than the minimum standards set out in the Act can be
    negotiated through collective bargaining.

  • The Act stipulates overtime payments for non-management employees.

  • Some occupations are excluded from the Act.

  • Employment Standards Act is a provincial legislation.


Question 3 of 18


Which of the following Acts protects individuals from harassment?

Select one of the following:

  • Employment Equity Act

  • Pay Equity Act

  • Employment Standards Act

  • Human Rights Code


Question 4 of 18


Which of the following individuals is NOT a focus of employment equity legislation?

Select one of the following:

  • Women

  • Immigrants

  • Visible minorities

  • Aboriginals


Question 5 of 18


What strategy is an organization using when it adopts superior working conditions
in an effort to remain non-union?

Select one of the following:

  • Union substitution

  • Union resistance

  • Union acceptance

  • Union busting


Question 6 of 18


In order for a union to represent a group of employees, it has to engage in:

Select one of the following:

  • An arbitration process

  • A mediation process

  • A grievance process

  • A certification process


Question 7 of 18


The legal oversight of labour relations comes from:

Select one of the following:

  • The courts

  • Common law

  • Contract law

  • Labour boards


Question 8 of 18


A bargaining style that engages an adversarial approach is known as:

Select one of the following:

  • Integrative bargaining

  • Distributive bargaining

  • Mutual gains bargaining

  • Interest-based bargaining


Question 9 of 18


What union security clause requires employees of a bargaining unit to pay dues but
allows them to opt out of the union?

Select one of the following:

  • Closed shop

  • Open shop

  • Union shop

  • Rand Formula


Question 10 of 18


Under the principle of "management rights", management retains all the rights it
held before unionization except those changed by the collective agreement. What is
another term for "management rights"?

Select one of the following:

  • Acquired rights

  • Residual rights

  • Inherent rights

  • Bargaining rights


Question 11 of 18


In labour relations, the purpose of an authorization card is to:

Select one of the following:

  • Approve the deduction of union dues from employee wages

  • Indicate an employee's willingness to be represented by the union

  • File a grievance against management by a union member

  • Vote in a secret ballot for or against a renewed collective agreement


Question 12 of 18


The new management of a company insists that it has the right to embark on a
downsizing program; however, the union is challenging them on the grounds that
downsizing is not addressed in the collective agreement. The basis for
management's position is:

Select one of the following:

  • Business rights

  • Collective rights

  • Defined rights

  • Residual rights


Question 13 of 18


In the field of labour relations, what is conciliation?

Select one of the following:

  • One side agreeing to give up previously negotiated collective agreement

  • A union/management agreement to follow bargaining precedents set by
    industry negotiations

  • A cooling-off period during collective bargaining

  • Engaging a third-party to facilitate a dispute resolution


Question 14 of 18


The practice of allowing more senior level employees whose positions are being
eliminated to accept alternative positions for which they may be qualified and which
are currently occupied by other employees with less seniority is called:

Select one of the following:

  • ) Discretionary staffing

  • Priority rights

  • Bumping

  • Transfer


Question 15 of 18


What is constructive dismissal?

Select one of the following:

  • Employee termination with cause

  • A fundamental breach of the employment contract by the employer

  • Just cause dismissal

  • A temporary layoff of a group of employees


Question 16 of 18


Compulsory and binding interest arbitration is used:

Select one of the following:

  • When collective bargaining breaks down

  • To settle grievances

  • During the certification process

  • To settle wrongful dismissal claims


Question 17 of 18


Which of the following is NOT an unfair labour practice?

Select one of the following:

  • Promising to improve benefits during a union certification drive

  • Providing union employees with a Christmas bonus that was not negotiated

  • Engaging in pattern bargaining

  • Hiring professional strike breakers


Question 18 of 18


What does super seniority mean?

Select one of the following:

  • Union representatives have the highest seniority in the bargaining unit.

  • Minimum level of seniority is needed before one has bumping right.

  • Employees of the parent company are given additional seniority in the event
    of a merger.

  • Employees with high seniority cannot be terminated.
