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Alicja Klak
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

A level Psychology (social influence) Mind Map on 1.6 Obedience - Situational Explanations, created by Alicja Klak on 03/04/2023.

Alicja Klak
Created by Alicja Klak almost 2 years ago
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1.6 Obedience - Situational ExplanationsAgentic StateMilgrams interest with the trial of AdolfEichmann led him to propose thatobedience to destructive authority was dueto a person not taking responsibility, ratherbelieving they are acting for someone.AutonomousstateOpposite of the agentic state. Autonomy meansindependence, so they are free to behave as isaccording to their own moral principles andlaws. They feel a responsibility for their ownactions.The shift from autonomy to agency is called agentic shift.Milgram (1974) suggested this occurs when a personperceives someone else as an authority figure. They believethis person has more power as they are of a higher positionin the social hierachy.Binding factorsAspects of a situation that allow the person to ignoreor minimise the damaging effects of their behaviourand thus reducing the moral strain they feel.EvaluationStrengthsWeaknessesResearchSupportMilgram's own studies support the role ofthe agentic state in obedience. Most of hisparticipants resisted giving shocks at onepoint and often questioned the procedure.When the experimenter replied "I'mresponsible" the participants went throughthe procedure quickly.Shows that when they didnt take responsibility,participants had no issues with continuing togive shocks.A limited explanationAgentic shift does not explain many researchfindings about obedience. E.G doesnt explainRank and Jacobsen's study. 16/18 hospitalnurses disobeyed orders from a doctor toadminister an excessive drug to a patient,though the doctor was an authority figure,nurses remained autonomous.Agentic shift can only account for certain situations of obedienceLegitimacy of AuthorityMost societies are structured in a hierarchicalway, meaning certain positions hold moreauthority than others. We accept that authorityare allowed to exercise social power overothers as it allows society to run normally.A consequence is that people are given thepower to punish others, like police and courtshave the power to punish wrongdoers.Destructive authorityHistory has shown that charismatic and powerful leaderscan use their legitimate power for destructive purpose,ordering people to behave in ways that cause harm andare cruel.EvaluationStrengthsWeaknessesExplains cultural differencesCannot explain all disobedienceShows that in some cultures,authority is more likely to beobeyed and accepted as alegitimate authority. Reflectingthe way different societies arestructured and how children areraised to perceive authority.Some people may be more or less obedient than othersdue to innate tendencies to disobey having a greaterinfluence on their behaviour.Double click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node