Federal: Department of education creation
Federal: Department of education mission
Department of education duties
Funding on average: education
Federalism in education
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Race to the top funding
Race to the top goal
Did Texas participate in the race to the top program?
RESPECT (Recognizing Educational Success, Professional Excellence and Collaborative Teaching) funding
RESPECT (Recognizing Educational Success, Professional Excellence and Collaborative Teaching)
The Texas Constitutional Basis for Public Education
Constitutional Barriers to Equitable Funding
San Antonio V. Rodriquez (1968)
Edgewood ISD et al. v. Kirby et al. (1984)
Edgewood v. Kirby
Edgewood v. Kirby cont.
How were the schools funded?
State funding for education
School Districts
The three factors of finance
properties taxable
properties taxable cont.
Property Tax rates
Per Student Allocation
What are the effects of the discrepancy for poor districts?
What are the effects of the discrepancy Wealthy Districts?
Tracking the case: Legislation
Tracking the case: Legislation cont.
Tracking the case: the creation of CED's
Tracking the case: the multi-option plan
What was the nickname of the new school finance plan?
the new plan
The five options
which option did they choose?
what triggered the 1993 per student allocation cap?
rule changes in 1994
what was the new state cap triggered?
Since Edgewood
Since Edgewood
How many poor districts are there?
State Board of Education
Department of justice mission
Measuring crime
Uniform crime report
uniform crime report
preliminary report january-june 2010
national crime victim survey
trend in crime rates
Most crimes are committed by ______ under the age of ______
Victims and criminals
Texas Crime Victims' compensation fund
How does the election of justices affect the quality of justice in texas?
issues in criminal justice
Plea Bargains
Criminal prosecution process
Equal justice
Public defenders
public defenders
institutionalized racism
Texas fair defense act
Texas fair defense act cont.
capital punishment
capital punishment cont.
Furman v. Georgia
new death penalty statue
crimes that are capital murder
crimes that are capital murder cont.
What is the method for execution here nin texas?
First criteria
Second Criteria
Third criteria
life imprisonment vs death penalty
Are we a high execution or low execution state compared to others?
What are the final consequences?
The exonerated
Anthony Graves
Michael Morton
The Cantu Case
Willingham Case
Marijuana use and arrest rates (black vs. white)
Social movements
What we know about social movements
Major Movements in America
Major Movements in America cont.
Social Movements in Majoritarian Democracy
Encourage outsiders to participate
Scope of conflict
Overcome political inequality
Mass mobilization
Creating new majorities
Overcoming gridlock
Gains from Social Movement in U.S.
Factors that encourage the creation of Social Movements
The existence of social distress
Availability of resources for mobilization
A supportive environment
Sense of efficacy among participants
Political efficacy
A spark to set off the flames
Tactics of Social Movements
Successes of Movements
Low Impact Social Movements
Partially Successful
go through the review to make sure you got everything/ also to look back on links