Who are the Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams
John Hancock
William Pitt
Paul Revere
Who is Sam Adams
Leader of the french and idian war
Out spoken leader of Sons of liberty
Richest man in boston
Who is John Hancock
Boston silversmith, famous for a quote
Part of the sons of liberty. Richest man in boston. Partned up with Sam adams
Who is Paul Revere
Boston silversmith, Famous fo r the quote "The British are coming, the british are coming."
Famous for the shot around the world
Who is Patrick Henery
Said "my childrens are rebels"
Minister Of war
Famous for his quote "I know what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give , me death
Who is Gerorge Washington
A leader of sons of liberty and minister of war
Boston Silversmith, With the sons of liberty
Captured Quebec
Delivered message. Killed 10 french men. Got captured. Quote "The cause of boston now is and forever will be the cause of america
What is the Daughters of liberty
Signed pledges againts drinking Rum. British protest group.
Signed pledges against drinking tea. French protest group. Made commitment to not made British made cloth.
When was the First continental Congres meets
When was the battle of lexington and Concord
Who was John Locke
English Writer. wrote social contract. Protect Natraul Rights were, life, liberty, ownership of property
British Writer. wrote mental contract. Protect Natraul Rights were, homes, liberty, ownership of property
French Writer. wrote social contract. Protect Natraul Rights were, life, liberty, ownership of property
Who is William Pitt
Minister of war. and kills the navy
Minister of illness, protects the navy and killed troops.
Minister of war. sent troops and navy to win. Pittsburg named after him.
Who is Genreal James Wolfe
Famous for being a poet.
Famous for Captureing Quebec. And Famous for is quote "May God be praised, since we have conqured, i mat rest in peace
Ben Franklin
He is from Phillidalpia
He is a writer, inventor, an diplomat
he is just an inventoir
he was not a famous poet.
He is also a printer
Poem "No pain no gain "Half the truth is often a great lie."
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henery Wadsworth longfellow were peots
What poems did Ralph Waldo and Longfellow write
Shot heard around the world.
No pain no gain
Paul revere
The cause of boston
Who is phillis Weatley
African american slave, In slaved at age 8, Wrote poems about Current events, Deaths of Famous people
African american slave, In slaved at age 7, Wrote poems about Current events, Deaths of friends
What was the First Continental Congrees
non - Approved the Mass. of milita. Group of Volenteers, Ready to fight at moments notice
Approved the New york. of milita. Group of fighters, Ready to fight at moments notice
Approved the Mass. of milita. Group of Volenteers, Ready to fight at moments notice
What is the Second Contential Conbgrees
Sam adams , built a contential army
George Washington, built a contential army
Enlightenment is they renewed their religion
The great awaking is
Age of Reason
They renewed their religion
agreement to end the war
What is the French and indian war
War between british and french to claim land in america
War between americans and chinessess to claim land
Who won the French and indian war
What is the treaty of paris
Agrrement to end war
Agrrement to not end war
What is the stamp act
Didnt Put taxes of playing cards, documents, newspapers and notbooks. Quote the colonists come up with "No taxation without representation."
Put taxes of playing cards, documents, newspapers, notebooks. Quote the colonists come up with "No taxation without representation."
Put taxes of playing cards, documents, newspapers. Quote the colonists come up with "No taxation without representation for the free people."
Put taxes of playing cards, documents, newspapers. Quote the colonists come up with "No taxation without representation."
a boycott is
Refuse to buy goods. from themselves
Refuse to buy things or make deals with other countries
What is the boston tea party
dumped tea into a man made lake
The sons o fliberty kept all the tea
The sons of liberty dumped lots of tea in the boston harbor.
What is the battle of lexington and concord
the shot no one heard
the shot heard around the world
Who won the battle of lexington and concord
what is the miltia made up of
French soldiers
Bristish soliders
American soliders
Chinseess soliders
Why did frace and england want the Ohio river valley
Wanted water for crops
wanted it for trade
the british had 2 goals in the battle of lexington and concord. What were they?
Capture weapons
Capture the towns
Capture the weapons