Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Examen de Certificaciones

Created by mauriciocartes92 almost 9 years ago

Examen AIX Administration 7

Question 1 of 67


1. A system administrator suspects that a colleague rebooted their server the
Previous evening. Which of the following commands will confirm this

Select one of the following:

  • uptime

  • lastboot

  • reboot -l

  • bootinfo –t


Question 2 of 67


Once the machine has been powered on, which of the following is the correct
Way to reach the Systems Management Services menu on a PCI machine?

Select one of the following:

  • Press the space-bar when the LED displays 262.

  • Turn the key to Service mode when the LED displays 200.

  • Choose SMS when the boot option menu appears on screen.

  • Press the appropriate function key once the keyboard has been enabled.


Question 3 of 67


While attempting a preservation install, all of the hardware connections
Appear to be correct. However, when trying to boot from CD-ROM, the
Machine ends up in diagnostics. Which of the following is the most likely
Cause of this problem?

Select one of the following:

  • The battery on the machine is bad.

  • The root volume group is corrupt.

  • The low-level debugger is not enabled.

  • There is a hardware problem with the CD-ROM.


Question 4 of 67


The marketing group within the Widget Company plans to implement a new
database to house their demographic data. The administrator has requested
a tape drive and an additional disk to support the installation of this new
database. The IBM hardware engineer has connected the new equipment,
and the machine has been rebooted. Which of the following commands
should be used to verify the tape device is installed correctly?

Select one of the following:

  • lspv

  • lsdev

  • lstape

  • lsdisk


Question 5 of 67


The marketing group within the Widget Company plans to implement a new
database, as in question one. The new tape drive appears to be installed and
functioning correctly. However, while attempting to perform a mksysb utilizing
the new drive, it fails. What would be the first recommended action to take to
determine the cause of the failure?

Select one of the following:

  • Replace the tape drive.

  • Run cfgmgr to reconfigure the tape device.

  • Check the error log for tape drive errors.

  • Use SMIT to change the compression attribute on the tape device.


Question 6 of 67


A system administrator has just set up a new machine with two external hard
disks in a SCSI chain. One is a 2.2 GB SE (single ended) disk, and the other
is a 4.5 GB differential disk. The system administrator reboots the machine
and notices that only the SE disk is available. Which of the following is the
most likely cause?

Select one of the following:

  • The SE disk is most likely experiencing hardware problems.

  • There is most likely a SCSI conflict between the two drives.

  • The SE and differential drives are on the same chain.

  • The differential disk is most likely experiencing hardware problems.


Question 7 of 67


Which of the following commands can be used to determine the serial port

Select one of the following:

  • lscfg -vl ttyXX

  • ls -l /dev/ttyXX

  • lsattr -El ttyXX

  • lsdev -C |grep ttyXX


Question 8 of 67


A machine has a bootlist that is set for network booting. In attempting to
access SMS menus to change the bootlist to the local disk, it is discovered
that someone has set an SMS supervisory password, and the password is not
recorded. Which of the following actions will allow the system administrator to
gain access to the SMS menus?

Select one of the following:

  • Boot from AIX installation media, then reinstall SMS.

  • Boot from AIX installation media, then reset the supervisory password.

  • Call IBM and ask for the over-ride password based on the serial number.

  • Remove the battery from the system for at least one minute. Replace the
    battery and then reboot.


Question 9 of 67


An AIX installation has just completed. Maintenance Level 6 has been applied
to the BOS. Which command will show all installed maintenance levels

Select one of the following:

  • oslevel -a

  • lslpp -l | grep AIX

  • smitty show_apar_stat

  • instfix -i | grep ML


Question 10 of 67


How would an administrator verify that the system has all required
prerequisite fixes prior to installing a software fix?

Select one of the following:

  • Use the lsprereq command.

  • Use installp with the preview option.

  • View the .toc file in the root directory.

  • Use the inutoc command to update the .toc file.


Question 11 of 67


It has been determined that fix IX39714 needs to be applied to a server as
soon as possible. How can this fix be obtained if the system has Internet

Select one of the following:

  • Use the fixdist utility to download the fix.

  • FTP the fix from

  • Send an E-mail to with IX39714 in the subject line.

  • Use the Web-Based System Manager to download the fix.


Question 12 of 67


During the first reboot after the AIX 5L Version 5.1 operating system
installation process has completed, what is the first screen the administrator
will see?

Select one of the following:

  • Login prompt

  • Root shell prompt

  • Installation Assistant

  • Configuration Assistant


Question 13 of 67


Which of the following commands lists the current fix level of the fileset?

Select one of the following:

  • lsfs

  • lslpp -l

  • lppchk -l

  • installp -ver


Question 14 of 67


Which of the following commands can be used to verify the success of an
operating system upgrade?

Select one of the following:

  • oslevel

  • lslpp -h bos.obj

  • what_fileset -v

  • lsattr -Vl bos.rte


Question 15 of 67


If bos.up displays on your machine as being at, what is the
modification level?

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • 3

  • 4

  • 7


Question 16 of 67


A system administrator wishes to determine if a newly configured tape drive is
correctly added to the ODM database. Which command would the
administrator use?

Select one of the following:

  • odmshow

  • odmadd

  • odmget

  • odcreate


Question 17 of 67


The ODM is located in:

Select one of the following:

  • /etc/objrepos

  • /usr/lib/objrepos

  • /usr/share/lib/objrepos

  • All of the above


Question 18 of 67


While using the SMIT install menus to install an LPP, the response yes has
been selected for the option: EXTEND file systems if space needed. After
successfully installing the LPP, the /usr file system appears to be
unnecessarily large. Which of the following actions can be performed to
reduce the size of the /usr file system?

Select one of the following:

  • Backup, unmount, remove, recreate and restore the file system.

  • Unmount, run defragfs /usr and the reducefs -size XXX /usr commands.

  • Boot from mksysb tape and follow the procedure to reduce the file system.

  • Update /etc/filesystems with the desired size for /usr and reboot the


Question 19 of 67


A system administrator's daily monitoring has revealed a failing disk drive.
While examining the system, the administrator identified an unallocated drive.
Which of the following actions should be performed first to migrate the data
from the failing drive to the unallocated drive?

Select one of the following:

  • Migrate logical volumes to the new drive.

  • Add the unallocated drive to the volume group.

  • Create a copy of the file systems to the new drive.

  • Create a mirror of the logical volumes to the new drive.


Question 20 of 67


Due to high I/O volume to several file systems, the system administrator has
decided to create a second JFS log volume to balance the I/O requests. After
creating the logical volume to serve as the JFS log, what must be done to
make the jfslog available for use?

Select one of the following:

  • Use the chvg command to enable the JFS log volume.

  • Use the chjfs command to enable the JFS log volume.

  • Use the logform command to format the logical volume.

  • Edit /etc/filesystems and add the logical volume name.


Question 21 of 67


A system has been recovered from a hard disk failure and the failed disk has
been replaced with a new unformatted one. When the system administrator
varies on the volume group, an error message about a missing or unavailable
disk matches the one the system administrator replaced. Which of the
following commands will eliminate this error message?

Select one of the following:

  • cfgmgr

  • export VGName

  • mkdev -1 hdisk3

  • reducevg -df VGName PVID


Question 22 of 67


The system administrator has created 20 file systems that are set to mount
each time the system boots. Which of the following is the quickest method to
mount these file systems?

Select one of the following:

  • mount -a

  • Reboot the system.

  • /usr/lib/methods/cfgfs

  • Mount each individual file system.


Question 23 of 67


To increase the size of a file system, the system administrator must:

Select one of the following:

  • Unmount the file system.

  • Boot the system into single user mode.

  • Have enough free physical partitions within the volume group.

  • Back up the file system, change the size, and restore the file system.


Question 24 of 67


To decrease the size of the /home file system, the system administrator must:

Select one of the following:

  • Use the chfs command.

  • Use the reducefs command.

  • Run the defragfs command and then use the reducefs command.

  • Back up, delete, redefine, and restore the file system.


Question 25 of 67


What is the correct sequence of steps to mirror a volume group?
1. extendvg
2. mirroring
3. syncvg
4. set quorum
5. mkfscopy
6. reorgvg

Select one of the following:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4

  • 1, 5 , 3, 4

  • 1, 2, 4, 6

  • 6, 5, 4, 3


Question 26 of 67


Several error log entries indicate that hdisk5 is going bad. Before it completely
fails, the system administrator decides to copy the information from that disk
to the other five hard disks in that volume group. Which of the following
commands should be used?

Select one of the following:

  • copyfs

  • movelv

  • populatefs

  • migratepv


Question 27 of 67


A system has one internal disk drive (hdisk0) and one external disk drive
– hdisk0 is a 2.2 GB SCSI/2 Fastwide disk drive and contains a volume
group called rootvg.
– hdisk1 is a 4.5 GB SSA drive and contains a volume group called appsvg.
– The external SSA drive has over 3.0 GB of free space.
The system administrator would like to make a mirrored copy of a 500 MB
logical volume that currently is on hdisk0. What would prohibit the system
administrator from establishing a mirrored copy between the internal and
external disk drives?

Select one of the following:

  • The disks are not the same physical size.

  • The disks are not within the same volume group.

  • AIX does not support mirroring logical volume mirroring.

  • The disks are not the same drive type (for example, SSA verses SCSI/2).


Question 28 of 67


Which of the following commands displays the status of a physical volume
(hdisk1) before adding it to a volume group called cdvg?

Select one of the following:

  • lsvg cdvg

  • chvg cdvg

  • lspv hdisk1

  • chpv hdisk1


Question 29 of 67


What step must be taken prior to removing a file system?

Select one of the following:

  • Unmount the file system.

  • Remove the logical volume.

  • Delete the data from the file system.

  • Remove the NFS export for the file system.


Question 30 of 67


The system administrator realizes that paging space, paging12, must first be
removed from hdisk12. Which of the following is the correct sequence of
events for an older AIX system?

Select one of the following:

  • chps -an paging12, reboot, rmps paging12

  • swapoff paging12, rmps paging12

  • swapoff paging12, reboot, rmps paging12

  • chps -an paging12, swapoff paging12, rmps paging12


Question 31 of 67


A customer would like to remove an unneeded, but active, paging space
called paging00. What is proper sequence of steps to accomplish this?

Select one of the following:

  • Remove the paging space by using the rmps command and reboot the

  • Disable the paging space by using the chps command, reboot the
    system, and remove the paging00 logical volume by using the rmps

  • Disable the paging space by using the chps command, remove the
    paging00 logical volume by using the rmps command, and reboot the

  • Disable the paging space by using the chps command, reboot the
    system, and remove the paging00 logical volume by using the rmlv


Question 32 of 67


A system administrator would like to list all of the paging spaces residing on
the server. What is the correct syntax of the command to accomplish this?

Select one of the following:

  • lsps -a

  • lsps -s

  • lsps -l

  • lsps -all


Question 33 of 67


What is the purpose of the -i flag with the mksysb command?

Select one of the following:

  • It creates/updates the /.fsdata.

  • It reports the size of a file in bytes.

  • It creates a bootable system backup.

  • It creates or updates the / file.


Question 34 of 67


The administrator of the Widget company has decided that doing full backups
of the /apps directory each night is taking much more time than originally
assumed and that incrementals should be done during the week with one Full
backup each Saturday night. Which file if present can be used to manage this
during the week?

Select one of the following:

  • /last_full_backup

  • /etc/last_full_backup

  • /etc/incremental_dump_dates

  • /etc/incremental_file_backup


Question 35 of 67


What is the purpose of the mkszfile command?

Select one of the following:

  • It creates or updates the / file.

  • It reports the size of a file in bytes.

  • It creates a bootable system backup.

  • It creates/updates the /.fsdata.


Question 36 of 67


After creating a tar archive on a tape and verifying that the backup was
successful, a system administrator then inserts the tape into another machine
to access the data and receives the following error:
"Media Read Error - I/O Error"
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the error?

Select one of the following:

  • The blocksize or density setting is incorrect.

  • There is a lack of disk space in the root file system.

  • The tape is not read/writable.

  • There is a bad cable on the tape drive.


Question 37 of 67


A system administrator would like to restore the third image from a mksysb
tape. To position the tape to the correct image, which of the following
commands should be run?

Select one of the following:

  • lsattr

  • tctl

  • ffwd

  • chdev


Question 38 of 67


The finance group at the Widget Company has just approved a new financial
package that runs on an RS/6000. They will be converting their old data to the
new system. Currently, they have 10 GB of data but will be growing to 18 GB
with the new system because they want to maintain one year of history online.
The new system they have ordered is an F50 with 128 MB of RAM, an SSA
card, two 9.1 GB SSA drives, and a single FDDI card.
What would be the best addition to this system for redundancy?
1. One SSA card
2. Two 9.1 GB SSA disks
3. Error correcting RAM
4. Two additional processors

Select one of the following:

  • 3 and 1

  • 4 and 1

  • 4 and 2

  • 1 and 2


Question 39 of 67


The system administrator would like to log messages related to user login
failures to a file. How could this be accomplished?

Select one of the following:

  • Issue the command: alog -f /etc/security/failedlogin -q

  • Modify the /etc/security/login to add an auth_method for logging.

  • Add a line to the /etc/syslog.conf file to capture this information.

  • Set log=true in the default stanza in the /etc/security/user file.


Question 40 of 67


A system administrator would like to collect a log file of su activity on all hosts
across a network. The central logfile will reside on host mars. The syslog
daemon is already operational on host mars. Which of the following is the first
step in accomplishing this task?

Select one of the following:

  • Edit the /var/adm/sulog file on all hosts except mars adding the line:

  • Edit the /etc/syslog.conf file on all hosts except mars adding the line:
    auth.debug @mars

  • Edit the /var/adm/syslog file on all hosts except mars adding the line:
    sulog = mars

  • Edit the /etc/security/user file on all hosts except mars adding the
    following line to the default stanza:
    sulog = mars


Question 41 of 67


An overwrite installation has just been completed to bring the machine up to
the latest AIX version. Which of the following is the next step to take in order
to enable operation of skulker?

Select one of the following:

  • Run the command: startsrc -s skulker

  • Run the command: chitab "skulker:2:wait:/etc/rc.skulker"

  • Remove the comment from the skulker entry of the root crontab

  • Remove the comment from the skulker entry in the inetd.conf and refresh


Question 42 of 67


Which of the following actions allow a System Administrator to configure
anonymous FTP?

Select one of the following:

  • smit ftp

  • /usr/samples/tcpip/anon.ftp

  • startsrc -s ftp -a anonymous

  • add the FTP anonymous user using smit


Question 43 of 67


A System Administrator is given only one Ethernet network card (en0) in a
system, with an IP address of A user wants to host two different
initial home pages on the Web server. The System Administrator has verified
that the Web server does support multiple IP Addresses. To add another IP
address to the already configured interface, which of the following choices
should be selected?

Select one of the following:

  • smitty chgenet

  • smitty add_interface

  • ifconfig en0 newipaddress netmask netmask alias

  • This task cannot be accomplished without adding a new Ethernet


Question 44 of 67


When a RPC (remote procedural call) server starts up, it registers itself with
which of the following daemons?

Select one of the following:

  • yp daemons

  • nfs daemons

  • inetd daemons

  • portmap daemon


Question 45 of 67


Which of the following actions will allow the system administrator to stop and
restart the TCP/IP daemons manually?

Select one of the following:

  • Use the netstat command.

  • Use the SRC utility to stop and restart.

  • Use the netconfig utility menu.

  • Issue the rmdev command on the appropriate network adapter.


Question 46 of 67


Two Web servers need to be configured on a single machine that has only
one network interface. Each Web server needs to have its own unique IP
address. How should an administrator accomplish this?

Select one of the following:

  • Use the smitty alias command

  • Add it in /etc/defaults

  • Use the newaliases command

  • Use the ifconfig en0 alias command


Question 47 of 67


An AIX system administrator decides to experiment with NFS. She exports
/home and /var, two file systems from a system called pluto. The system
administrator now is on system called mars, another AIX machine on the
same subnet as pluto. She now wishes to mount the exported file systems
from pluto onto mars. Which of the following commands will she use to view
the export list of 'pluto'?

Select one of the following:

  • exportlist pluto

  • rpcinfo -p pluto

  • showmount -e mars

  • showmount -e pluto


Question 48 of 67


A system administrator has been working on a project for the last couple of
months that requires writing different scripts on Server A. These scripts,
which have been run nightly, have been collecting data within log files in a
journaled file system called /project22. The system administrator would now
like to access this JFS from a remote server called Server B.
The system administrator has issued the command lssrc -g nfs and
discovered that the daemons are inoperative on Server A. Which of the
following actions should be performed to correct this situation?

Select one of the following:

  • Run the nfs.start command.

  • Run the startsrc -g nfs command.

  • Run the refresh -s nfsd command.

  • Log out and then log back into the system.


Question 49 of 67


The same scenario from question one still applies.
Which of the following actions should be performed by the system
administrator to give Server B access to Server A's file system?

Select one of the following:

  • Run the chfs command on Server A.

  • Run the chfs command on Server B.

  • Run the exportfs command on Server A.

  • Run the exportfs command on Server B.


Question 50 of 67


The finance department at the Widget Company needs a larger server. The
current server has 40 GB of hard drive space, two processors and 2 GB of
memory. The application is a fully multi-threaded process and is very I/O
intensive. What configuration should the company purchase to fix current
problems and plan for future expansion?

Select one of the following:

  • One 60 GB SCSI hard disk, 4 processors, and 2 GB of memory.

  • Two 20 GB SSA hard disks, 4 processors, and 4 GB of memory.

  • Two 20 GB SCSI hard disks, 2 processors, and 8 GB of memory.

  • Three 20 GB SSA hard disks, 4 processors, and 2 GB of memory.


Question 51 of 67


The Widget Company is trying to implement disaster recovery procedures
and techniques. They currently have two daily backups taken of all data. In
the event that they need to restore data to another machine, what type of
machine would be ideal?

Select one of the following:

  • A slightly slower machine of the same type.

  • An exact duplicate of the original machine.

  • A slightly slower machine of the same type with less processors.

  • An exact duplicate of the original machine with less processors.


Question 52 of 67


A system administrator is experiencing performance problems and runs the
vmstat command. The output of vmstat is shown in the following exhibit.
procs memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
2 0 22534 1465 0 0 0 0 0 0 238 903 239 77 23 0 0
2 0 22534 1445 0 0 0 0 0 0 209 1142 205 72 28 0 0
2 0 22534 1426 0 0 0 0 0 0 189 1220 212 74 26 0 0
3 0 22534 1410 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 1704 268 70 30 0 0
2 1 22557 1365 0 0 0 0 0 0 383 977 216 72 28 0 0
What can be concluded from this output?

Select one of the following:

  • The machine is CPU bound.

  • The machine needs memory optimized.

  • the machine needs a FDDI card installed.

  • A user program is causing unnecessary paging.


Question 53 of 67


A system administrator runs the vmstat command. The output of vmstat is
shown in the following exhibit (using a 15 minute interval).
kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
2 0 9200 11027 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 52 14 14 16 0 69
2 1 9200 11027 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 251 29 12 11 0 67
3 1 9200 11027 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 120 29 9 11 0 80
5 1 9200 11027 0 0 0 0 0 0 206 120 29 13 5 0 79
4 1 9200 11027 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 131 32 9 8 0 72
Based on this output, what is the average CPU idle time as a percentage?

Select one of the following:

  • 45.5

  • 75.3

  • 44.04

  • 73.4


Question 54 of 67


A user is able to get a login prompt for the server but gets a failed login error
message when trying to login with an ID. Which of the following is the most
likely cause of this problem?

Select one of the following:

  • the hard drive is bad.

  • The /home file system is full.

  • The server is low on paging space.

  • The user has entered an invalid ID or password.


Question 55 of 67


Which of the following files contains UID, home directory, and shell

Select one of the following:

  • /etc/passwd

  • /etc/security/user

  • /etc/security/environ

  • /etc/security/passwd


Question 56 of 67


A customer has cloned a machine using mksysb. The source machine
contained a graphics adaptor and display and was running Xwindows. The
target machine has an IBM 3151 terminal and no graphics capability. The
customer states that they are seeing the following message repeatedly scroll
across the login screen.
* Starting Desktop Login on display :0÷
* Wait for the Desktop Login screen before logging in.
To prevent this message from appearing, which of the following actions
should be performed?

Select one of the following:

  • Run the cdecfg -disable command.

  • Run the startx -no command and reboot.

  • Run the dtconfig -d command and reboot.

  • Remove the X=start line from the /etc/security/login.cfg file and reboot.


Question 57 of 67


After completing the installation of the Base Operating System on one of the
servers, the system administrator would like for all users who telnet into this
machine to see a specific message each time they successfully log in. Which
file should be edited to provide this message?

Select one of the following:

  • /etc/motd

  • /etc/profile

  • /etc/environment

  • /etc/security/login.cfg


Question 58 of 67


A marketing manager would like her shell prompt to reflect the directory she is
in so that if she needs to remove a file, she will be sure to be in the proper
directory. Which of the following environment variables can be set to
accomplish this?

Select one of the following:

  • PS1

  • PATH




Question 59 of 67


The Widget Company has installed a new laser printer on their network. The
RS/6000 has been configured to print to that printer using the pcl queue. A
print job was submitted to the pcl queue and was running until the printer ran
out of paper. The printer was offline for 30 minutes before the paper was
added. What needs to be done to continue the print job?

Select one of the following:

  • enable pcl

  • startsrc -s lpd

  • refresh -s lpd

  • resubmit the job


Question 60 of 67


To list the print job 120 on printer lineprinter, which command would you use?

Select one of the following:

  • qchk -P lineprinter

  • qcan 120

  • ps lineprinter

  • lsdev lineprinter | grep 120


Question 61 of 67


To print the file /etc/host to the printer lineprinter, which command would you

Select one of the following:

  • lpr /etc/hosts -P lineprinter

  • lpstat lineprinter

  • lprm /etc/hosts -P lineprinter

  • print /etc/hosts


Question 62 of 67


A Company would like to create an e-mail alias on an AIX workstation that will
forward e-mail to a user on another workstation for collection of data. The
system administrator would like to add this entry to the /etc/aliases file. Which
of the following actions should be performed in order for the change to take

Select one of the following:

  • Reboot the workstation.

  • Run the mailq command.

  • Stop and start TCP/IP.

  • Use the sendmail command.


Question 63 of 67


A system administrator wants to process a mail queue after every 45 minutes.
Which of the following commands should be used if the change must take
effect immediately and be permanent?

Select one of the following:

  • sendmail -q45d

  • sendmail -q45h and also edit /etc/rc.tcpip to change qpi=45h

  • sendmail -q45 and also edit /etc/rc.tcpip to change qpi=45m

  • sendmail -q45


Question 64 of 67


All mail sent to root on system mars needs to be redirected to user
administrator on system earth. Prior to running the newaliases command,
which command should be run to accomplish this goal?

Select one of the following:

  • On system earth, run the command: echo "mars: earth" >> /etc/hosts

  • On system mars, run the command: echo "root:admin@earth" >>

  • On system mars, run the command: echo "root:admin@earth" >>

  • On system earth, run the command: echo "root:admin@earth" >>


Question 65 of 67


By installing the Documentation Search Services client fileset, the following
will be made available to your AIX Version 4.3 system:

Select one of the following:

  • CDE icon

  • Web browser

  • docsearch command and CDE icon

  • info command and CDE icon


Question 66 of 67


From a forms-capable Web browser, the URL used to access the online
documentation server on an AIX Version 4.3 system is:

Select one of the following:

  • http://server_name[:port_number]/cgi-bin/ds_form

  • http://server_name[:port_number]/cgi-bin/docsearch

  • http://server_name[:port_number]/cgi-bin/info

  • http://server_name[:port_number]/cgi-bin/man


Question 67 of 67


A system administrator uses the startsrc command to start the font server
and gets the following message:
subsystem not on file
Which of the following is the proper way to make this subsystem available?

Select one of the following:

  • Run the definesrc -s xfs command.

  • Run the xfsconf script and then run startsrc -s xfs command.

  • The font server can not be controlled by the system resource //controller.

  • Run the startsrc -s xfs command and then refresh -s inetd
