Who created the behaviourist approach?
Noam Chomsky
B.F. Skinner
Jean Piagett
Katherine Nelson
Jean Aitchisons
Who created the innate approach?
Jean Aitchison
Who created the cognitive approach?
Who suggested the idea of 4 categories?
Who suggested that children's language falls into 3 categories?
Which theory suggested children use labelling, packaging and semantic errors?
Behaviourist approach
Innate approach
Cognitive approach
4 categories
View on holophrastic stage
Which theory suggested that children's first words consist of naming things, actions, describing, personal & social)?
Behaviourist theory
Cognitive theory
Innate theory
Which theory uses ideas that the child understands i.e. time, space, numbers?
View on the holophrastic stage
Which theory suggests the human brain is ready for language, when children are exposed to speech, they pick it up naturally and begin to work out the underlying rules themselves?
Which theory suggested that children learn to speak by copying the utterances heard around them?