Matthew Phomsopha
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

10th grade Sus History Quiz on Suspicious 18.1 - 19.2 Quiz, created by Matthew Phomsopha on 04/05/2022.

Matthew Phomsopha
Created by Matthew Phomsopha about 2 years ago

Suspicious 18.1 - 19.2 Quiz

Question 1 of 50


The United States and the Soviet Union became rivals after World War II because

Select one of the following:

  • The Soviet Union began developing nuclear weapons.

  • The Marshall Plan failed to rebuild war-torn Europe.

  • Communists and Western capitalists distrusted each other.

  • The United States threatened to invade Soviet satellite states.


Question 2 of 50


The Truman Doctrine promised to

Select one of the following:

  • Restore control of satellite states to the Soviet Union.

  • End the civil war in Greece and rid the country of communism.

  • Give economic aid to countries threatened by communism.

  • Use military force to fight Communist expansion in Asia.


Question 3 of 50


The Marshall Plan was based on the idea that

Select one of the following:

  • Nations should maintain large arsenals of nuclear weapons.

  • North and South Korea should be unified.

  • Military force was the best way to contain communism.

  • Communism succeeded only in countries with economic problems.


Question 4 of 50


The Berlin Wall was erected in order to

Select one of the following:

  • Protect Soviet military supplies.

  • Prevent the spread of communism.

  • Retaliate against U.S. aggression.

  • Stop the flow of refugees from East Germany.


Question 5 of 50


The Warsaw Pact was a

Select one of the following:

  • A military agreement between the United States, France and Great Britain.

  • development of trade agreements amongst the Western European states.

  • military alliance of the Soviet Union and Eastern European states.

  • U.S. policy to rebuild war torn Europe.


Question 6 of 50


NATO was formed to provide

Select one of the following:

  • Mutual help to the Soviet Union and it's allies around the Atlantic ocean

  • Economic relief to East Germany.

  • Military support for Brasil

  • Mutual help to the United States and it's allies around the Atlantic ocean.


Question 7 of 50


Which war sparked an expansion of United states military alliances around the world?

Select one of the following:

  • The Korean War.

  • The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

  • The War in Vietnam

  • Russia's war with Ukraine.


Question 8 of 50


The United States policy of containment was designed to

Select one of the following:

  • Keep communism within its existing boundaries and prevent Soviet aggression.

  • Stop biological warfare from damaging the United States.

  • Limit political discussion in the United States.

  • Limit the loss of American troops around the world.


Question 9 of 50


What was the arms race between the Soviet Union and United States?

Select one of the following:

  • The Soviets started a free market economy to better beat the United States.

  • Both countries built up their armies and increased their weapons arsenals.

  • The United States nationalized their economy to better beat the Soviets.

  • A reduction of traditional armed forces in favor of nuclear weapons.


Question 10 of 50


What was the policy of deterrence?

Select one of the following:

  • The Soviets believed they could stop US aggression by expanding their industrial capacity.

  • The policy held that huge arsenals of nuclear weapons on both sides prevented war.

  • A policy that led to a reduction of nuclear weapons.

  • The United States needed to become allies with every country in the world to prevent Soviet aggression.


Question 11 of 50


After Mao's forces claimed victory in the civil war,

Select one of the following:

  • Chiang Kai-shek and 2 million followers fled to Taiwan.

  • Mao gave up the presidency and invited the south to join his forces.

  • The Chinese people voted overwhelmingly to follow Chiang Kai-shek.

  • The communists overturned Mao and took away his leadership.


Question 12 of 50


The purpose of Mao's Great Leap Forward program was to

Select one of the following:

  • Allow more people to work in industry.

  • Increase the governments aid to individuals.

  • Force more people to farm private plots of land.

  • Encourage workers to start new businesses.


Question 13 of 50


The Red Guards consisted of people who were

Select one of the following:

  • Unhappy and discontented.

  • Future capitalists.

  • Traditional.

  • Eager to help others.


Question 14 of 50


Why did the people of China ultimately reject the Cultural Revolution?

Select one of the following:

  • Its ideas were rooted in old culture.

  • The Red Guards actions horrified them.

  • Mao did not believe in it.

  • It stood for change.


Question 15 of 50


Why did the United States fear the spread of communism to China?

Select one of the following:

  • The United States worried that communists would dominate the world.

  • The United States believed China was poised to launch a military attack on the US.

  • The United States feared China's growing industrial power.

  • It interrupted United States plans to invade China.


Question 16 of 50


The primary purpose of the Red Guards was to

Select one of the following:

  • Preserve Chinese tradition.

  • Force the Chinese people to obey the new ideas and eliminate the old ones.

  • Encourage western thought and tradition in China.

  • Protect members of the intellectual class in China.


Question 17 of 50


Who was the leader of the Chinese Communist Party when they won the civil war following World War II?

Select one of the following:

  • People's Republic Leader Sun Tzu

  • Chairman Mao Zedong

  • Premier Nikita Krushchev

  • President Chiang Kai-shek


Question 18 of 50


Why did the huge communes in China fail?

Select one of the following:

  • The huge communes in China did not fail, they were successful.

  • Bad weather and the peasants hatred of the new system

  • Russia invaded China interrupting the switch to communes.

  • The peasants were unwilling to work on farms.


Question 19 of 50


What was Mao's idea of a permanent revolution?

Select one of the following:

  • An atmosphere of constant revolutionary fervor enabling China to achieve the final stage of communism.

  • A cultural shift from devotion to the government to devotion to the family and tradition

  • A state of freedom in which every member of society was able to vote on every decision the government made.

  • An ongoing violent conflict between the government and its people.


Question 20 of 50


What was the Little Red Book?

Select one of the following:

  • A pamphlet instructing Communist Party members in urban combat.

  • A collection of famous Chinese artworks for preservation.

  • A collection of Mao's thoughts and an important source for Chinese communists

  • A journal recording western thoughts on the Chinese Civil War.


Question 21 of 50


The United States sent troops to Vietnam to

Select one of the following:

  • Gain the support of the American public.

  • Stop the South from controlling the North.

  • Stop the North from controlling the South.

  • Drive the French out of Vietnam.


Question 22 of 50


During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba if the United States would

Select one of the following:

  • Not invade Cuba.

  • Remove missiles from Florida.

  • Stop the blockade of Cuba.

  • Send aid to Cuba.


Question 23 of 50


The United States considered Cuba a threat because

Select one of the following:

  • Cuban exiles had informed the United States about missiles in Cuba.

  • Castro and Kennedy did not trust each other.

  • The Cuban government had been overthrown and was unstable.

  • Cuba, which is 90 miles from Florida, had ties with the Soviets.


Question 24 of 50


The United States government believed that if they lost South Vietnam to communism,

Select one of the following:

  • Other Asian countries would come to the aid of South Vietnam.

  • United States citizens would turn against the war.

  • Other Asian countries would also fall to communism.

  • North Vietnam would become communist too.


Question 25 of 50


Which government allied with North Korea in its attempt to take over South Korea?

Select one of the following:

  • United States

  • Vietnam

  • Soviet Union

  • France


Question 26 of 50


At the end of World War II, which country refused to end its colonial rule of Vietnam?

Select one of the following:

  • Japan

  • China

  • France

  • Britain


Question 27 of 50


What military action began the Korean War?

Select one of the following:

  • With the approval of Stalin, North Korean troops invaded South Korea.

  • Vietnam started sending troops to other communist countries in Asia.

  • Japan deployed gunships to rebuild their imperial empire.

  • China attempted to conquer the Korean peninsula.


Question 28 of 50


Which political theory was used to justify United States military involvement in Vietnam?

Select one of the following:

  • Mutually Assured Destruction, a military doctrine that guaranteed absolute destruction to all sides if nuclear weapons were used.

  • The domino theory, an idea that if one country falls to communism neighboring countries will also fall.

  • The cultural revolution, the idea that only through radically transforming a country's culture could communism be stopped.

  • The policy of deterrence, a belief that possessing huge arsenals of nuclear weapons prevents war.


Question 29 of 50


The Bay of Pigs Invasion was the result of a CIA plan

Select one of the following:

  • To win the Vietnam War.

  • To liberate North Korea from communist rule.

  • To use exiled Cuban fighters to invade Cuba.

  • To launch a surprise attack on the Soviet Union.


Question 30 of 50


When the United states and the Soviet Union used substitutes to fight each other, they became involved in

Select one of the following:

  • Proxy wars.

  • a naval arms race.

  • Economic sabotage.

  • the construction of massive public works projects.


Question 31 of 50


British India was divided along religious lines into which two country's in 1947?

Select one of the following:

  • Punjab and Bangladesh

  • India and Pakistan

  • Bangladesh and Pakistan

  • India and Punjab


Question 32 of 50


Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated as a consequence of

Select one of the following:

  • Violence following the creation of Bangladesh.

  • The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

  • Conflict surrounding Punjab independence.

  • Violence following the independence of Pakistan from India.


Question 33 of 50


Jawaharlal Nehru modeled the new Congress Party in charge of the independent Indian government after

Select one of the following:

  • The socialist ideals of the British Labour Party.

  • The communist ideas of the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Traditional Indian monarchies.

  • The Russian oligarchies.


Question 34 of 50


How did Indira Gandhi's government react to militant Sikhs demand for independence of the Punjab region?

Select one of the following:

  • There was an increase in the number of Sikh representatives in the national government of India.

  • The government used military force to crush the rebellion killing more than 450 Sikhs.

  • The government granted independence to the Punjab region.

  • The government cut off all financial aid to the region.


Question 35 of 50


What is the significance of Kashmir in India's history?

Select one of the following:

  • The United States and the Soviet Union used it as a political pawn in the Cold War.

  • Religious differences contributed to India and Pakistan fighting for its control.

  • Its independence brought about peace between India and Pakistan.

  • For decades, India and Britain fought over who would control it.


Question 36 of 50


How did the principle of nonalignment influence India's foreign policy?

Select one of the following:

  • The United States placed an embargo on Indian goods.

  • India overthrew the governments of Bangladesh and Pakistan.

  • India refused to take sides in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

  • Nonalignment led to a war with the Soviet Union.


Question 37 of 50


Why did the United States pressure the Netherlands to grant independence to Indonesia?

Select one of the following:

  • The United States wanted to trade with the Netherlands.

  • The Netherlands wanted to colonize all of Southeast Asia.

  • The Indonesian Communist Party was close to collapse.

  • The United States supported Achmed Sukarno's non-Communist National Party.


Question 38 of 50


After the Vietnam War the country of Vietnam was unified under what syle of government?

Select one of the following:

  • Monarchy

  • Khmer Rouge

  • Communism

  • Democracy


Question 39 of 50


Which European country refused to grant independence to it colonial possessions in Southeast Asia?

Select one of the following:

  • Spain

  • France

  • The United States

  • Great Britain


Question 40 of 50


Who has controlled Myanmar since the 1960s?

Select one of the following:

  • Pol Pot

  • Ferdinand Marcos

  • The military

  • Aung San Suu Kyi


Question 41 of 50


Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser promoted Pan-Arabism, the idea that

Select one of the following:

  • Arabic culture needed to be preserved in museums.

  • Arab countries needed to develop independently from each other.

  • Arabic people around the world should unify

  • Syria should be the leaders of the Arabic people


Question 42 of 50


Which of the following was one result of the 1947 UN resolution that sought to divide the Palestine Mandate?

Select one of the following:

  • The issue of a Palestinian homeland was finally settled.

  • All Israeli's came under Palestinian rule.

  • All Palestinians came under Israeli rule.

  • Many Palestinians fled to refugee camps in neighboring Arab countries.


Question 43 of 50


The basic religious difference between Iran and Iraq is

Select one of the following:

  • Iranians are mostly Shia Muslims, while Iraqi leaders under Saddam Hussein were mostly Sunni Muslims

  • Iranians are mostly Sunni Muslims, while Iraqi leaders under Saddam Hussein were mostly Shia Muslims

  • Iraqis are mostly Hindu and Iranians are mostly Sunni Muslim.

  • Iraqis are mostly Hindu and Iranians are mostly Shia Muslim.


Question 44 of 50


One result of the Six Day War that caused the Arab-Israeli conflict to continue for years to come was

Select one of the following:

  • A million Israelis now lived in Arab-occupied territory.

  • Arabs now occupied the Sinai Penninsula.

  • A million Palestinians now lived in areas under Israeli control.

  • Arab states doubled the size of territory under their control.


Question 45 of 50


During the 1980s, some militant Palestinian Arabs

Select one of the following:

  • Created an organization called the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

  • Signed a cease-fire agreement with Egypt.

  • Led an intifada, or "üprising," in the territories occupied by Israel.

  • Overthrew the shah in Iran.


Question 46 of 50


How did Israel respond to Arab armies assembling in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt?

Select one of the following:

  • Israel surrendered territory to Egypt and Jordan.

  • Israel attacked Saudi Arabia.

  • Israel asked the United Nations for help.

  • Israel launched air strikes against Egypt and Jordan.


Question 47 of 50


The meeting at Camp David hosted by President Carter between Prime Minister Begin and President Sadat resulted in an Israeli Egyptian peace treaty and

Select one of the following:

  • A complete withdrawal of Israel from the Sinai penninsula.

  • Additional attacks Israel by the Egyptian Air Force.

  • Renewed bombing of Jordan by Israel.

  • A new alliance between Egypt and the United States.


Question 48 of 50


The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Which groups fought back against the Soviets?

Select one of the following:

  • The Khmer Rouge supported by the France and Spain.

  • The Mujahideen supported by the United States and Pakistan.

  • The PLO supported by Israel.

  • The Taliban supported by the European Union.


Question 49 of 50


Why did many Iranians under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini oppose the Shah of Iran?

Select one of the following:

  • They believed the new Iranian culture was influenced by the United States and was based on greed and materialism.

  • They wanted to become allies with Iraq.

  • They believed that a new communist government would provide more opportunity for the people to access the oil wealth of Iran.

  • The Iranians believed that they needed to expand their military and become closer allies with the United States.


Question 50 of 50


What event began the Persian Gulf War?

Select one of the following:

  • Saddam Hussein sent troops into Kuwait to seize oil fields.

  • Israel bombed the Egyptian air force.

  • Iran invaded Saudi Arabia

  • The United States invaded Afghanistan
