Courtney Swartz
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Based on the study guide (2015) for Dr. Miroshninchenko's midterm exam for Astronomy 235 at UNCG.

Courtney Swartz
Created by Courtney Swartz almost 9 years ago

Astronomy 235- Dr Miroshninchenko Midterm Review 2015

Question 1 of 23


What is the age of the Universe?

Select one of the following:

  • 13 billion years

  • 14 billion years

  • 13 million years

  • 14 million years


Question 2 of 23


Who were the most influential figures in the history of astronomy?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Kepler and Brahe

  • Eratosthenes and Ptolemy

  • Galileo and Copernicus

  • Socrates and Aristotle

  • All of the above


Question 3 of 23


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

( Eratosthenes, Kepler, Galileo, Brahe, Ptolemy, Tycho ) was the first to measure the ( radius, diameter, circumference, surface area ) of the Earth which helped to prove the Earth wasn't flat. Copernicus developed the heliocentric system and believed in ( elliptical, rectangular, irregular, perfect circle ) revolutions of the planets. Ptolemy's discoveries include developing the Ptolemaic universe model which was ( heliocentric, sun-centered, earth-centered, moon-centered ), ( epicycles, ellipses, gravity ), and cataloging 1028 stars positions. ( Tycho, Brahe, Kepler, Eratosthenes ) is responsible for ( Tycho, Eratosthenes, Brahe, Andromeda )'s quadrant which is ( 1/2, 1/8, 1/3, 1/4, 1/16 ) of ( an ellipse, a circle, an arch ), used to measure positions, precision of the angular observant, and ( one, two, three, four ) second of ( an arc, an ellipse, a circle ). The ( ellipse, circular, irregular ) orbit was discovered/hypothesized about by ( Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe, Newton ). Galileo discovered ( sunspots, solar flares, sun storms ), mountains and valleys on ( the moon,, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter's moons ) the ( one, five, two, three, four ) moons of ( Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune ), phases of ( Mercury, Venus, the moon ), and used the first telescope as a scientific instrument. Kepler is also responsible for ( 3 laws of gravity, 4 laws of gravity, 4 laws, 3 laws ). The first is that planets have elliptical orbits. The second is that when a planet is ( further away, closer ) to the sun it moves ( slower, faster ) than when it is ( further away, closer ), and the ( third, Pick the other one. ) is that you can measure the ( orbit, revoltionary ) period of a planet that orbits around the sun and convert it to ( astronomical units, light years, Earth years ) and then ( divide, cube, square, multiply ) it and the ( cubed root, square root, product, quotient ) will be it's ( light years, astronomical units, Earth years ) from the sun.


Question 4 of 23


Roughly, how many stars are in the Milky Way galaxy?

Select one of the following:

  • 100 million

  • 100 trillion

  • 100 billion

  • 100 thousand


Question 5 of 23


Roughly how many galaxies are there in the Universe?

Select one of the following:

  • 100 million

  • 100 billion

  • 100 trillion

  • 100 thousand


Question 6 of 23


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

A is a huge collection of anywhere from a few hundred million to more than a trillion , all bound together by .


Question 7 of 23


Why does the milky way look like a band from Earth? Note: outline of sight lies in the plane of the galaxy.

Select one of the following:

  • We are in the bulge and can only see the flat arms of the galaxy.

  • We are on the arms and cannot see anything but the rest of the arm spread out around us.

  • We are in the bulge and cannot see anything beyond the bulge.

  • We are on the arm and see the disk


Question 8 of 23


Retrograde motion as explained by the system is where the planets orbited around the but also a fixed point within a smaller similar to how the and . The system explains retrograde motion by claiming the orbited around in .

Drag and drop to complete the text.

    revolutioned around
    circled around
    orbited around
    gravitational pull
    Jupiter orbits the sun
    the Earth orbits the sun
    the moon orbits the Earth
    Jupiter's moons orbit each other
    the moon orbits around the Earth
    Earth orbits the sun
    the moon orbits the Sun
    Earth orbits the moon
    the Ptolemaic
    the Eratosthenic
    the Keplarian
    the Copernican
    the planets
    the sun
    the moon
    the Earth
    +the sun
    +the Earth
    +the planets
    +the moon
    irregular patterns
    perfect circles
    imperfect circles


Question 9 of 23


What is direct proof the Earth is not stationary?

Select one or more of the following:

  • parallax

  • stellar parallax

  • the seasons

  • the clouds


Question 10 of 23


What elementary (subatomic) particles make up atoms?

Select one or more of the following:

  • protons

  • neutrons

  • electrons

  • both 1 and 2

  • both 1 and 3

  • both 2 and 3


Question 11 of 23


What are the main parameters of an EM wave (wavelength, frequency, amplitude)?

Select one of the following:

  • travel through space with a speed c=> their wavelengths ^(greek letter) and frequency f are related

  • travel through space with a speed c=< their wavelengths ^(greek letter) and frequency f are related

  • travel through space with a speed c=> their wavelengths ^(greek letter) and frequency f are not related

  • travel through space with a speed c=< their wavelengths ^(greek letter) and frequency f are not related


Question 12 of 23


What is the place of the visible light in the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum?

Select one of the following:

  • the beginning

  • the end

  • outside of it

  • the middle


Question 13 of 23


How are a photon's energy and frequency (wavelength) are connected?

Select one of the following:

  • The higher the frequency, the more energy it produces.

  • The lower the frequency the more energy it produces.

  • The higher the frequency the less energy it produces


Question 14 of 23


What elementary particle is responsible for emitting radiation in atoms?

Select one of the following:

  • photon

  • neutron

  • proton

  • electron


Question 15 of 23


What does the law of conservation of angular momentum state?

Select one or more of the following:

  • an external force must act on an object for momentum to occur

  • an external force must not act on an object for momentum to occur

  • momentum cannot be created or destroyed it simply exists

  • momentum must be created by a constant application of force


Question 16 of 23


What are the consequences of the law of angular momentum?

Select one or more of the following:

  • inverse correlation

  • reverse correlation

  • faster movement to conserve angular momentum

  • slower movement to conserve angular momentum


Question 17 of 23


What kind of frequencies (wavelengths) and energies do different types of photons have (for example, X-rays have high frequencies, low wavelengths, and high energies)?

Select one of the following:

  • Low-energy photons, like radio photons, tend to behave more like waves, while higher energy photons (i.e. X-rays) behave more like particles.

  • I don't know

  • High-energy photons, like radio photons, tend to behave more like particles, while lower energy photons (i.e. X-rays) behave more like waves


Question 18 of 23


The regions of the EM spectrum are:

Select one of the following:

  • Ultraviolet radiation, Visible radiation, Infrared radiation, Terahertz radiation, and Microwave radiation

  • Gamma radiation, X-ray radiation, Ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, and radio waves

  • Gamma radiation, X-ray radiation, Ultraviolet radiation, Visible radiation, Infrared radiation, Terahertz radiation, Microwave radiation, and Radio waves

  • Gamma radiation, X-ray radiation, Infrared radiation, and Radio waves


Question 19 of 23


What are the basic properties of all EM waves? (Electromagnetic)

Select one or more of the following:

  • waves travel parallel to each other

  • waves travel perpendicular to each other

  • same amplitude and wavelength

  • same frequency and wavelength

  • same frequency, amplitude, and wavelength


Question 20 of 23


What happens when radiation is emitted or absorbed by an atom?

Select one of the following:

  • Photons are created

  • Light is created

  • photons are destroyed

  • darkness is created


Question 21 of 23


What mirror size do the largest telescopes in the world have?

Select one of the following:

  • 10m diameter

  • 20m diameter

  • 100m diameter

  • 1000m diameter


Question 22 of 23


Which of the following statements best describes the two principal advantages of telescopes over eyes?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Telescopes can collect far more light with far better angular resolution

  • Telescopes can collect far more light with far greater magnification

  • Telescopes have much more magnification and better angular resolution

  • Telescopes collect more light and are unaffected by twinkling

  • Telescopes can see farther without image distortion and can record more accurate colors


Question 23 of 23


Which of the following was not discovered by Galileo?

Select one of the following:

  • phases of Venus

  • stellar parallax

  • mountains and valleys on the moon

  • 4 moons of jupiter
