Created by Terry Sellers
almost 3 years ago
BMI (Body Mass Index) gives you an indication of body fat because it evaluates your weight in relation to your ___________.
A BMI greater than _________ is generally considered unhealthy and an indication of obesity
________ % of Americans are considered overweight or obese.
________ % of Americans are considered obese.
Know the weight classification based on the BMI
Be aware of how obesity has rapidly increased over the last 30 years.
Health care costs are more than 30% higher for overweight and obese persons.
List several of the health complications that may result from obesity.
Most weight gain occurs between the age range of ________________ years.
The typical American man & woman gain .5 to 1.8 pounds per year until age _____.
Walking or riding a bike has been replaced by what transportation method from 1969 t0 2001?
_____ % of children aged 8 - 18 have TV's in there room.
_____ % of children less than 3 years old have TV's in there room.
Each hour increase in TV use by adolescents causes a _________% increase in obesity.
Adults 15 & over spent an average of ________ hours per day watching TV in 2010.
Every hour of increased TV watching by adults increase their risk of death by __________ %.
What is leptin?
A defective __________ may cause inadequate leptin production.
Normally leptin's job is to reduce the urge to eat when caloric intake is maintaining ______________________ (3 words)
A defective obesity gene may result in inadequate leptin production, causing the body to underestimate adipose stores urging you to eat.
Drastic rapid weight loss is the best way to lose large amounts of weight.
Severe calorie restriction often leads to the body increasing the resting metabolic rate, making it more difficult to lose weight
Most weight loss occurs during the first __________ ( a number) months.
Well over 50% of those going on a weight loss program eventually regain their weight.
A realistic weight loss goal is ________________ (% range)