Aspects of Amphibian Skin
Why would the loss of an aquatic growth phase in amphibians be effective?
Describe unique teeth of amphibians
Describe Anurans
Describe the amphibian skull
Differences of anuran axial skeleton from that of amphibious fish
Specializations of anuran appendicular skeleton
Features of salamanders
Salamander skeleton
How salamanders move
Describe what we know of the origin of modern amphibians
What is paedomorphosis and why can it mislead us?
Describe early amniotes
What are the major groups of amniotes?
What's so special about the cleidoic egg?
Other derived characteristics of amniotes
Amniote axial skeleton
Atlas and axis vertebrae
Body support of vertebral column
The role of the hip bone in body support
Changes in skull openings
Describe turtles and their diversity