The primary purpose of Speech-Language Therapy is to improve children's speech and spoken English.
Speech-Language Therapy is supportive of children learning more than one language.
Speech-Language Therapist is the same role as:
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher
Elocution Teacher
Speech-Language Therapists assess and treat feeding, eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulties.
Speech-Language Therapy during a child's early years has more effective outcomes than their later years.
Effective Speech-Language Therapy involves teaching language one-on-one in a private room.
The Speech-Language Therapist is the expert about the child's communication.
The severity of the child's communication difficulty does not mean there will be a high impact on participation and learning.
Children with communication difficulties are lazy and/or naughty.
The most effective way to address communication difficulties is by:
improving the child's speech, language and/or communication skills.
using visual picture/text cues or recorded messages to accompany spoken/signed language.
improving our own interactions to match the level of the child.
None of the above.
All of the above.