Ryan Fryer
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

300 Real Estate Quiz on Chapter 5, created by Ryan Fryer on 15/09/2015.

Ryan Fryer
Created by Ryan Fryer almost 9 years ago

Chapter 5

Question 1 of 20


The right of a governmental body to take ownership of real estate for public benefit is called

Select one of the following:

  • escheat

  • eminent domain

  • condemnation

  • police power


Question 2 of 20


A purchaser of real estate learned that the ownership rights will continue forever and that no other person claims to be the owner or has any ownership control over the property. this person owns a

Select one of the following:

  • fee simple interest

  • life estate

  • determinable fee estate

  • fee simple on condition


Question 3 of 20


A person owned the fee simple title to a vacant lot adjacent to a hospital and was persuaded to make a gift of the lot. She wanted to have some control over its use, so her attorney prepared her deed to convey ownership of the lot to the hospital "so long as it is used for hospital purposes." After completion of the gift, the hospital will own a

Select one of the following:

  • Fee simple absolute estate

  • License

  • fee simple determinable

  • leasehold estate


Question 4 of 20


Your neighbors use your driveway to reach a garage located on their property. Your attorney explains that ownership of the neighbors' real estate includes an easement appurtenant, giving them the right to do this. Your property is

Select one of the following:

  • the dominant tenement

  • a defeasible estate

  • a leasehold interest

  • the servient tenement


Question 5 of 20


A license is an example of

Select one of the following:

  • an appurtenant easement

  • an encroachment

  • a personal privilege

  • a restriction


Question 6 of 20


Which of the following is classified as a life estate?

Select one of the following:

  • An estate pur autre vie

  • An estate held by lease

  • An estate without condition

  • A fee simple estate


Question 7 of 20


If the owner of real estate does not take action against a trespasser before the statutory period has passed, the trespasser may acquire

Select one of the following:

  • an easement by necessity

  • a license

  • an easement by implication of law

  • a prescriptive easement


Question 8 of 20


Many states determine water use by allocating water to users who hold recorded beneficial use permits. This type of water use privilege is called

Select one of the following:

  • riparian rights

  • littoral rights

  • the doctrine of prior appropriation

  • the doctrine of highest and best use


Question 9 of 20


All of the following are powers of the government except

Select one of the following:

  • condemnation

  • police power

  • eminent domain

  • taxation


Question 10 of 20


Property deeded to a school "for educational purposes only" conveys a

Select one of the following:

  • fee simple absolute

  • fee simple on condition prcedent

  • leasehold interest

  • fee simple on condition


Question 11 of 20


A neighbor has the legal right to pass over the land owned by his neighbor. This is

Select one of the following:

  • an estate in land

  • an easement

  • police power

  • an encroachment


Question 12 of 20


A man conveys ownership of his residence to his daughter but reserves for himself a life estate in the residence. The interest the daughter owns during her father's lifetime is

Select one of the following:

  • pur autre vie

  • a future interest

  • a current interest

  • a leasehold


Question 13 of 20


An owner has fenced his property. By mistake, the fence extends one foot over his lot line onto the property of a neighbor. The fence is an exampleof

Select one of the following:

  • a licence

  • an encroachment

  • an easement by necessity

  • an easement by prescription


Question 14 of 20


A person has permission from a property owner to hike on the owner's property during the summer. The hiker has

Select one of the following:

  • an easement by necessity

  • an easement by condemnation

  • riparian rights

  • a license


Question 15 of 20


Which is a characteristic of an appurtenant easement?

Select one of the following:

  • Runs with the land

  • Terminates with the sale of the property

  • Is a right-of-way for a utility company

  • Is revocable


Question 16 of 20


A tenant in an apartment holds

Select one of the following:

  • an easement

  • a license

  • a freehold interest

  • a leasehold interest


Question 17 of 20


The acquisition of land through deposit of solid or sand washed up by water is called

Select one of the following:

  • accretion

  • avulsion

  • erosion

  • condemnation


Question 18 of 20


The type of easement that is a right-of-way for a utility company's power lines is an

Select one of the following:

  • easement of appurtenant

  • easement in gross

  • easement by necessity

  • easement by prescription


Question 19 of 20


A landowner has divided much of his land into smaller parcels and has recently sold a tract near a nature preserve that is landlocked and cannot be entered except through one of the other tracts. What type of easement will likely be granted to the buyer of that property by court action?

Select one of the following:

  • Easement by necessity

  • Easement by gross

  • Easement by prescription

  • Easement by condemnation


Question 20 of 20


All of the following will terminate an easement except

Select one of the following:

  • nonuse of a prescriptive easemetn

  • adverse possession by the owner of the servient tenement

  • abandonment of easement

  • release of the right of easement to the dominant tenement
