Created by Kara Biczykowski
over 3 years ago
1) AIA Doc A201 Gen Conds of the Contract for Const., for use on a Sustainable Project is sim. to:
2) ^ this doc should be used w/ other sus. project docs including:
1) A201 SP Sec 1.1 includes definitions of terms pertaining to a sus. project like:
2-3) A201 SP Article 2 (in addition to the standard A201) says the owner must:
- A201 SP Article 3 says in addition to the standard A201 contractor responsibilities:
1) the contractor must perform any sus. measures specd in the sus. plan that is:
2) if the owner or arch recognizes a cond. that will affect the achievement of a sus. measure, the contractor must:
3) the contractor is not reqd to ascertain the contract docs are in accordance w/ the reqs of the certifying authority, but if:
4) if a contractor wants to make a substitution, they must include a:
5) the contractor must complete any sus. docs reqd by the sus. plan or oth contract docs, this may include:
6) for const. waste mgmt, the contractor must:
6a) as part of this ^ req. the contractor must prepare: