Created by Lilac Potato
over 9 years ago
Assisted suicide
Immortality of the Soul
Near-Death Experience
Non-voluntary euthanasia
Quality of Life
Sanctity of Life
Voluntary Euthanasia
What are the Christian reasons for believing in life after death?
How does belief in life after death affect Christians?
What are non-Christian reasons for believing in life after death?
Why do some people not believe in life after death?
What are some of the causes of world poverty?
How is CAFOD trying to remove world poverty?
Why is CAFOD trying to remove world poverty?
When is abortion allowed?
Why is abortion a controversial issue?
What are the Catholic views on abortion?
What are the Liberal Protestant views on abortion?
What is the law on euthanasia in the UK?
What are some non-religious arguments for euthanasia?
What are some non-religious arguments against euthanasia?
What are the Catholic views on euthanasia?
Why are some Christians completely against euthanasia?
Why are some Christians for euthanasia?