Created by Victoria M
over 3 years ago
5 characteristics of civilization
What was the impact of the Neolithic revolution?
What were some characteristics of the ancient civilization?
What about Mesopotamia?
What were the river civilizations?
What happened in 1000 B.C.E?
What happened in Israel?
Important things to know about Judaism:
1000 BCE- 500 CE:
What were the Chinese dynasties in order?
What was the dynastic circle?
What was the Mandate of Heaven?
What happened in 402-202 BCE?
Who was Shi Huangdi?
What did each and every dynasty do?
What was Confucianism?
What was Legalism?
What was Daoism?
What were China's advancements?
How did China's society and economy work?
What was Hinduism?
Who were the Aryans?
What was the Mauryan Empire?
Why was Ashoka important?
About India's trade and economy:
About Buddhism:
About the Gupta Empire:
Gupta Social Life:
What was Greece's government?
Greek Philosophy:
What was the Hellenistic period?
How did Rome form?
How did the Roman government work?
The Roman downfall.
What was Christianity's role?
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
How did Bedouin culture influence Muslim culture?
Who was Muhammad, and what did he do?
Where did Islam spread to?
What happened after Muhammad's death?
What was Europe like in the Middle Ages?
What were the regional states of Europe?
Why was Europe contained?
Who was Clovis, and what did he do?
Charlemagne's importance:
How did the Byzantine Empire start?
What was Byzantine society like?
What was the Byzantine split?
How did the Byzantine empire decline?