Michael Bleb
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

120 question quiz drawn from HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Certification Course.

Michael Bleb
Created by Michael Bleb almost 9 years ago

Inbound Marketing Quiz

Question 1 of 120


What are the two things to consider when determining a topic for a piece of content?

Select one of the following:

  • Knowledge on the topic and what topic you want to be considered as a thought leader.

  • Buyer personas and where they are in the buyer's journey.

  • Amount of available time and resources.


Question 2 of 120


When converting visitors into leads, you should only utilize consideration stage content.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 3 of 120


Focus on the design of a piece of content first, worry about the informational part second.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 4 of 120


Fill in the blank: It's not until the ________ of the Buyer's Journey when your product should be mentioned.

Select one of the following:

  • Awareness

  • Consideration

  • Decision


Question 5 of 120


You perform an audit of all of your website content (content offers, website pages, and blog posts) and realize you don't have much content that would fit into the consideration stage of the Buyer's Journey. You decide to create a new consideration stage content offer. What should the topic be focused on?

Select one of the following:

  • How your product/service and help solve your buyer persona's problem

  • Your buyer persona's problems

  • The solution to your buyer persona's problems


Question 6 of 120


Fill in the blank: Promoting your content offers on your blog can help you ____________.

Select one of the following:

  • Promote your blog posts

  • Increase traffic to your blog

  • Gain social shares

  • Generate new leads


Question 7 of 120


You read through a blog post from a coworker that’s about two different topics. Is this good or bad?

Select one of the following:

  • Bad - pick just one topic per post to make it clear for readers and search engines

  • Good - the more topics that one post can cover, the better for SEO


Question 8 of 120


What is the long-tail keyword in the title “An Easy Guide to Training Your Cat”

Select one of the following:

  • Guide to Training

  • Easy Cat Training Guide

  • Cat Training

  • Cat Training Guide


Question 9 of 120


What can analyzing the most popular posts by promotional channel tell you?

Select one of the following:

  • Which domain to publish your blog posts to

  • Which authors are promoting the content on their personal social media accounts

  • Which topics you should continue to write about

  • Which channels are giving you the greatest reach for your posts


Question 10 of 120


What is whitespace?

Select one of the following:

  • The space on the page with images on it

  • he space on the page with text on it

  • The empty space on the page

  • The white space on the page


Question 11 of 120


What are the three stages of the Buyer’s Journey?

Select one of the following:

  • Research, consideration, decision

  • Awareness, consideration, deliberation

  • Awareness, conversion, decision

  • Awareness, consideration, decision


Question 12 of 120


What are the four stages of the Inbound Methodology?

Select one of the following:

  • Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight

  • Awareness, Consideration, Close, and Decision

  • Reach, Engage, Convince, Sell


Question 13 of 120


All of the following are best practices of inbound, EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Leverage content

  • Create remarkable content

  • Use the Buyer's Journey

  • Use buyer personas

  • Focus on finding customers


Question 14 of 120


Fill in the blank: _________ is your marketing toolkit, like blogs, videos, and ebooks; _________ is who you're creating it for.

Select one of the following:

  • Content, content marketing

  • Context, inbound strategies

  • Context, the Buyer’s Journey

  • Content, context


Question 15 of 120


Buyer persona stories should contain information about:

Select one of the following:

  • A persona’s demographics and common traits

  • A persona’s main goals and challenges

  • A persona’s role at their organization or in life

  • All of the above


Question 16 of 120


What is the nickname of a bot that search engines use to crawl the web?

Select one of the following:

  • Monkey

  • Penguin

  • Panda

  • Spider


Question 17 of 120


True or false: Search engines can read both text and images.

Select one of the following:

  • True - this is why it’s important to include an image on every page

  • False - this is why it’s important to include optimized alt-text behind each image


Question 18 of 120


True or false: Search engines count all links as equally important when crawling and ranking your page.

Select one of the following:

  • True - it’s the quantity of links that counts. The more links, the higher you’ll rank.

  • False - it’s the quality of links that counts. The more authoritative the links, the higher you’ll rank.


Question 19 of 120


What should you begin your keyword research with?

Select one of the following:

  • Building relationships with industry thought leaders

  • Turning short keywords into long-tail keywords

  • Understanding what your buyer personas are searching for

  • Looking up the difficulty and competition around your keywords


Question 20 of 120


Which is easier to rank for - the short keyword “teamwork” or the long-tail keyword “promote teamwork between employees”?

Select one of the following:

  • “Teamwork” - short keywords are more broad, so more people are searching for them and there’s less competition

  • “Promote teamwork between employees” - long-tail keywords are more targeted, so fewer people are searching for them and there’s less competition


Question 21 of 120


How is social media used in the attract phase of the Inbound Methodology?

Select one of the following:

  • To promote content that will convert leads.

  • Social media is not used in the attract phase.

  • To analyze the success of previous social media content.

  • To publish content that will increase your exposure.


Question 22 of 120


Social monitoring is a great way that marketers can gather information about their buyer personas.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 23 of 120


Paul just started a new job as Director of Marketing at Fifth Season, the adventure travel company. After conducting a marketing audit, Paul finds that Fifth Season does not have an actionable social media strategy. What is the FIRST thing Paul should do to begin to developing a strategy?

Select one of the following:

  • Create content that is interesting and relevant to Fifth Season’s buyer personas and distribute it across every social media platform.

  • Create content and reach out to industry influencers and ask them to repost the content he creates.

  • Set goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely).


Question 24 of 120


When calculating social media ROI, what four types of metrics should you pay attention to depending on your goals?

Select one of the following:

  • Click-through rate, average timing, engagement rate, and website visits

  • Facebook likes, Twitter followers, LinkedIn group followers, and Google+ followers

  • Content consumption, social sharing, lead generation, and revenue

  • Total amount of Visits, Leads, Customers, and Promoters


Question 25 of 120


In a recent survey, Fifth Season’s primary buyer persona reported that she would buy more off-site team building packages if she knew more about the people responsible for delivering the team building exercises. What should Fifth Season do?

Select one of the following:

  • Publish a series of “Get to know your Team Building Expert” posts on Facebook

  • Publish a series of “Get to know your Team Building Expert” posts on Twitter

  • Publish a series of “Get to know you Team Building Expert” posts on LinkedIn

  • Publish a series of “Get to know your Team Building Expert” posts across all networks


Question 26 of 120


According to the Inbound Methodology, in which stage do visitors become leads?

Select one of the following:

  • Attract Stage

  • Convert Stage

  • Close Stage

  • Delight Stage


Question 27 of 120


If you wanted to promote a travel consultation offer on a blog post, where should the CTA be placed?

Select one of the following:

  • End of the first paragraph

  • End of the blog post

  • Top of the blog page

  • All of the above


Question 28 of 120


Fill in the blank: Using the same ______ for the entire conversion process helps your visitors understand what they are going to get.

Select one of the following:

  • CTA

  • Keywords

  • Landing page

  • Image size


Question 29 of 120


The primary purpose of a call-to-action is to convert leads into customers.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 30 of 120


The conversion process begins with a Landing Page.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 31 of 120


A landing page headline should always contain which of the following:

Select one of the following:

  • The word “download”

  • When the offer will be delivered

  • The type of offer

  • A testimonial describing the benefit of the offer


Question 32 of 120


A landing page uses a form to gather information about your visitors.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 33 of 120


An optimized landing page should contain a link to get another offer.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 34 of 120


You’ve been asked to create a landing page for a ten-page ebook of the ‘Best Beach Family Vacation Spots in Europe.’ Would you place a button to download the ebook directly from the landing page?

Select one of the following:

  • No, because the landing page needs a form.

  • Yes, as long as the download button is obvious to click on.


Question 35 of 120


The form on the landing page should mirror the value of the offer.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 36 of 120


Thank you pages are useful for each of these reasons EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Move leads further into the buyer’s journey

  • Close leads as customers

  • Extend your social media reach

  • Provide additional content to a lead


Question 37 of 120


True or false: A thank you page should have a navigation menu that is different from the rest of your website.

Select one of the following:

  • True: Your menu should be shorter to direct people to particular areas of your site.

  • True: Your menu should direct people to related content offers.

  • False: Your menu should be the same as the rest of your site to be consistent.

  • False: Your menu should not exist on a thank you page.


Question 38 of 120


If you are sending a follow-up email, you do not need to build a thank you page.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 39 of 120


Fill in the blank: A thank you page is a way to say thank you, deliver the offer and ________.

Select one of the following:

  • provide more information

  • convert the lead

  • gain SEO benefits

  • begin the sales process


Question 40 of 120


“Thanks! We will give you a call shortly to schedule a demo” is an effective message to place on your thank you page.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 41 of 120


In 2004, PC magazine wrote an article called, “The Death of Email.” It asks, “Has email peaked and become more useless?” Is this true?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes. Email has become less effective as a marketing channel.

  • Yes. Email is used by less people, even though it is still an effective channel to communicate with those who DO still use it.

  • Yes. Email has been replaced by other ways of sharing information like social media.

  • No. Email is being adopted and used as a communication channel by more people every year.


Question 42 of 120


Your boss asks you to write an email to drive registration to an important webinar your company is hosting. All of these would be effective places to add the PRIMARY call-to-action, EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • In the copy of the email

  • As a call-to-action button between the copy

  • As an image that's hyperlinked

  • In a P.S. below the email signature


Question 43 of 120


Next quarter, your marketing team plans to make an effort to increase the reach of your email sends. Which of the following ideas should you remove from your list of potential ways to increase your reach?

Select one of the following:

  • Adding a Call-To-Action to encourage readers to share the email with a colleague.

  • Send an additional email after each initial email send encouraging users to share the first email if they found it helpful or relevant.

  • Creating a web-based version of your emails so you can post them on your website.

  • Adding social sharing buttons to appropriate emails.


Question 44 of 120


A high click rate for your email send is a good indicator of all of the following, EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • A well-segmented list

  • Reader engagement

  • Brand awareness

  • An effective subject line


Question 45 of 120


While doing a report of this year’s email trends, you notice that, compared to last year, more of your emails are marked as spam. All of these are potential explanations, EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Email marketing is decreasing in both use and effectiveness, causing an increase in reported spam complaint by businesses and consumers.

  • The frequency of the email sends was too often.

  • The content being sent was not relevant to the reader.

  • Your company did not express permission to email these contacts.


Question 46 of 120


What is smarketing?

Select one of the following:

  • Smarketing is the process of splitting the marketing and sales teams in two. Then making two teams both half marketing and sales that compete against each other.

  • Smarketing is the process of aligning the marketing and sales teams around common goals within a business or organization, with the goal of improving revenue.

  • Smarketing is the process of paying the marketers within an organization based on the leads they generate that close into customers.

  • Smarketing is the process of having one individual do both the marketing and sales for a specific persona.


Question 47 of 120


The marketing and sales funnel consists of 6 lifecycle stages. What is the correct order starting at the top of the funnel and ending at the bottom?

Select one of the following:

  • Prospect (visit), Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Opportunity, Customer

  • Prospect (visit), Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead, Opportunity, Customer

  • Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Prospect (visit), customer

  • Prospect (visit), Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead, Opportunity, Sales Qualified Lead, Customer


Question 48 of 120


Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) are contacts who have identified themselves as a good fit, highly engaged, or both. MQLs are defined by:

Select one of the following:

  • The software system(s) you use to manage your marketing and sales funnel.

  • The marketing team solely based off what they know about the buyer personas.

  • Just the sales team based on the type of lead they can most easily close into a customer.

  • Both marketing and sales and agreed upon as a lead worth researching more thoroughly.


Question 49 of 120


Sales' Service Level Agreement (SLA) to marketing is dictated by the number of sales reps and their quotas. Based on the number of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) marketing provides sales, sales can in turn identify how many follow-up attempts can be made for each MQL that is accepted as a Sales Qualified Lead(SQL).

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 50 of 120


Which of the following is NOT a step in keeping open communication?

Select one of the following:

  • Have weekly smarketing meetings with all of marketing and sales

  • Have monthly management meetings to discuss topics and resolve issues

  • Communicate information about marketing campaigns and product/service updates to both the marketing and sales teams

  • Share SLA data with the marketing and sales only once a quarter


Question 51 of 120


Buyer personas aren't important once you get to the Close stage in the Inbound Methodology.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 52 of 120


All of the following are things you can uncover as you thoroughly research your leads, EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Company size

  • Their role in the company

  • How you can solve their problem

  • What they sell


Question 53 of 120


Your sales manager wants you to focus on explaining the value of your product or service to your prospect on your phone calls. Which of the following is the MOST effective way to accomplish this?

Select one of the following:

  • Ask close-ended questions

  • Use positioning statements

  • Use a static pitch about your product or services’ benefits

  • Ask leading questions


Question 54 of 120


Which is NOT a guideline to follow when picking up the phone to connect with a lead?

Select one of the following:

  • Lead the conversation to match your sales goal

  • Be prepared with educational content to share

  • Build rapport with the lead

  • Know your audience

  • Speak the prospects language


Question 55 of 120


When dealing with prospects over the phone, each prospect should always walk away having learned something from you - no matter the outcome of the call.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 56 of 120


What are the components to the Customer Delight checklist?

Select one of the following:

  • Solve the problems, provide a recommendation, be yourself

  • Solve the problems, exceed people’s expectations, be fun and enthusiastic

  • Solve for the customer and train your team members

  • Find a solution, be supportive, be yourself


Question 57 of 120


Your customer is experiencing a problem with your product. What steps should you take when trying to solve a person’s problem as fast as possible?

Select one of the following:

  • First listen, then acknowledge, then explore the problem

  • First explore, then acknowledge, then explore the problem more

  • First listen, then acknowledge

  • First listen, then explore, then explore even more


Question 58 of 120


Which statement is true?

Select one of the following:

  • It usually costs more money to acquire a new customer

  • It usually costs more money to retain an existing customer


Question 59 of 120


It doesn’t matter if you're in product, marketing, sales, or customer support. It's everyone's job to build trust with people. You need to make sure you properly train your team so they understand why trust is key.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 60 of 120


Why should you be measuring and tracking as many of your customer's interactions as you can?

Select one of the following:

  • To help you better serve them with the right products, communication and education

  • To build more trust

  • So you can under-promise, over-deliver

  • All of the above


Question 61 of 120


What is the Buyer's Journey?

Select one of the following:

  • It's the process your buyer goes through when learning about your brand.

  • It's the active research process someone goes through leading up to the purchase.

  • It's the inbound methodology, but from the buyer's perspective.

  • It's the process that someone goes through after they've made a purchase.


Question 62 of 120


Buyer personas represent the ideal customers your organization is trying to attract, convert, close and delight. Personas are most effective in:

Select one of the following:

  • B2B and B2C organizations.

  • Nonprofit, educational, and B2C organizations.

  • B2B, business-to-government (B2G), and e-commerce organizations.

  • All organization types.


Question 63 of 120


When creating a buyer persona, you should ONLY interview your ideal customers.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 64 of 120


Which Buyer's Journey stage does someone fall into if they are experiencing and expressing a problem?

Select one of the following:

  • Awareness

  • Consideration

  • Decision


Question 65 of 120


At a high level, what three things should you keep in mind when creating buyer personas?

Select one of the following:

  • Research, make assumptions, and identify trends.

  • Identify trends, differences, and detractors.

  • Research, identify trends, and create persona stories

  • Make assumptions, identify trends, and ask sales for input.


Question 66 of 120


Each prospect who comes to your website for the first time is always in the Awareness stage of the Buyer's Journey.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 67 of 120


To ensure search engines understand the content on your page, you should:

Select one of the following:

  • Use natural language and variations of your primary keyword phrase throughout the page content.

  • Include your primary keyword throughout the page content as many times as possible.

  • Not use you primary keyword at all - there's no need, because search engines understand intent.

  • Repeat your primary keyword throughout the page content using the same wording and phrasing.


Question 68 of 120


Include your primary keyword in all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Navigation

  • Body

  • URL

  • Page Title

  • Headers


Question 69 of 120


What is SEO?

Select one of the following:

  • The Javascript on your pages that allows a search engine to understand it.

  • The number of website pages that are indexed by search engines.

  • The elements of your email that allow it to get processed by search engines.

  • The process of improving your website so that it attracts more visitors from search engines.


Question 70 of 120


When picking a keyword to focus on for a new piece of content, which metrics should you prioritize?

Select one of the following:

  • Low search volume and low competition.

  • High search volume and high competition.

  • High search volume and low competition.

  • Low search volume and high competition.


Question 71 of 120


Which is a main component for how search engines rank search results?

Select one of the following:

  • The number of keywords on the page.

  • The number of authoritative links to the site.

  • The number of visits to the page.

  • The number of social followers of the business.


Question 72 of 120


Fill in the blank: The outlined Content Process steps are plan, create, _________, analyze, repeat.

Select one of the following:

  • target

  • publish

  • research

  • distribute


Question 73 of 120


An adventure travel company wants to create a piece of content for their buyer persona. This persona is interested in building team trust, since they work in an industry with high employee turnover. Which would most likely be an effective Awareness Stage offer for getting this persona's attention?

Select one of the following:

  • A webinar that covers the adventure travel company's new travel package that helps with team bonding.

  • An ebook on how to build trust inside a team with trust building exercises.

  • A case study on how the company helped another business with their off-site team building experience.

  • A blog post on the top 10 spots for off-site adventure travel.


Question 74 of 120


Content is defined by 3 things. What are they?

Select one of the following:

  • Purpose, format, and topic

  • Who, how, and why

  • Audience, creator, and distributor


Question 75 of 120


If your content is focused on different solutions to your buyer persona's problem, where would that content fit into the Buyer's journey?

Select one of the following:

  • Awareness

  • Consideration

  • Decision


Question 76 of 120


You have spent a lot of time planning and creating a great content offer. You are now done with the content process and should move on to create your next piece of content.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 77 of 120


Which of the following is NOT a metric to consider when analyzing a content offer?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Open rate

  • Performance by format type

  • Number of leads generated

  • Number of social shares


Question 78 of 120


In order to not get cut off in a Google search result, what is the maximum number of characters that your title should be?

Select one or more of the following:

  • 90 characters

  • 120 characters

  • 60 characters

  • 30 characters


Question 79 of 120


Which of the following would be the most appropriate call-to-action to place at the bottom of an Awareness Stage blog post?

Select one or more of the following:

  • "Download the Team Building Checklist."

  • "Download Our Pricing Guide."

  • "Sign Up for a Consultation"

  • "Request a Free Quote"


Question 80 of 120


Blogging increases the volume of traffic to your website in all of the following ways, EXCEPT:

Select one or more of the following:

  • More unique pages are associated with your website

  • Outside websites will link to your posts

  • Your posts will get shared in social media

  • Your posts will generate more conversion assists


Question 81 of 120


All of the following elements will help readers easily digest the content of a blog post EXCEPT:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Calls-to-action

  • Whitespace

  • Images

  • Headers

  • Bolding


Question 82 of 120


You work for a travel agency and need to write your next blog post. What topic should you write about to attract families that have never heard of you and are looking to take a vacation?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The latest trip that your agency organized for a family

  • Why your agency provides the best experience for families

  • The best family-friendly vacation destinations

  • The affordable pricing of your family-friendly vacation packages


Question 83 of 120


Your boss wants you to blog primarily about your company, its services and various corporate events. What is your response?

Select one or more of the following:

  • That's a good idea - we want to attract the most qualified visitors with our posts, so we should help people understand our business. If we write about ourselves, they'll be more likely to purchase sooner.

  • That's not a good idea - we're trying to attract new visitors with our posts, people who haven't yet heard of our company. If we write about ourselves, they won't find us in their searches.


Question 84 of 120


A company published an ebook about the effects of off-site team building. What social media marketing actions should they take to help generate leads for the offer?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Create a Facebook group for customers and promote the ebook to the group members

  • Include a link to the ebook in their Twitter profile

  • Publish the ebook to LinkedIn

  • Create tweets that include a link to landing page for the ebook


Question 85 of 120


Fill in the blank: _______________ helps marketers establish a consistent tone on their social media networks.

Select one or more of the following:

  • A social media monitoring stream

  • A social media style guide

  • A social benchmark report

  • A social media publishing schedule


Question 86 of 120


An optimized profile for every social media network should contain all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Your organization's logo

  • Your organization's phone number

  • Your company description

  • A link to your organization's website


Question 87 of 120


You were just hired as the social media marketer and want to learn more about your Twitter audience. What can help you do this?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Analyze your follower count

  • Schedule out tweets consistently

  • Monitor Twitter conversations

  • Increase the volume of your tweets


Question 88 of 120


True or False: Social media can be used at every stage of the inbound methodology:

Select one or more of the following:

  • True - Social media can be used to attract visitors, converts leads, close customers, and delight promotors.

  • False - Social media can only be used to attract visitors and monitor leads.


Question 89 of 120


What elements should be tested on your CTA?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Color

  • Keywords

  • Placement on page

  • All of the above


Question 90 of 120


Fill in the blank: A call-to-action (CTA) is a button that promotes an offer and links to a(n)_______________.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Thank you page

  • Website page

  • Email

  • Landing page


Question 91 of 120


You would like to increase the number of clicks on your current CTA. What is the suggested approach to making changes to a CTA?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Test multiple things at once to maximize the value of your experiment

  • Don't change the CTA - change the page that it's on

  • Give it a totally new look

  • Change one element at a time.


Question 92 of 120


Landing pages should contain all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A headline

  • Website navigation

  • Social sharing icons

  • A video


Question 93 of 120


Fill in the blank: Landing pages are designed to ________________.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Deliver a content offer to a lead

  • Close leads into customers

  • Convert visitors into leads

  • Be the page that a lead "lands" on, after filling out a form


Question 94 of 120


A form on your landing page should only ask the questions that your sales team needs to have answered.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 95 of 120


True or False: A landing page navigation menu should be different from the rest of the site.

Select one of the following:

  • True. Your menu should be shorter to direct people to particular areas of your site.

  • False. Your menu should be the same as the rest of your site to be consistent.

  • True. Your menu should direct people to related content offers.

  • False. Your menu should not exist on a landing page.


Question 96 of 120


A landing page should connect to a thank you page

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 97 of 120


All of the following are reasons to place a call-to-action on a thank you page EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Keep leads converting on your website

  • Move leads further into the buyer's journey.

  • Encourage leads to stay on your site

  • Thank your leads for their interest in your offer


Question 98 of 120


A thank you page optimized for lead engagement contains:

Select one of the following:

  • Testimonials

  • A link to a specific blog post related to the topic

  • An image

  • A link to your About Us page


Question 99 of 120


A thank you page allows you to complete all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Delivering the offer to the lead

  • Emailing the offer to the lead

  • Promoting additional offers to the lead

  • Enabling social sharing


Question 100 of 120


What is lead nurturing?

Select one of the following:

  • The process of sending individual emails to get them to purchase your product or service.

  • The process of building relationships with prospects with the goal of earning their business when they're ready.

  • The process of placing the right call-to-action in the right email and sending it to the right person.

  • The process of calling qualified prospects and engaging them with a consultative sales process.


Question 101 of 120


What does the open rate of your email indicate?

Select one of the following:

  • That your email is getting to your contacts' inbox

  • That your subject line is effective

  • That your email has converted leads

  • That people are enticed to click on the offer in the email


Question 102 of 120


At the start of the year, your company has 5,000 leads. Over the course of the year, you generate another 1,000 leads. True or false: you now have 6,000 leads in your database that you can email.

Select one of the following:

  • False: The average email list decays about 25% a year.

  • True: Purchased lists will allow a business to continuously add leads to their funnel with no adverse effects.

  • False: You cannot use email marketing to close leads into customers.

  • True: An effective email marketing strategy is self-sustaining and will always help to generate new business.


Question 103 of 120


Fill in the blank: The subject line of your email should ______________.

Select one of the following:

  • never reveal the full value of the email.

  • not contain personalization.

  • be five words or less. Studies have shown subject lines over this number are not effective.

  • depend on the offer, industry, audience and device.


Question 104 of 120


Which of these is NOT a best practice when optimizing your emails for mobile

Select one of the following:

  • Use clear and concise messaging. People are more likely to scan emails, regardless of what device they are using.

  • Use a responsive template. That way your email will conform to the device your reader is using.

  • Make your content comprehensive. Since people carry their phones with them everywhere, a captive audience is more willing to read a longer email.

  • Bigger is better. When it comes to text, images, and calls-to-action, be aware that people will be reading your email on smaller screens.


Question 105 of 120


Fill in the blank: A _____________ is an email that has been returned to the sender because the email address is invalid.

Select one of the following:

  • Soft bounce

  • Hard bounce


Question 106 of 120


Why is the Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) stage important for both your sales and marketing teams?

Select one of the following:

  • It will help your sales and marketing teams remain on the same page in terms of the quality and volume of MQLs that marketing is handing over.

  • It will help your marketing team better nurture Opportunities priory to sending them over to the sales steam to be more thoroughly researched.

  • It has no relevance to smarketing and is simply used for executive teams to track sales activity.

  • There is no difference between and SQL and an MQL, thus this stage has no relevance to smarketing.


Question 107 of 120


According to the marketing and sales funnel, prospects are defined as:

Select one of the following:

  • Anyone that has downloaded a content offer

  • A lead that has expressed interest in purchasing your product/service

  • Anyone in the sales and marketing funnel who has request a demo or trial

  • Website visitors who have signed up for a blog or email newsletter


Question 108 of 120


What is the most important reason for why marketing and sales should share the same goal(s)?

Select one of the following:

  • Alignment around goals makes it less expensive to run an organization

  • Alignment around goals reduces the number of employees necessary to hit revenue goals

  • Alignment around goals puts an emphasis on collaboration and holds marketing and sales accountable to each other.

  • Alignment around goals makes it easier for the company to manage employees.


Question 109 of 120


True or False: Marketing is responsible for defining a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) and sales is responsible for defining a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL).

Select one of the following:

  • False: Both teams work together to come up with a common definition of the terms

  • True: Marketing and sales must use the same words, but it's OK for the definitions to be different.

  • False: As long as both teams understand what the other team is using as a definition, they can stay separate.

  • True: It's important for marketing and sales to have their own definition for the same words.


Question 110 of 120


Fill in the blank: Marketing and sales should be aligned around the same goal. Typically this is a shared _________ goal.

Select one of the following:

  • Return on Investment (ROI)

  • Visit

  • Revenue

  • Persona


Question 111 of 120


Your company has decided to use an inbound approach to sales. Which of the following does NOT align with your company's new inbound sales practices?

Select one of the following:

  • Building relationships with your prospects.

  • Leveraging the buyer's context on calls.

  • Utilizing content from each stage of the Buyer's Journey.

  • Using a scripted sales pitch on calls.


Question 112 of 120


You are a sales rep who has decided to try out an inbound approach to sales. One morning when you turn on your computer you see you already have a new inbound lead in your inbox. What is the FIRST thing you should do?

Select one of the following:

  • Research your lead

  • Do nothing until the lead fills out another form

  • Send them an email

  • Pick up the phone and call them


Question 113 of 120


What are four guidelines to keep in mind when connecting with your leads over the phone?

Select one of the following:

  • Build rapport, know your audience, speak the prospect's language, be helpful

  • Build rapport, sound happy, be helpful, schedule a follow up call

  • Be nice, know your audience, follow your planned agenda, be helpful

  • Sound interested, know your audience, follow your planned agenda, schedule a follow-up call


Question 114 of 120


Which of the following is the best example of why the sales process has changed?

Select one of the following:

  • Buy habits have changed.

  • Sales reps were bored.

  • Buyers have difficulty finding the right information online.

  • Sales reps want to remain in control.


Question 115 of 120


How can sales reps gain trusted advisor status in the eyes of the people they connect with?

Select one of the following:

  • Have a lot of LinkedIn connections

  • Build up their personal brand as a though leader in their industry

  • Be in their industry for ten or more years

  • Understand the prospects problem and identify quick wins for them


Question 116 of 120


Your boss is questioning why it's important to train every team member on the pillars of delight. Your answer is:

Select one of the following:

  • It's not important because we should be focused on generating more leads.

  • It's important because a customer's experience is only formed by the first interaction.

  • It's not important because only the customer support team should be delighting people.

  • It's important because a customer's experience and their longer-term success is formed by every interaction.


Question 117 of 120


What are the three pillars of delight?

Select one of the following:

  • Innovation, Communication, Education

  • Innovating, Connecting, Teaching

  • Invent, Communicate, Educate

  • Invent, Serve, Collaborate


Question 118 of 120


Who is responsible for delighting customers?

Select one of the following:

  • Only the executive leadership team

  • Everyone at your organization

  • Only customer-facing teams

  • Only those that hold public relations roles


Question 119 of 120


Which interactions will build or destroy trust?

Select one of the following:

  • Only pre-sale interactions

  • Only post-sale interactions

  • All of the interactions

  • None of the interactions


Question 120 of 120


When should you focus on delighting people?

Select one of the following:

  • After they have used your product or service

  • From the very first moment someone interacts with your business

  • From the moment they become a customer to delight them into promoters

  • At the beginning of the sales process.
