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NCLEX Nursing (N14 Health Promotion) Quiz on Chapter 5 Practice Test, created by N R on 27/07/2021.

Created by N R about 3 years ago

Chapter 5 Practice Test

Question 1 of 28


Which of the following statements is true with regard to health promotion?

Select one of the following:

  • Health-promotion efforts are not concerned with addressing environmental obstacles to health

  • Advocates of health promotion are not involved in political campaigns against harmful products

  • The business of eliminating health disparities is a unique function of Healthy People 2010 goals

  • Health promotion involves collaboration of many professional groups.


Question 2 of 28


Which of the following types of ethical theories tells us how people act toward each other and their environments and what they believe are good or moral actions?

Select one of the following:

  • Descriptive value theories

  • Normative theories

  • Consequentialism theory

  • Duty-based theories


Question 3 of 28


A nurse includes the statement, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” when teaching a group of adolescents about bullying. Which type of ethical theory is being used in this example?

Select one of the following:

  • Descriptive value theory

  • Normative theory

  • Consequentialism theory

  • Duty-based theory


Question 4 of 28


A nurse believes that it is his responsibility to ensure the safety of the public by administering flu shots to everyone in the community. Which ethical theory is being used by the nurse?

Select one of the following:

  • Descriptive value theory

  • Normative theory

  • Consequentialism theory

  • Duty-based theory


Question 5 of 28


Which ethical theory is rooted in character-based ethics?

Select one of the following:

  • Duty-based ethics

  • Utilitarian-based ethics

  • Virtue-based ethics

  • The ethics of care


Question 6 of 28


Which philosophic approach evaluates ethical perspectives in terms of their congruence and usefulness in human decision-making, across multiple environments?

Select one of the following:

  • Utilitarian ethics

  • Metaethics

  • Virtue ethics

  • Practical wisdom ethics


Question 7 of 28


What is a potential problem which can arise when applying utilitarian theories of ethics to a particular problem or ethical issue?

Select one of the following:

  • Utilitarian theories do not account for individual culpability

  • Utilitarian theories are based on direct cause and effect which may not apply

  • Utilitarian theories tend to compromise the individual in favor of the society

  • Utilitarian theories are rooted in an agriculturalist society vs society at large


Question 8 of 28


Which of the following represents a comprehensive view of all of the genes within a given individual?

Select one of the following:

  • Genetics

  • Genomics

  • Genotype

  • Phenotype


Question 9 of 28


A primary care nurse practitioner has advised a care recipient that she is positive for BrCA2, the gene associated with breast cancer in women. The care recipient has two small children. What would be the most appropriate next step for the nurse practitioner to take with respect to this care recipient?

Select one of the following:

  • Help the care recipient to understand that a prophylactic mastectomy would be in the best interest of her children

  • Explore the care recipient’s values, believes, and relationships

  • Offer no counsel since respecting care recipient autonomy will be adequate

  • Deferring the matter to the care recipient’s physician


Question 10 of 28


Which of the following theorists has been associated with the ethics of care?

Select one of the following:

  • Carole Gilligan

  • Immanuel Kant

  • Jeremy Bentham

  • John Stuart Mill


Question 11 of 28


Which of the following represents a limitation to the Ethic of Care model?

Select one of the following:

  • There are no criteria for right or wrong actions

  • The model fosters an ethnocentric view

  • The model, as practiced, is not holistic in focus

  • The model does not account for interrelationships nor the context of actions


Question 12 of 28


A nurse uses ethical reasoning to solve an ethical dilemma. Why would the nurse use this process?

Select one of the following:

  • Assists in predicting all of the possible consequences of future actions

  • Facilitates gathering of the most important information to solve the problem

  • Considers the importance of caring when solving the problem

  • Highlights salient aspects of future actions


Question 13 of 28


Which of the following statements is correct concerning a Code of Ethics for professionals?

Select one of the following:

  • The code is drawn in conjunction with input from the public

  • They are absolute rules which must be observed and may not be changed

  • They prescribe how members of a profession are expected to act

  • All of the above statements are correct


Question 14 of 28


Which of the following statements concerning care recipient advocacy is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Care recipient advocacy is not a justification for refusing to follow an order

  • A nurse’s responsibility is to the assigned care recipient(s) and not others affected

  • Nurses are responsible to speak up on behalf of compromised or vulnerable individuals

  • All of the above statements are correct


Question 15 of 28


Which of the following scenarios describes a nurse facing an ethical dilemma?

Select one of the following:

  • A nurse who must work Christmas over the strong objections of her family

  • A nurse who must choose between two undesirable options

  • A nurse assigned to take care of an abusive care recipient

  • A nurse who must choose between preferred employment or a better-paying job


Question 16 of 28


Under what circumstances would a nurse likely experience moral distress?

Select one of the following:

  • The nurse feels powerless to take the correct action

  • The nurse is uncertain regarding the appropriate course of action

  • The nurse is caring for a breast cancer care recipient shortly after her own mother died from cancer

  • The nurse has been served with a subpoena for a malpractice suit


Question 17 of 28


Which concept is aimed at interrupting potential ethical problems before they develop?

Select one of the following:

  • Feminist ethics

  • Preventive ethics

  • Metaethics

  • Normative ethics


Question 18 of 28


When providing preoperative teaching for a care recipient who will be undergoing total knee arthroplasty, the nurse asks the care recipient questions to assess his understanding of the surgery. Which type of ethics is the nurse implementing?

Select one of the following:

  • Duty-based ethics

  • Normative ethics

  • Metaethics

  • Preventive ethics


Question 19 of 28


There is sometimes a conflict between health promotion and autonomy within a society. Which of the following concepts may be jeopardized in the course of public safety?

Select one of the following:

  • Educational choices including freedom to attend charter schools

  • Family dynamics and especially spousal privilege in a court of law

  • Civil liberties within a society

  • Constraints on provider’s choice due to Affordable Care Act


Question 20 of 28


A 24-year-old man with severe cognitive impairment, and no relatives participating in his care, needs to make a decision about removal of a brain tumor that will render him totally dependent for completion of all activities of daily living. The nurse participates in ethical decision-making on his behalf, knowing that the care recipient is unable to benefit from which of the following ethical concepts?

Select one of the following:

  • Autonomy

  • Justice

  • Beneficence

  • Advocacy


Question 21 of 28


A care recipient is scheduled to have open-heart surgery. His physical condition is such that he is at high risk to experience complications during the procedure, but he has not been advised of this possibility. Which of the following ethical concepts has been ignored in rendering care for this care recipient?

Select one of the following:

  • Beneficence

  • Autonomy

  • Justice

  • Informed consent


Question 22 of 28


An 18-year-old woman in whom a sexually transmitted disease (STD) was recently diagnosed asks the nurse not to tell her mother that she has an STD. Her mother asks the nurse what is causing her daughter’s vaginal discharge. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Select one of the following:

  • Follow the principle of veracity and tell the mother the diagnosis

  • Respect the principle of confidentiality and support the care recipient’s request not to tell her mother the diagnosis

  • Tell the care recipient’s mother that she has a urinary tract infection, to protect the care recipient’s privacy and honor the mother’s request

  • Ignore the mother’s request for information


Question 23 of 28


A nurse is providing care to a 15-year old female who has recently been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Which of the following actions should the nurse take next?

Select one of the following:

  • Seek advice from an ethics expert

  • Facilitate interaction between the adolescent and her parents/guardians

  • Report the STI to the appropriate authorities

  • Contact the adolescent’s parents/guardians


Question 24 of 28


An elderly care recipient has recently been diagnosed with cancer. The care recipient’s family has asked the nurse to withhold this information from the care recipient because they feel that this information would cause the care recipient to give up on life and become very depressed. The nurse believes the care recipient should be told this information. Which ethical principle is being upheld by the nurse?

Select one of the following:

  • Justice

  • Beneficence

  • Veracity

  • Nonmaleficence


Question 25 of 28


Which of the following concepts of ethics is described as the “duty to maximize the benefits of actions while minimizing harm”?

Select one of the following:

  • Advocacy

  • Justice

  • Beneficence

  • Autonomy


Question 26 of 28


A nurse reflects on previous experiences with minority populations and considers how these interactions have influenced her present care to these populations. Which part of values clarification and reflection has the nurse used?

Select one of the following:

  • Formulate a possible course of action

  • Examine the influence of beliefs

  • Reflect on practice

  • Determine the prevalent values


Question 27 of 28


A nurse is working with a community to increase its awareness about the dangers of lead poisoning. Which of the following provides the best explanation as to why the nurse is performing this action? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is the right thing to do

  • It is a moral responsibility

  • It is an ethical responsibility

  • It is the role of the nurse


Question 28 of 28


A nurse is using feminist ethics when planning a program for women to promote screening and early detection of breast cancer. Which of the following considerations would be made by the nurse? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Importance of virtue in formulating ethical conduct

  • Concern for the rights and equality of all individuals

  • Importance of responsibility when caring for others

  • Understanding the dynamics and root cause of the imbalance of power
