Created by joecoggings
over 11 years ago
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones 2.
Personal computers- Desktop.
Personal computers- laptops.
Personal computers- Netbooks.
Personal computers- tablets.
Personal computers 2.
Cameras and camcorders
Cameras and camcorders 2.
Media players.
Media players 2.
Games consoles.
Games consoles 2.
Home entertainment systems.
Satellite navigation (sat navs).
Satellite navigation 2.
Impact on organisations.
Home networks.
Network security.
Combining technologies.
Bandwidth and latency
Wifi and mobile broadband.
Peer to peer networks.
The internet
Online shopping
Online booking for travel etc...
Online shopping 2.
Online auctions
Online education
Online news
Online banking
Online gaming
Why organisations are online?
Transactional data
Internet advertising
Internet advertisng 2
Internet advertising 3
Payment systems
Payment systems 2
Consumer protection
Applications software
Commercial response to SaaS.
Storage: local or online
Search engines
Online communities
Online workspaces and VLE
Social networks
User generated reference sites
Social bookmarking sites.
Creation of knowledge
Impact on working practices
A global scale
Security issues
Privacy issues
Monotoring people using ICT.
Health and safety
Impact of networks
Legislation regarding the use of ICT
Unequal access to ICT
Safe and responsibe access
Sustainability issues
How to increase sustainablity