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NCLEX Nursing (N14 Health Promotion) Quiz on Chapter 15 Practice Test, created by N R on 13/07/2021.

Created by N R about 3 years ago

Chapter 15 Practice Test

Question 1 of 25


The nurse is explaining the concept of growth to a parent. Which of the following statements should be made by the nurse?

Select one of the following:

  • “Growth means adding height and weight to your body.”

  • “We continue to grow in various ways throughout life.”

  • “How much we grow is based on gender.”

  • “Growth stops when we are young adults.”


Question 2 of 25


Which of the following statements is correct related to the concept of growth?

Select one of the following:

  • Growth occurs mainly during early childhood

  • Older adults do not experience growth-related changes

  • Growth refers only to the increase in the size of specific organs and systems

  • Growth occurs throughout the life cycle


Question 3 of 25


The nurse at a well-baby clinic is assessing a 12-month-old child. At birth, the child weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. During this visit, the child weighs 21 lb. 10 oz. Which of the following conclusions would the nurse make about the child’s weight?

Select one of the following:

  • The infant is gaining weight faster than anticipated.

  • The infant is malnourished.

  • The infant is at the expected weight for his or her age.

  • The infant is having a growth spurt.


Question 4 of 25


The school nurse has been asked to order growth charts. Which of the following growth charts should be selected to assessing children in first through fifth grades?

Select one of the following:

  • Generic body mass index chart

  • Height and weight chart

  • Revised CDC growth chart

  • WHO international growth chart


Question 5 of 25


A school nurse is obtaining the height and weight of a 9-year-old child. Which of the following is the best method to assess the child’s growth?

Select one of the following:

  • Use serial measurements over time.

  • Use this measurement

  • Use this measurement and compare it with the child’s peers

  • Use the WHO growth chart to assess this child’s measurements


Question 6 of 25


An infant’s central nervous system develops before his peripheral nervous system. This pattern is an example of which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • Cephalocaudal

  • Proximodistal

  • Differentiation

  • Specialization


Question 7 of 25


Which of the following would be an example of differentiation as a pattern of development?

Select one of the following:

  • An infant raises his head before controlling his arms.

  • An infant shows the Morro reflex when startled

  • An infant uses his whole hand to grasp and months later he has a pincer grasp

  • A child walks sooner than did any of his siblings


Question 8 of 25


A mother comes to the pediatric clinic and says to the nurse, “I am worried about my 11-month-old baby because he is not crawling yet and his brother crawled when he was 11 months old. Is something wrong?” Which of the following statements should the nurse make?

Select one of the following:

  • “It is highly unusual for siblings not to reach developmental milestones at the same time. I’ll ask the doctor to assess him.”

  • “All babies reach developmental milestones at different rates.”

  • “This may be something to worry about. I’ll have the doctor examine him.”

  • “Don’t worry; he’ll crawl soon enough.”


Question 9 of 25


Which of the following statements describes Erikson’s theory of development?

Select one of the following:

  • A healthy personality is defined by the lack of pathology.

  • Stages of development advance based on psychosocial factors

  • The main premise of the theory is that individuals are interdependent beings and rely on each other in order to develop successfully.

  • An individual must successfully accomplish the developmental stage before proceeding to the next stage.


Question 10 of 25


Increasing competence and adaptability, which reflects understanding of complexity, defines

Select one of the following:

  • learning

  • maturation

  • differentiation

  • stability


Question 11 of 25


According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which of the following statements is correct?

Select one of the following:

  • Cognitive function continues to become refined throughout life

  • A child’s greatest task is to make sense of the world around him or her

  • Culture plays a major role in cognitive development

  • Learning precedes development.


Question 12 of 25


Which of the following statements summarizes Vygotsky’s theory of development?

Select one of the following:

  • All children develop cognitively at the same rate

  • Social and cultural influences are not major factors in cognitive development

  • Learning is an individual activity

  • Experience creates learning


Question 13 of 25


Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is based on

Select one of the following:

  • Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development

  • Piaget’s theory of cognitive development

  • Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development

  • Gilligan’s theory of moral development


Question 14 of 25


According to Vygotsky’s theory, the distance between the actual and potential level of development is called ____.

Select one of the following:

  • Region of compromised development

  • Scaffolding

  • Zone of proximal development

  • Developmental delay


Question 15 of 25


For which theorist would the social, cultural, and political environment be an important component to learning and development?

Select one of the following:

  • Kolhlberg

  • Gilligan

  • Vygotsky

  • Piaget


Question 16 of 25


Which of the following statements about Gilligan’s theory of moral development is accurate?

Select one of the following:

  • This theory is based on a sense of absolute right and wrong

  • This theory is gender specific

  • This theory is dependent on one’s stage of cognitive development

  • This theory is based on the premise that women view situations in terms of rules


Question 17 of 25


A nurse is caring for a person with the nursing diagnosis of chronic sorrow related to missed opportunities. Which of the following nursing interventions would be appropriate for this person?

Select one of the following:

  • Sharing a personal story with the person to demonstrate empathy

  • Assuring the person that he or she will be able to cope with the illness

  • Encouraging the person to discuss his or her fears

  • Contacting a support group representative for the person


Question 18 of 25


A nurse is teaching parents of a toddler about nutrition. Which of the following statements should be made by the nurse?

Select one of the following:

  • “Raisins are a good finger food because they provide fiber.”

  • “Grapes are a good snack choice because they help toddlers meet their daily fruit requirements.”

  • “Hot dogs are not a safe food choice because they may cause choking.”

  • “A small piece of chewing gum will help strengthen jaw muscle; just be sure he or she does not swallow it.”


Question 19 of 25


A nurse who is conducting a parenting class is asked how to select a good day care center for an 18-month-old child. Which of the following responses should be made by the nurse?

Select one of the following:

  • “Day care centers that schedule age-appropriate educational videos increase verbal ability.”

  • “Human interaction increases a toddler’s verbal skills, so select a day care center that values adult-to-toddler interaction.”

  • “Learning to understand the meaning of words is increased when toddlers are exposed to educational DVDs, so select a day care center that has an extensive library of age-appropriate, educational DVDs.”

  • “There really is no difference in the quality of day care centers based on whether or not videos or DVDs are used for educational purposes.”


Question 20 of 25


A high school sophomore engages in risky behavior to fit in with his peers. According to Erikson’s theory of human development, which of the following developmental conflicts is this student facing?

Select one of the following:

  • Initiative versus guilt

  • Industry versus inferiority

  • Identity versus role confusion

  • Intimacy versus isolation


Question 21 of 25


A child is focused on peer approval and avoidance of “not fitting in.” According to Kohlberg, this child is experiencing which of the following stages of moral development?

Select one of the following:

  • Preconventional

  • Conventional

  • Postconventional

  • Preoperational


Question 22 of 25


The nurse is caring for a person who donated a kidney to a stranger in need. According to Gilligan’s stages of moral development, the person who donated the kidney is in which of the following stages?

Select one of the following:

  • Preconventional

  • Conventional

  • Postconventional

  • Midconventional


Question 23 of 25


A nurse is attending a continuing education program about growth and development. Why is it necessary that nurses are well educated about this content? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Have a better understanding of genetics and genomics

  • Can meet the requirements of Healthy People 2010

  • Can provide more effective health education

  • Can deliver anticipatory guidance to families


Question 24 of 25


A nurse is educating new parents about normal growth and development for their child. Which of the following items would the nurse include in this discussion? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Trends in childhood obesity

  • Availability of a well-balanced diet

  • Exposure to lead-based pain

  • Height/weight of relatives


Question 25 of 25


The school nurse is conducting an in-service program for teachers that discusses the development of elementary school children. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which of the following information would the nurse include? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Use abstract thought to discuss a story

  • Make moral decisions concerning right and wrong actions

  • Listen to a peer’s point of view about a playground situation

  • Be influenced by his or her friends
