What kind of a hazard does malt dust represent?
What kinds of gases may be used in a brewery?
-What measures can be taken to reduce pressure hazards in brewing thanks?
What information is on a MSDS information sheet?
Why is water such an effective solvent?
Why is calcium important in brewing water?
What is temporary hardness?
What is permanent hardness?
What are the most commonly used brewing salts?
Define residual alkalinity?
List factors that contribute to a successful brewery startup?
What kinds of analyses must be done when planning a new brewery?
What is demand analysis?
How do you decide what level of risk is acceptable in business planning?
Describe alpha-acid utilization during the beer production?
describe the hop cone.
Where are the hop resins located?
List 4 Countries importing/exporting hops.
List 2 American aroma hops.
List 2 American Bittering Hops.
List 2 German aroma hops.
List 2 German bittering hops.
Explain the term isomerization of alpha-acids.
What is the reason for sun-struck or skunky flavor?
What is the advantage of using pre-isomerized hop products?
Explain the difference between type 45 and type 90 pellets.
Which 3 solvents are used to create hop extract from raw hops?
What is a catalyst?
What Large biochemical family do enzymes belong to?
What is the common ending for all enzyme names?
What does malt modification mean?
what practical way can a brewer determine the optimum enzymatic activity of his mash with respect to various temperatures?
What 2 main brewing enzymes are know as starch degrading enzymes?
Name 2 enzymes that attack cell walls surrounding starch granules in malting barely.
Proteins breakdown into what?
Where is alpha amylase formed?
what do endo and exo stand for?
List 4 reasons why barley malt is suitable for brewing.
List the characteristics of 2-row malting barley that make it suitable for brewing.
List 3 Analytical targets for the AMBA.
Why is barley husk important to brewers?
What is the function of the aleurone layer?
the endosperm is a living tissue. true or false
What does the acrospires become as the barley grows?
Why is thin barley unsuitable for brewers?
What causes pre-germination?
What are the effects of plant diseases?
What is the purpose of micro malting?
How is Germination potential measured?
What are the 4 "traditional" basic tastes?
List 4 reasons for using sensory evaluation as a quality control tool.
List some reasons why sensory analysts vary from one test to the next.
Describe the correct procedure for tasting a beer sample
List 5 objectives of steeping
What are the 2 main control parameters during steeping?
List 5 objectives of germination.
what are the main control parameters during germination?
what 3 enzymes break down starch during germination?
list 4 objectives of kilning.
What analytical changes take place in malt during kilning?
What effects do higher temps have on DMS formation?
What is the most energy intensive part of the malting process?
Why do we age malt?
What drives high extract potential and alcohol yield?
What determines DMS potential?
What is FAN and what impact does it have on the brewing process?
Why is it difficult to achieve high DP and low malt protein?
why is it difficult to achieve high color and high DP?
When should specs be reevaluated?
list 4 reasons for using specialty malts.
List the 3 basic classes of specialty malts.
List 4 reasons why barley malt is suitable for brewing.
List the characteristics of 2-row malting barley that makes it suitable for brewing.
List 3 Analytical targets for the AMBA
why is barley husk important to brewers?
What is the function of the aleurone layer?
The endosperm is living tissue. True or False?
What does the acrospires become as the barley grows?
How is germination potential measured?
why is thin barley unsuitable for brewers?
what causes pre-germination?
What are the effects of plant diseases?
what is the purpose of micro malting?
list some reasons why sensory analysts vary from one test to the next.
what are the 4 "traditional" basic tastes?
List 4 reasons for using sensory evaluation as a quality control tool.
Describe the correct procedure for tasting a beer sample.
List 5 objectives of steeping.
what are the 2 main control parameters during steeping?
List 5 objectives of germination.
what are the 3 main control parameters during germination.
What 3 enzymes break down starch during germination?
List 4 objectives of kilning.
What analytical changes take place in malt during kilning?
What effects do higher temps have on DMS formation?
What is the most energy intensive part of the malting process?
why do we age malt?
What drives high extract potential and alcohol yields?
what is FAN and what impact does it have on the brewing process?
which analysis is best at predicting brew house yields?
What determines DMS potential
When should specs be reevaluated?
List 4 reasons for using specialty malts.
list the 3 basic classes of specialty malts
Do kilned malts still have enzymatic activity?
List the 4 steps in the production of dry-roasted malts.
What kinds of beers is roasted barley usually used in?
What is the purpose of malt milling?
why does the brewer want to keep the husk intact?
List 3 types of mills.
What are the principle fractions of grist?
How do grist fractions differ when milling for a mash filter versus a lauter tun?
what is malt conditioning?
Define the term 'beer style'.
List some factors that affected the creation of most 'classic' beer styles.
what is the most common beer style in the world?
Have 'traditional styles' changed over time? Give some reasons for your answer.
Define the term extract.
List some components of wort extract.
list components of modern mash tun.
Describe the influence of grain to water ratio on the mashing process.
how would you define a thin mash?
List the enzymes involved in the cell wall breakdown during mashing.
List the pH and temperature optima of protein degrading enzymes.
Which enzymes will degrade starch in the brewing process
how can you check saccharification in the brew house?
List 5 Advantages of mash acidification.
List 5 Disadvantages of mash oxygenation.
define brewing adjuncts.
list 3 major types of adjuncts and where they are used in the brewing process.
List 3 quality tests for dry adjuncts.
List 2 advantages of adjunct use.
List 2 disadvantages of adjunct use.
why does a brewer need a cereal cooker for unmalted cereals?
What enzyme sources may be used in a cereal cooker?
List typical steps in a (mashing) schedule for a cereal cooker.
Define lautering
List 3 factors that may affect lauter tun performance.
What is the purpose of Vorlaufing?
Why is the temp of the sparge water critical?
what are the negative effects of cloudy wort runoffs.
what are the objectives of mash filtration systems?
3 advantages and disadvantages of the mash filter.
List the operational steps of a mash filter.
List the main components of wort.
List 4 changes in wort that occur during boiling.
what is break formation?
What are some disadvantages of direct kettle heating?
What parameters of wort should be checked during or after the boil?
FORMULA: C=[(A-B)/Ax100
Define trub or break
why do brewers want to remove trub?
what are some differences between hot and cold break?
what methods can be use to remove hot break
what are some causes of poorly sedimenting trub?
List 3 cold break removal methods
what are the purposes of wort cooling?
what are the 2 most common coolants used in wort cooling
list 3 advantages of a plate cooler
what minimum cleaning velocity should be used on the wort side of the color
why do brewers oxygenate wort?
If wort temperature is raised how does this effect oxygen solubility?
Is bubble size important for oxygen solubility in wort?
Air flow rate=(brew size x D.O. desired x .35) / time to cool
List 5 reasons for taste testing.
before holding taste panels what decisions must be made?
Name 3 general types of sensory panels.
How is a duo-trio taste panel set up and what is a taster suppose to do?
What training measures should be undertaken with in-house panelists
what must be included in a beer recipe
List 3 types of recipe formulations that a brew must do.
how will brewing equipment have an effect on recipe formulation?
Where would a brewer look for information on the performance of a yeast strain.
What are the names of the strains of ale and lager yeast?
list the principal functions of yeast in the production of beer.
How do brewers yeasts reproduce?
What are the yeast nutrients in wort?
Define yeast growth.
List the 3 phases of yeast growth.
What is flocculation?
What two substances have an effect on wither yeast goes to respiration or fermentative mode.
what are the 2 Primary fermentation metabolites?
Define the term beer spoilage.
What characteristics make beer resistant to spoilage bacteria?
Name 3 gram positive spoilage bacteria.
Define wild yeast in a brewery.
List 4 general detection methods for beer spoilage organisms.
Define 'Quality'
What is the difference between Quality control and Quality assurance?
What exactly is meant by the term pure culture?
Name and describe a method for a)isolating a pure brewing yeast culture and b)preserving it.
List 3 aspects to be considered when propagating brewing yeast in the plant.
List 3 reasons why brewers propagate yeast.
Name 3 stresses which can affect brewing yeast?
List 2 yeast viability tests and 2 yeast vitality tests
Explain why yeast glycogen levels need to be maintained high during storage.
What are the main aims of yeast pitching?
Describe a method for acid-washing of yeast
Name 3 disadvantages of acid washing.
what must be done before the beginning to sterilize equipment?
Fats and protein are attacked best by alkalis T or F.
What 5 factors impact on the efficiencies of detergent performance?
Name the key attributes we want in an ideal sanitizer.
Heat is effective in sanitizing and sterilizing. what is a strong negative aspect of using heat?
oxidizing sanitizers are grouped in four ways. what are they?
what are the main way a surface active sanitizer works?
What is a Q.A.C.?
Why must we be concerned about the environment when cleaning and sanitizing?
List 5 characteristics of ale yeast.
list 5 fermentation control points
Why are cylindro-conical fermenters now the brewery standard
Name 2 advantages of continuous fermentation.
List 4 possible disadvantages of high gravity brewing.
What is clean in place?
List the advantages and disadvantages in vessel cleaning.
List 3 tank cleaning problems.
What are 3 requirements in pipeline cleaning?
List the steps in normal CIP cycle.
What are the major components in blended caustic?
What care should be taken storing iodine-based sanitizers?
Name 5 Fermentation flavor compounds.
How many flavor compounds have been identified in beer?
What is the flavor of iso-amyl-acetate?
List 4 Factors effecting ester production.
If beer has high diacetyle after fermentation what can be doen to reduce it?