Pascal Bartl
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

TYPO3 CD 2020 (zweite Auflage) Quiz on 6.2 Built-in ViewHelpers, created by Pascal Bartl on 09/04/2021.

Pascal Bartl
Created by Pascal Bartl over 3 years ago

6.2 Built-in ViewHelpers

Question 1 of 11


Which built-in ViewHelpers exist in the Fluid extension shipped with the TYPO3 core? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The AntiCrossSiteScripting-ViewHelper (to protect the content against cross-site scripting

  • The Translate-ViewHelper (to retrieve a label from a language file)

  • The Average-ViewHelper (to calculate the average across values of an array)

  • The DebugViewHelper (to generate a HTML dump of the passed variable)

  • The Style-ViewHelper (to apply CSS styles to a string)

  • The ObfuscateEmail-ViewHelper (to obfuscate an email address)


Question 2 of 11


What is the output of the following Fluid template? (1)

<f:for each="{0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C', 3: 'D'}" as="v" iteration="i">
<f:if condition="{i.isEven}">

Select one or more of the following:

  • A 2 B C 4 D

  • A 1 B C 3 D

  • 1 A B 3 C D

  • 2 A B 4 C D

  • A C


Question 3 of 11


What is the output of the following Fluid template? (1)
<f:for each="{0:1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:5}" as="foo">
<f:cycle values="{0: 'foo', 1: 'bar', 2: 'baz'}" as="cycle">

Select one or more of the following:

  • foobarbaz

  • foofoobarbarbaz

  • 0barbaz34

  • foobarbazfoobar

  • 01234


Question 4 of 11


What is the output of the following Fluid template? (1)
<f:groupedFor each="{0: {name: 'A', tag: 'g'}, 1: {name: 'B', tag: 'r'}, 2: {name: '\
C', tag: 'y'}, 3: {name: 'D', tag: 'r'}}" as="foo" groupBy="tag" groupKey="tag">
(<f:for each="{foo}" as="bar" key="label">{}</f:for>)

Select one or more of the following:

  • A (g) BD (r) C (y)

  • g (A) r (BD) y (C)

  • A () BD () C ()

  • (Ag) (BDr) (Cy)

  • (gA) (rBD) (yC)


Question 5 of 11


How can comments be implemented in Fluid so that the content does not appear in the HTML source code? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • <comment>content</comment>

  • {comment}content{/comment}

  • {content -> f:comment()}

  • <!-- content -->

  • <f:comment>content</f:comment>


Question 6 of 11


How can an image be scaled down to a width of 100px by the TYPO3 core? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • <img src="image.jpg" width="100">

  • <img src="image.jpg" width="100px">

  • <f:img src="image.jpg" width="100" />

  • <f:image src="image.jpg" width="100" />

  • <f:size src="image.jpg" width="100" />


Question 7 of 11


How can a string comparison be implemented with an If-ViewHelper? (2)
// assignment in the controller
$this->view->assign('string', 'Hello');

Select one or more of the following:

  • This is not possible.

  • <f:if condition="{string}=='Hello'">

  • <f:if condition="{string}='Hello'">

  • <f:if condition="{string}==Hello">

  • <f:if condition="{42:string}=={42:'Hello'}">


Question 8 of 11


You want to add the HTML attribute data-user="fred" to the FormTextfield-ViewHelper. How can this be achieved? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • By adding the attribute additionalAttributes="{data-user: 'fred'}"

  • By adding the attribute addAttributes="{data-user: fred}"

  • By adding the attribute data="{user: 'fred'}"

  • By adding the attribute data-user="fred"


Question 9 of 11


What is the HTML output of the following FormTextfield-ViewHelper? (1)

<f:form.textfield property="title" />

• The attribute “object” of the parent Form-ViewHelper reads {blog}.
• The extension key reads my_extension.
• The plugin name reads Bloglisting.

Select one or more of the following:

  • <input type="text" name="tx_MyExtension_Bloglisting[blog][title]" value="">

  • <input type="text" name="tx_myextension_bloglisting[blog][title]" value="">

  • <input type="text" name="blog[title]" value="">

  • <input type="text" name="title" value="">

  • <input type="text" name="[blog][title]" value="">


Question 10 of 11


Which arguments are supported by the <f:flashMessage> ViewHelper? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • id, flash

  • id, name, title, each

  • id, class, title, queueIdentifier, as

  • renderMode, title, name

  • None of the arguments above


Question 11 of 11


What is required to make sure that all GET parameters passed in the request are added to the link generated by
the Link-ViewHelper? (2)

Select one or more of the following:

  • This is the default behaviour - nothing special needs to be done

  • The attribute addQueryStringMethod must be set

  • The attribute addQueryString must be set

  • The attribute addQuery must be set

  • The attribute additionalParams must be set
