What are the indications for synovial fluid analysis?
What is normal synovial fluid like?
What does inflammation in a joint do to synovial fluid?
What might blood stained synovial fluid indicate if it is a) uniform (haemarthrosis) or b) non-uniform?
What does synovial fluid analysis involve?
What is pyarthrosis and what can it occur in?
What is this?
What is this?
What happens to the FBC/ESR and CRP/ferritin/LFTs in the acute phase response?
What induces these changes?
What is a rouleaux?
A) What determines an ESR?
B) What will cause an increased ESR?
What might cause ESR and CRP to be asymmetrical?
Which conditions cause
A) Neutrophilia
B) Eosinophilia
C) Lymphocytopaenia
D) Thrombocytopaenia?
What is rheumatoid factor?
What condition is rheumatoid factor positive in?
What percentage of RA patients are RF positive a) at diagnosis b) after 1 year?
What is the sensitivity and specificity of RF for RA?
What is anti-CCP and what is it positive in?
What is a) the sensitivity b) the specificity of anti-CCP for RA?
C) What is it like as a prognostic indicator?
What is antinuclear factor?
What conditions is it positive in?
What is its sensitivity and specificity like?
What conditions will show these distributions?
A) Diffuse and homogeneous
B) Speckled
C) Nucleolar
D) Anticentromere
What are these antibodies against cellular compartments likely to be positive in?
A) dsDNA
B) histones
C) Ro (SS-A)
D) La (SS-B)
G) Jo-1
What causes neonatal lupus and how does it present?
What is synovial biopsy reserved for?
What might cause a chronic monoarthritis?
What is serum uric acid measurement used for?
What is the target serum uric acid in gout treatment?
What are some possible causes of an elevated CPK (creatinine phosphokinase)?